9 research outputs found

    Prolonged post-rift magmatism on highly extended crust of divergent continental margins (Baiyun Sag, South China Sea)

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    Three-dimensional (3D) seismic, borehole and geochemical data reveal a prolonged phase of post-rift magmatism on highly extended crust of the Baiyun Sag, South China Sea. Two volcanic complexes are identified and described in the context of continental rifting and diachronous continental breakup of the South China Sea. Biostratigraphic data from exploration wells BY7-1 and BY2, complemented by K–Ar datings from core samples, confirm that magmatic activity in the Baiyun Sag occurred in two main stages: (1) a first episode at the base of the Miocene (23.8 Ma); and (2) a second episode occurring at the end of the Early Miocene (17.6 Ma). The relative location of volcanic complexes in the Baiyun Sag, and their stratigraphic position, reveals prolonged magmatism inboard of the ocean–continent transition zone during continental breakup. We suggest that magmatism in the Baiyun Sag reflects progressive continental breakup in the South China Sea, with the last volcanic episode marking the end of a breakup sequence representing the early post-rift tectonic events associated with the continental breakup process. Seismic and borehole data from this breakup sequence records diachronous magma emplacement and complex changes in depositional environments during continental breakup

    Seafloor Habitat Mapping by Combining Multiple Features From Optic and Acoustic Data: A Case Study From Ganquan Island, South China Sea

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    Seafloor habitat mapping plays an important role in marine environment monitoring and marine geological research. Optic and acoustic remote sensing are becoming common survey tools in seafloor habitat mapping. However, a single acoustic or optic technique may have a limited detection range and be more susceptible to the impact of image quality. Additionally, it is challenging to satisfy the requirements for accurate detection since single-source data cannot fully reflect the substrate distribution characteristics. This article developed a method for detecting coastal seafloor habitats through the fusion of multiscale optics and acoustics data. First, the original feature set was composed of multispectral satellite data and bathymetric data by multibeam echo sounder and airborne light detection and ranging at different scales, which improved the capacity to represent feature information. Then, a ReliefF–mRMR method was implemented to select optimal features with appropriate scales and remove redundant features. Finally, the optimal features were employed in model training and classification of several supervised classifiers to verify the effectiveness of the strategy. The developed method was applied to the Ganquan Island survey in the South China Sea. The results demonstrated that, after integrating multisource data, the accuracies were up to 3.31% and 17.28% higher than those obtained using multispectral data or bathymetric data alone, respectively. ReliefF–mRMR exhibited better performance than other feature selection methods. The average coral coverage in the study area was estimated to range from 70.85% to 80.33%. This research highlights the greater potential of multisource data for precisely detecting seafloor habitats

    MBES Seabed Sediment Classification Based on a Decision Fusion Method Using Deep Learning Model

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    High-precision habitat mapping can contribute to the identification and quantification of the human footprint on the seafloor. As a representative of seafloor habitats, seabed sediment classification is crucial for marine geological research, marine environment monitoring, marine engineering construction, and seabed biotic and abiotic resource assessment. Multibeam echo-sounding systems (MBES) have become the most popular tool in terms of acoustic equipment for seabed sediment classification. However, sonar images tend to consist of obvious noise and stripe interference. Furthermore, the low efficiency and high cost of seafloor field sampling leads to limited field samples. The factors above restrict high accuracy classification by a single classifier. To further investigate the classification techniques for seabed sediments, we developed a decision fusion algorithm based on voting strategies and fuzzy membership rules to integrate the merits of deep learning and shallow learning methods. First, in order to overcome the influence of obvious noise and the lack of training samples, we employed an effective deep learning framework, namely random patches network (RPNet), for classification. Then, to alleviate the over-smoothness and misclassifications of RPNet, the misclassified pixels with a lower fuzzy membership degree were rectified by other shallow learning classifiers, using the proposed decision fusion algorithm. The effectiveness of the proposed method was tested in two areas of Europe. The results show that RPNet outperforms other traditional classification methods, and the decision fusion framework further improves the accuracy compared with the results of a single classifier. Our experiments predict a promising prospect for efficiently mapping seafloor habitats through deep learning and multi-classifier combinations, even with few field samples

    Subsurface fluid flow at an active cold seep area in the Qiongdongnan Basin, northern South China Sea

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    The active Haima cold seep sites were discovered by the remotely operated vehicle on the western part of the northern slope of South China Sea in 2015 and 2016. However, the subsurface structures in the seep area are not well studied, which prevents the further understanding of the evolution of fluid venting system in the active cold seep area. In 2017, a high-resolution 2D seismic line transecting the two main seep sites was acquired and processed. In this study, the subsurface structures were well resolved on the seismic profile. The new observations include the widespread subsurface fluid flow features (i.e., chimney structures and pockmarks) and the pervasively distributed magmatic activities. Seismic indicators for hydrothermal vents were also observed on the seismic section. This new discovery confirms the contribution of magmatic activities to the evolution of subsurface fluid flow in the study area. Minor faults under the recognizable resolution of seismic profile, which can act as conduits for the subsurface fluid flow, were also identified in the fine-grained sediment sequences. Overall, these results provide new insights into the evolution of subsurface fluid flow in the study area

    A giant, submarine creep zone as a precursor of large-scale slope instability offshore the Dongsha Islands (South China Sea)

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    A giant submarine creep zone exceeding 800 km2 on the continental slope offshore the Dongsha Islands, South China Sea, is investigated using bathymetric and 3D seismic data tied to borehole information. The submarine creep zone is identified as a wide area of seafloor undulations with ridges and troughs. The troughs form NW- and WNW-trending elongated depressions separating distinct seafloor ridges, which are parallel or sub-parallel to the continental slope. The troughs are 0.8–4.7 km-long and 0.4 to 2.1 km-wide. The ridges have wavelengths of 1–4 km and vertical relief of 10–30 m. Slope strata are characterised by the presence of vertically stacked ridges and troughs at different stratigraphic depths, but remaining relatively stationary in their position. The interpreted ridges and troughs are associated with large-scale submarine creep, and the troughs can be divided into three types based on their different internal characters and formation processes. The large-scale listric faults trending downslope below MTD 1 and horizon T0 may be the potential glide planes for the submarine creep movement. High sedimentation rates, local fault activity and the frequent earthquakes recorded on the margin are considered as the main factors controlling the formation of this giant submarine creep zone. Our results are important to the understanding of sediment instability on continental slopes as: a) the interpreted submarine creep is young, or even active at present, and b) areas of creeping may evolve into large-scale slope instabilities, as recorded by similar large-scale events in the past

    Morphology, architecture, and evolutionary processes of the Zhongjian Canyon between two carbonate platforms, South China Sea

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    Two isolated Neogene carbonate platforms (Xisha and Guangle carbonate platforms) have developed in the rifted uplifts since the Early Miocene. A large-scale submarine canyon system, the Zhongjian Canyon (ZJC), has developed in the tectonic depression between the two platforms since the Middle Miocene. High-resolution bathymetry data and 2D and 3D seismic data reveal the existence of the ZJC on the present seafloor, as well as in Neogene intervals. It exhibits typical characteristics of deepwater canyons that cut the surrounding rocks and indicate strong erosional features. The ZJC resulted from northwest-southeast strike-slip fault activities during synrift and postrift stages, and it periodically grew during the development of carbonate platforms since the Middle Miocene. We identified four cycles of parallel to subparallel high amplitude and dim reflectors in seismic data, which we interpreted as alternating canyon fill, based on the interpretation of seismic facies. Thus, the sedimentary evolution of the ZJC can be divided into four typical stages, which were in the Middle Miocene, Late Miocene, Early Pliocene, and Pleistocene. Considering the tectonic background of the carbonate platforms, as well as the on-going igneous activities, the sediment filling the canyon could be derived from a mixture of carbonate clasts, igneous clasts, mud, and silt. The laminar high-amplitude reflectors and dim-reflector package represented a fining-upward sedimentary cycle. The coarse-grained sediment in canyon fillings could be turbidites, carbonate debrites, and even igneous clasts. In contrast, the fine-grained sediment is likely to be dominated by pelagic to hemipelagic mud, and silt. This case study describes a deepwater canyon under a carbonate-dominated sedimentary environment and has significant implications for improving our knowledge of periplatform slope depositional processes. Furthermore, the insight gained into periplatform slope depositional processes can be applied globally