38 research outputs found

    Large deviations for the largest eigenvalue of an Hermitian Brownian motion

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    We establish a large deviation principle for the process of the largest eigenvalue of an Hermitian Brownian motion. By a contraction principle, we recover the LDP for the largest eigenvalue of a rank one deformation of the GUE

    Concentration for Coulomb gases and Coulomb transport inequalities

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    We study the non-asymptotic behavior of Coulomb gases in dimension two and more. Such gases are modeled by an exchangeable Boltzmann-Gibbs measure with a singular two-body interaction. We obtain concentration of measure inequalities for the empirical distribution of such gases around their equilibrium measure, with respect to bounded Lipschitz and Wasserstein distances. This implies macroscopic as well as mesoscopic convergence in such distances. In particular, we improve the concentration inequalities known for the empirical spectral distribution of Ginibre random matrices. Our approach is remarkably simple and bypasses the use of renormalized energy. It crucially relies on new inequalities between probability metrics, including Coulomb transport inequalities which can be of independent interest. Our work is inspired by the one of Ma{\"i}da and Maurel-Segala, itself inspired by large deviations techniques. Our approach allows to recover, extend, and simplify previous results by Rougerie and Serfaty.Comment: Improvement on an assumption, and minor modification

    Fluctuations of the extreme eigenvalues of finite rank deformations of random matrices

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    Consider a deterministic self-adjoint matrix X_n with spectral measure converging to a compactly supported probability measure, the largest and smallest eigenvalues converging to the edges of the limiting measure. We perturb this matrix by adding a random finite rank matrix with delocalized eigenvectors and study the extreme eigenvalues of the deformed model. We give necessary conditions on the deterministic matrix X_n so that the eigenvalues converging out of the bulk exhibit Gaussian fluctuations, whereas the eigenvalues sticking to the edges are very close to the eigenvalues of the non-perturbed model and fluctuate in the same scale. We generalize these results to the case when X_n is random and get similar behavior when we deform some classical models such as Wigner or Wishart matrices with rather general entries or the so-called matrix models.Comment: 42 pages, Electron. J. Prob., Vol. 16 (2011), Paper no. 60, pages 1621-166

    Large deviations of the extreme eigenvalues of random deformations of matrices

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    Consider a real diagonal deterministic matrix XnX_n of size nn with spectral measure converging to a compactly supported probability measure. We perturb this matrix by adding a random finite rank matrix, with delocalized eigenvectors. We show that the joint law of the extreme eigenvalues of the perturbed model satisfies a large deviation principle in the scale nn, with a good rate function given by a variational formula. We tackle both cases when the extreme eigenvalues of XnX_n converge to the edges of the support of the limiting measure and when we allow some eigenvalues of XnX_n, that we call outliers, to converge out of the bulk. We can also generalise our results to the case when XnX_n is random, with law proportional to enTraceV(X)X,e^{- n Trace V(X)} X, for VV growing fast enough at infinity and any perturbation of finite rank.Comment: 44 page

    Un produit de permutations invariantes par conjugaison a les mêmes petits cycles qu'une permutation uniforme

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    We use moment method to understand the cycle structure of the composition of independent invariant permutations. We prove that under a good control on fixed points and cycles of length 2, the limiting joint distribution of the number of small cycles is the same as in the uniform case i.e. for any positive integer k, the number of cycles of length k converges to the Poisson distribution with parameter 1/k and is asymptotically independent of the number of cycles of length k' different from k.En utilisant la méthode des moments, nous étudions la structure en cycles de la composition de permutations invariantes par conjugaison indépendantes. Nous montrons que, sous réserve d'un bon contrôle du nombre de points fixes et de cycles de longueur 2, la loi jointe limite du nombre de petits cycles est la même que pour une permutation uniforme : pour tout entier k fixé, le nombre de cycles de longueur k converge en loi vers une variable de Poisson de paramètre 1/k et est asymptotiquement indépendant du nombre de cycles de longueur k' pour k' différent de k

    DLR equations and rigidity for the Sine-beta process

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    We investigate Sineβ_\beta, the universal point process arising as the thermodynamic limit of the microscopic scale behavior in the bulk of one-dimensional log-gases, or β\beta-ensembles, at inverse temperature β>0\beta>0. We adopt a statistical physics perspective, and give a description of Sineβ_\beta using the Dobrushin-Lanford-Ruelle (DLR) formalism by proving that it satisfies the DLR equations: the restriction of Sineβ_\beta to a compact set, conditionally to the exterior configuration, reads as a Gibbs measure given by a finite log-gas in a potential generated by the exterior configuration. Moreover, we show that Sineβ_\beta is number-rigid and tolerant in the sense of Ghosh-Peres, i.e. the number, but not the position, of particles lying inside a compact set is a deterministic function of the exterior configuration. Our proof of the rigidity differs from the usual strategy and is robust enough to include more general long range interactions in arbitrary dimension.Comment: 46 pages. To appear in Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematic

    Performance of Statistical Tests for Single Source Detection using Random Matrix Theory

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    This paper introduces a unified framework for the detection of a source with a sensor array in the context where the noise variance and the channel between the source and the sensors are unknown at the receiver. The Generalized Maximum Likelihood Test is studied and yields the analysis of the ratio between the maximum eigenvalue of the sampled covariance matrix and its normalized trace. Using recent results of random matrix theory, a practical way to evaluate the threshold and the pp-value of the test is provided in the asymptotic regime where the number KK of sensors and the number NN of observations per sensor are large but have the same order of magnitude. The theoretical performance of the test is then analyzed in terms of Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve. It is in particular proved that both Type I and Type II error probabilities converge to zero exponentially as the dimensions increase at the same rate, and closed-form expressions are provided for the error exponents. These theoretical results rely on a precise description of the large deviations of the largest eigenvalue of spiked random matrix models, and establish that the presented test asymptotically outperforms the popular test based on the condition number of the sampled covariance matrix.Comment: 45 p. improved presentation; more proofs provide

    Equilibria of large random Lotka-Volterra systems with vanishing species: a mathematical approach

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    Ecosystems that consist in a large number of species are often modelled as Lotka-Volterra dynamical systems built around a large random interaction matrix. Under some known conditions, global equilibria exist for such dynamical systems. This paper is devoted towards studying rigorously the asymptotic behavior of the distribution of the elements of a global equilibrium vector in the regime of large dimensions. Such a vector is known to be the solution of a so-called Linear Complementarity Problem. It is shown here that the large dimensional distribution of such a solution can be estimated with the help of an Approximate Message Passing (AMP) approach, a technique that has recently aroused an intense research effort in the fields of statistical physics, Machine Learning, or communication theory. Interaction matrices taken from the Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble, or following a Wishart distribution are considered. Beyond these models, the AMP approach developed in this paper has the potential to address more involved interaction matrix models for solving the problem of the asymptotic distribution of the equilibria

    Statistical deconvolution of the free Fokker-Planck equation at fixed time

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    We are interested in reconstructing the initial condition of a non-linear partial differential equation (PDE), namely the Fokker-Planck equation, from the observation of a Dyson Brownian motion at a given time t>0t>0. The Fokker-Planck equation describes the evolution of electrostatic repulsive particle systems, and can be seen as the large particle limit of correctly renormalized Dyson Brownian motions. The solution of the Fokker-Planck equation can be written as the free convolution of the initial condition and the semi-circular distribution. We propose a nonparametric estimator for the initial condition obtained by performing the free deconvolution via the subordination functions method. This statistical estimator is original as it involves the resolution of a fixed point equation, and a classical deconvolution by a Cauchy distribution. This is due to the fact that, in free probability, the analogue of the Fourier transform is the R-transform, related to the Cauchy transform. In past literature, there has been a focus on the estimation of the initial conditions of linear PDEs such as the heat equation, but to the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that the problem is tackled for a non-linear PDE. The convergence of the estimator is proved and the integrated mean square error is computed, providing rates of convergence similar to the ones known for non-parametric deconvolution methods. Finally, a simulation study illustrates the good performances of our estimator