1,540 research outputs found

    The associations of adipokines with selected markers of the renin-angiotensinogen-aldosterone system: the multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis.

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    Among obese individuals, increased sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activity results in increased renin and aldosterone production, as well as renal tubular sodium reabsorption. This study determined the associations between adipokines and selected measures of the renin-angiotensinogen-aldosterone system (RAAS). The sample consisted of 1970 men and women from the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis who were free of clinical cardiovascular disease at baseline and had blood assayed for adiponectin, leptin, plasma renin activity (PRA) and aldosterone. The mean age was 64.7 years and 50% were female. The mean (s.d.) PRA and aldosterone were 1.45 (0.56) ng ml(-1) and 150.1 (130.5) pg ml(-1), respectively. After multivariable adjustment, a 1-s.d. increment of leptin was associated with a 0.55 ng ml(-1) higher PRA and 8.4 pg ml(-1) higher aldosterone (P<0.01 for both). Although adiponectin was not significantly associated with PRA levels, the same increment in this adipokine was associated with lower aldosterone levels (-5.5 pg ml(-1), P=0.01). Notably, the associations between aldosterone and both leptin and adiponectin were not materially changed with additional adjustment for PRA. Exclusion of those taking antihypertensive medications modestly attenuated the associations. The associations between leptin and both PRA and aldosterone were not different by gender but were significantly stronger among non-Hispanic Whites and Chinese Americans than African and Hispanic Americans (P<0.01). The findings suggest that both adiponectin and leptin may be relevant to blood pressure regulation via the RAAS, in that the associations appear to be robust to antihypertension medication use and that the associations are likely different by ethnicity

    The MASSIVE Survey - III. Molecular gas and a broken Tully-Fisher relation in the most massive early-type galaxies

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    In this work we present CO(1-0) and CO(2-1) observations of a pilot sample of 15 early-type galaxies (ETGs) drawn from the MASSIVE galaxy survey, a volume-limited integral-field spectroscopic study of the most massive ETGs (M∗>1011.5M⊙M_* >10^{11.5}M_\odot) within 108 Mpc. These objects were selected because they showed signs of an interstellar medium and/or star formation. A large amount of gas (>>2×\times108^8 M⊙_{\odot}) is present in 10 out of 15 objects, and these galaxies have gas fractions higher than expected based on extrapolation from lower mass samples. We tentatively interpret this as evidence that stellar mass loss and hot halo cooling may be starting to play a role in fuelling the most massive galaxies. These MASSIVE ETGs seem to have lower star-formation efficiencies (SFE=SFR/MH2_{\rm H2}) than spiral galaxies, but the SFEs derived are consistent with being drawn from the same distribution found in other lower mass ETG samples. This suggests that the SFE is not simply a function of stellar mass, but that local, internal processes are more important for regulating star formation. Finally we used the CO line profiles to investigate the high-mass end of the Tully-Fisher relation (TFR). We find that there is a break in the slope of the TFR for ETGs at high masses (consistent with previous studies). The strength of this break correlates with the stellar velocity dispersion of the host galaxies, suggesting it is caused by additional baryonic mass being present in the centre of massive ETGs. We speculate on the root cause of this change and its implications for galaxy formation theories.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, accepted by MNRA

    The Effect of Spatial Gradients in Stellar Mass-to-Light Ratio on Black Hole Mass Measurements

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    We have tested the effect of spatial gradients in stellar mass-to-light ratio (Y) on measurements of black hole masses (MBH) derived from stellar orbit superposition models. Such models construct a static gravitational potential for a galaxy and its central black hole, but typically assume spatially uniform Y. We have modeled three giant elliptical galaxies with gradients alpha = d(log Y)/d(log r) from -0.2 to +0.1. Color and line strength gradients suggest mildly negative alpha in these galaxies. Introducing a negative (positive) gradient in Y increases (decreases) the enclosed stellar mass near the center of the galaxy and leads to systematically smaller (larger) MBH measurements. For models with alpha = -0.2, the best-fit values of MBH are 28%, 27%, and 17% lower than the constant-Y case, in NGC 3842, NGC 6086, and NGC 7768, respectively. For alpha = +0.1, MBH are 14%, 22%, and 17% higher than the constant-Y case for the three respective galaxies. For NGC 3842 and NGC 6086, this bias is comparable to the statistical errors from individual modeling trials. At larger radii, negative (positive) gradients in Y cause the total stellar mass to decrease (increase) and the dark matter fraction within one effective radius to increase (decrease).Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. To appear in ApJ

    The MASSIVE Survey - VIII. Stellar Velocity Dispersion Profiles and Environmental Dependence of Early-Type Galaxies

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    We measure the radial profiles of the stellar velocity dispersions, σ(R)\sigma(R), for 90 early-type galaxies (ETGs) in the MASSIVE survey, a volume-limited integral-field spectroscopic (IFS) galaxy survey targeting all northern-sky ETGs with absolute KK-band magnitude MK<−25.3M_K < -25.3 mag, or stellar mass M∗>4×1011M⊙M_* > 4 \times 10^{11} M_\odot, within 108 Mpc. Our wide-field 107" ×\times 107" IFS data cover radii as large as 40 kpc, for which we quantify separately the inner (2 kpc) and outer (20 kpc) logarithmic slopes γinner\gamma_{\rm inner} and γouter\gamma_{\rm outer} of σ(R)\sigma(R). While γinner\gamma_{\rm inner} is mostly negative, of the 56 galaxies with sufficient radial coverage to determine γouter\gamma_{\rm outer} we find 36% to have rising outer dispersion profiles, 30% to be flat within the uncertainties, and 34% to be falling. The fraction of galaxies with rising outer profiles increases with M∗M_* and in denser galaxy environment, with 10 of the 11 most massive galaxies in our sample having flat or rising dispersion profiles. The strongest environmental correlations are with local density and halo mass, but a weaker correlation with large-scale density also exists. The average γouter\gamma_{\rm outer} is similar for brightest group galaxies, satellites, and isolated galaxies in our sample. We find a clear positive correlation between the gradients of the outer dispersion profile and the gradients of the velocity kurtosis h4h_4. Altogether, our kinematic results suggest that the increasing fraction of rising dispersion profiles in the most massive ETGs are caused (at least in part) by variations in the total mass profiles rather than in the velocity anisotropy alone.Comment: Accepted/in press, MNRA

    The MASSIVE Survey II: Stellar Population Trends Out to Large Radius in Massive Early Type Galaxies

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    We examine stellar population gradients in ~100 massive early type galaxies spanning 180 < sigma* < 370 km/s and M_K of -22.5 to -26.5 mag, observed as part of the MASSIVE survey (Ma et al. 2014). Using integral-field spectroscopy from the Mitchell Spectrograph on the 2.7m telescope at McDonald Observatory, we create stacked spectra as a function of radius for galaxies binned by their stellar velocity dispersion, stellar mass, and group richness. With excellent sampling at the highest stellar mass, we examine radial trends in stellar population properties extending to beyond twice the effective radius (~2.5 R_e). Specifically, we examine trends in age, metallicity, and abundance ratios of Mg, C, N, and Ca, and discuss the implications for star formation histories and elemental yields. At a fixed physical radius of 3-6 kpc (the likely size of the galaxy cores formed at high redshift) stellar age and [alpha/Fe] increase with increasing sigma* and depend only weakly on stellar mass, as we might expect if denser galaxies form their central cores earlier and faster. If we instead focus on 1-1.5 R_e, the trends in abundance and abundance ratio are washed out, as might be expected if the stars at large radius were accreted by smaller galaxies. Finally, we show that when controlling for \sigmastar, there are only very subtle differences in stellar population properties or gradients as a function of group richness; even at large radius internal properties matter more than environment in determining star formation history.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, accepted by ApJ; resubmitted with updated reference

    The MASSIVE Survey - I. A Volume-Limited Integral-Field Spectroscopic Study of the Most Massive Early-Type Galaxies within 108 Mpc

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    Massive early-type galaxies represent the modern-day remnants of the earliest major star formation episodes in the history of the universe. These galaxies are central to our understanding of the evolution of cosmic structure, stellar populations, and supermassive black holes, but the details of their complex formation histories remain uncertain. To address this situation, we have initiated the MASSIVE Survey, a volume-limited, multi-wavelength, integral-field spectroscopic (IFS) and photometric survey of the structure and dynamics of the ~100 most massive early-type galaxies within a distance of 108 Mpc. This survey probes a stellar mass range M* > 10^{11.5} Msun and diverse galaxy environments that have not been systematically studied to date. Our wide-field IFS data cover about two effective radii of individual galaxies, and for a subset of them, we are acquiring additional IFS observations on sub-arcsecond scales with adaptive optics. We are also acquiring deep K-band imaging to trace the extended halos of the galaxies and measure accurate total magnitudes. Dynamical orbit modeling of the combined data will allow us to simultaneously determine the stellar, black hole, and dark matter halo masses. The primary goals of the project are to constrain the black hole scaling relations at high masses, investigate systematically the stellar initial mass function and dark matter distribution in massive galaxies, and probe the late-time assembly of ellipticals through stellar population and kinematical gradients. In this paper, we describe the MASSIVE sample selection, discuss the distinct demographics and structural and environmental properties of the selected galaxies, and provide an overview of our basic observational program, science goals and early survey results.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures. ApJ (2014) vol. 795, in pres

    Persistent Sodium Currents through Brain Sodium Channels Induced by G Protein βγ Subunits

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    AbstractPersistent Na+currents are thought to be important for integration of neuronal responses. Here, we show that βγ subunits of G proteins can induce persistent Na+ currents. Coexpression of Gβ2γ3, Gβ1γ3, or Gβ5γ3, but not Gβ1γ1 subunits with rat brain type IIA Na+ channel α subunits in tsA-201 cells greatly enhances a component of Na+ current with a normal voltage dependence of activation but with dramatically slowed and incomplete inactivation and with steady-state inactivation shifted +37 mV. Synthetic peptides containing the proposed Gβγ-binding motif, Gln-X-X-Glu-Arg, from either adenylyl cyclase 2 or the Na+ channel α subunit C-terminal domain reversed the effect of Gβ2γ3 subunits. These results are consistent with direct binding of Gβγ subunits to the C-terminal domain of the Na+ channel, stabilizing a gating mode responsible for slowed and persistent Na+ current. Modulation of Na+ channel gating by Gβγ subunits is expected to have profound effects on neuronal excitability
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