31 research outputs found
The impact of transport on the competitiveness of national economy
Transport has always been and remained one of the main driving forces in the economical development of any country including Lithuania. The paper assesses a positive impact of transport on Lithuanian economy in the light of the analysis of the main indicators measuring the success of the transport sector: the share of transport and warehousing sectors to national GDP (%) and the share of the export of transport services in GDP (%). It is also widely acknowledged that transport is going to play a crucial role in economic development in the future, especially in transit-related transport like the Baltic States. On the other hand, the growth of transport, particularly in road transport, has had a significant impact on congestion, safety and pollution. Therefore, the task of transport decision makers is to find the key for sustainable transport development and reduction of a negative transport impact to sustain the transport sector as the engine of economy. The paper analyses both the positive and negative impacts of transport on economy and evaluates the possible ways developing the sustainable transport system
High rise buildings is the phenomenon of XXI century, the expression of city’s economic and political power. This is the reflection of contemporary, modern and attractive city. Very often high rise buildings, who are characterized by a unique morphology, the parameters of high, density and intensity, are built near the historic center areas and cause irreversible visual impact on the historic sites, fundamentally altering the silhouette of the city. As a result, new problems and challenges appear. In this article the evolution of high rise buildings according to London, Jerusalem, Ottawa, Vilnius cities examples is analysed, the latest methodological principles which are applicable to control the development of high-rise buildings in the central parts of the city, while providing preservation and representation of cultural heritage are discussed. The latest computer technologies which are applied in urban regulations are presented. In case of Lithuania, high-rise building spatial development, general, spatial planning documents, urban design concepts, and monitoring of virtual city panoramas are reviewed. Comparative analysis in order to find out the essential methodological differences between cities regulation systems is done.
Aukštybiniai pastatai – XXI a. fenomenas, miestų ekonominės, politinės galios išraiška. Tai šiuolaikinio, modernaus ir patrauklaus miesto atspindys. Labai dažnai aukštybinis užstatymas, pasižymintis savita morfologija, aukščio ir tūrio parametrais, dideliu užstatymo tankiu ir intensyvumu, atsiranda istorinių centrų prieigose, sukeldamas negrįžtamą vizualinį poveikį istoriniam paveldui, iš esmės pakeisdamas miesto siluetą. Dėl to atsiranda naujų problemų ir uždavinių. Straipsnyje nagrinėjama aukštybinių pastatų reglamentavimo evoliucija pagal Londono, Jeruzalės, Otavos ir Vilniaus miestų pavyzdį. Norint suvaldyti aukštybinių pastatų plėtrą šių miestų centrinėse dalyse, taikomi naujausi metodologiniai principai, numatant išsaugoti ir reprezentuoti ir kultūros paveldo objektus. Aptariamos naujausių kompiuterinių technologijų taikymo galimybės reglamentuojant miestus. Lietuvos atveju apžvelgiama Vilniaus miesto aukštybinių pastatų statybos raida, bendrojo, specialiojo planavimo dokumentai, parengtos koncepcijos, virtualių miesto panoramų monitoringas. Atliekama lyginamoji analizė, norint išsiaiškinti esminius metodologijų ir reglamentavimo skirtumus miestuose.
Reikšminiai žodžiai: aukštybinis užstatymas, užstatymo morfotipas, istorinis paveldas, miesto panoramos, vizualinė apsauga, metodologija, erdvinis miesto valdymas, reglamentas
Interior narrativity is a little explored topic. Narrative in interior architecture is a certain form of conceptualism. One of the forms of narrative content manifests itself with the idea as a reflection of a broader sociopolitical and sociocultural field, which reveals itself through the narrative-specific structure. This particular tendency of narrativity is noticeable in Lithuanian eatery interiors of 1959–1990. In discussing one of the most complex and multi-layered historical periods in Lithuania, the aspect of narrativity gives an opportunity to deepen the knowledge about this phenomenon and to review the influence of the sociopolitical field of the period on the architectural expression of interiors. The aim of this article is to reveal how the narrative is developed and conveyed and in what ways narrativity is typical to Lithuanian eatery interiors of 1959–1990. Therefore, the concept of narrativity is defined, the peculiarities of the interiors of the period and the factors determining their narrativity are highlighted, the main types of expression of narrativity in Lithuanian eatery interiors of 1959–1990 are formed and their variation is discussed.
Interjerų naratyvumas yra mažai ištirta tema. Naratyvas interjerų architektūroje yra tam tikra konceptualumo forma. Viena iš naratyvaus turinio formų pasireiškia tuo, kad idėja yra platesnio – sociopolitinio ir sociokultūrinio – lauko atspindys, kurį atskleidžia naratyvui būdinga struktūra. Būtent ši naratyvumo tendencija pastebima sovietiniuose visuomeninio maitinimo įstaigų interjeruose. Aptariant vieną iš sudėtingiausių ir daugiasluoksnių istorinių laikotarpių Lietuvoje, naratyvumo aspektas suteikia galimybę pagilinti žinias apie šį reiškinį ir apžvelgti laikotarpio sociopolitinio lauko įtakas interjerų architektūrinei raiškai. Straipsnyje siekiama atskleisti, kokiu būdu kuriamas ir perteikiamas naratyvas, kiek naratyvumas būdingas sovietiniams visuomeninio maitinimo įstaigų interjerams. Todėl apibrėžiama naratyvumo samprata, išryškinami nagrinėjamo laikotarpio interjerų savitumai ir naratyvumą lemiantys veiksniai, suformuojami pagrindiniai sovietinių visuomeninio maitinimo įstaigų naratyvumo raiškos tipai ir aptariama jų kaita.
Reikšminiai žodžiai: naratyvas, naratyvumas, pasakojimas, sovietiniai interjerai, kavinės, restoranai, interjero dizainas
Some Aspects of Wood Use in the Architecture of Lithuania in the Soviet Period
<p>The paper analyses wood use in a certain period of time. It is maintained that wood was used only for the smallest dwelling houses in the first decades of the soviet period. It is noted that, though until the end of the 7<sup>th</sup> decade there were many attempts to find coherence with traditional folk architecture, wood as a building material was practically replaced by other materials. However, at the end of the 7<sup>th</sup> decade worldwide ideas of regionalism „genius loci“ and modernism again encouraged the architects of Lithuania to use wood. Since that time the typology of wooden or partly wooden buildings and their geography expanded. <br />Although the soviet wooden architecture is spare, it is exclusive, interesting and important in the history of the Lithuanian architecture and demands more attention of researchers.</p><p>Article in Lithuanian</p
Studentų boksininkų ir graikų-romėnų imtyninkų sportinės veiklos motyvai
The aim of the research was study and compare the motives for sports activities of students, boxers and Greco-Roman wrestlers. The subjects were to fill in the standardized F.Herzberg questionnaire consisting of 56 questions. It has been found out that the motive of work content are found to be among the most important ones for all representatives of the studied. Financial motive is the most important motive of sports activities among boxers of high and low mastership. The motive of career being the least important one for all studies (p < 0.05)Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij