440 research outputs found

    The Language and Literacy Practices of English Language Learners (ELLs) in a Philadelphia High School: The Hyphenated Experiences of Immigrant Students in Content Area Classrooms

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    This multiple case study results from an ethnographic immersion in a local public high school, focusing on English language learners (ELLs) in content area classrooms. The primary goals were to 1) explore the language and literacy practices of ELLs within this setting, 2) gain an understanding of the complexity and multiplicity of the learners\u27 schooling experiences, and 3) discuss implications pertaining to practice and research. Four focal students, each from a different country and each with different home or first languages, are discussed to provide a nuanced perspective of immigrant and refugee students. Importantly, the theoretical framework of hyphenated reality and interlanguage contributed to uncovering the ELLs\u27 subterranean layers. The study was informed by qualitative research methodologies, including critical ethnography. Data collection namely included field observations in classrooms, interviews with students and teachers, and student work. Within-case and cross-case analysis was conducted through a general inductive analysis approach. Major findings include the need to view ELLs as theory constructors, who form sophisticated notions regarding second language acquisition and the linguistic features of the English language, given their unique position as learners of another language and their heightened metalinguistic awareness. ELLs also theorize schooling and act as rational agents within the structure of school. They enter school with a logical agenda and, according to their observations and experiences, adjust themselves and devise strategies for performing school. Finally, the concept of the micro-macro dialectic grew empirically from this study, thereby building upon existing scholarship. The micro-macro dialectic calls for intentionally juxtaposing a larger, contextual layer to understanding ELLs, such that their personal narratives become enriched by official facts and vice versa. This framework also complicates dichotomies that have been established to categorize students, academic fields, and pedagogical ideologies, such as the notion of ELLs compared to bilingual/multilingual learners. These supposedly irreconcilable differences exist in the academy and in theory but do not hold up in the hyphenated experiences of learners

    Variant specific activity of the transcription factor ATF3 and its relation to Nrf2 dependent stress response in pancreatic carcinoma cells

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    Das duktale Pankreasadenokarzinom (PDAC) geht noch immer mit einer infausten Prognose einher. Auch die Pathophysiologie ist bislang noch nicht vollständig geklärt. Ein Risikofaktor stellt die Chronische Pankreatitis dar, bei der persistierende Entzündungsreaktionen z.B. durch oxidativen Stress, genetische und molekulare Alterationen induzieren, die eine Tumorentwicklung begünstigen. Der Transkriptionsfaktor Nrf2 wurde als Schlüsselfaktor im Rahmen der entzündlichen Karzinogenese identifiziert. Interaktionen von Nrf2 mit anderen Transkriptionsfaktoren, darunter ATF3, die ebenfalls zur Tumorentstehung beitragen können, wurden bereits beschrieben. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die Transkriptionsfaktoren ATF3 und seine Splicing Varianten in Abhängigkeit von Nrf2 in PDAC Zellen Panc1 und T3M4 und prämalignen duktalen Pankreasepithelzellen H6c7 analysiert. Basierend auf den erhobenen Befunden, ist es vorstellbar, dass Nrf2 und ΔZip2 als mögliche Marker in der Früherkennung des PDAC dienen und eine Modulation von Nrf2, ΔZip2 oder ATF3 neue Präventions- oder Therapieansätze gegen PDAC darstellen können.Ductal pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is still associated with a poor prognosis. Also the pathophysiology is still not fully understood. A risk factor is chronic pancreatitis, in which persistent inflammation caused by e.g. oxidative stress, induces genetic and molecular alterations that leads to tumor development. The transcription factor Nrf2 was identified as an important key factor for the malignancy of tumor cells by its mediated cell protection against oxidative stress. Interactions of Nrf2 with other transcription factors, including ATF3, which may also contribute to tumorigenesis, have been described. In the present work, the transcription factor ATF3 and its splicing variants were analyzed in relation to Nrf2 in PDAC cells (Panc1 and T3M4) and premalignant ductal pancreatic cells (H6c7). Based on our findings, it is possible that Nrf2 and ΔZip2 can serve as markers to detect PDAC in the early stage, and a modulation of Nrf2, ΔZip2 or ATF3 may lead to new prevention or treatment strategies against PDAC


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    With the philosophy of stimulating ways that nature behaves under extreme weather conditions, Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS) has been internationally recognized as one of the most sustainable approaches to minimizing the impacts of flooding on urban development coupled with the achievement of multiple benefits on environmental and social aspects. In this paper, the social aspect of SUDS is examined through the community’s acceptance of a wide range of SUDS techniques, including Green Roof (GR), Rainwater Harvesting (RWH), Pervious Pavement (PP), Green Open Space (GOP), and Pervious Parking Lot (PPL). Data were collected through a social survey of community responses to above SUDS applications in Nhieu Loc – Thi Nghe sub-basin from November 2016 to March 2017, then SPSS software was used to analyze data and test statistical hypothesis. The results show that the most preferred SUDS technique is PP, followed by PPL, GOP, RWH and GR respectively. Through statistical hypothesis test, the relationship exists between (1) the community’s acceptability to proposed SUDS techniques and district as well as gender; (2) the community’s acceptance for and their knowledge of SUDS applications; and (3) the priority of SUDS’s benefits between the districts and acceptability as well as understanding of SUDS applications

    The Influence of Natural Sounds on California Ground Squirrel (Otospermophilus beecheyi) Vigilance and Predator Detection

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    Many animals rely on the acoustical environment for functions spanning mate attraction, navigation and predator and prey detection. However, recent research suggests that the context of the acoustic environment can greatly influence the propagation and reception of acoustic signals and cues, potentially interfering with the ability of animals to perceive important environmental cues. Here, we sought to determine whether natural sounds influence vigilance and predator detection in the California ground squirrel (Otospermophilus beecheyi). In a manipulative field experiment, we measured squirrel vigilance behavior under three conditions: playback of river rapid noise, playback of cicada chorus noise and a control, unmanipulated sound treatment. Under each condition, we also measured squirrel flight initiation distance (FID), defined as the distance at which an animal flees from an approaching threat. This behavior was in response to an approaching robotic coyote, which simulated a common predator in our study area. Our study is poised to not only determine whether natural sounds influence key behaviors in a common mammal, but will provide needed information on whether natural sounds and human-made sounds cause similar perceptual limitations and behavioral responses in acoustically-oriented animals. For example, California ground squirrels are known to increase vigilance in the presence of anthropogenic noise, but it has yet to be determined how natural noises, with differing frequencies and power, affect behavior. We hope this study will shed light on the differences between these conditions

    Cloning and expression of gene FanC-2NT encoding K99-2NT fimbrial antigen of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli from diarrheic post-weaning piglets

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    Background and Purpose: The K99 (F5) is one pilus adhesin that mediates the attachment of enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) strains to small intestines to cause to diarrhea in piglets, lambs and newborn calves. In this work, we carried out cloning and expression of the mature peptide of FanC subunit, K99 fimbriae, one of the most common adhesive antigens in E. coli. Materials and Methods: E. coli 2NT strain was isolated from fecal samples of post-weaning piglets with diarrhea. The coding sequence of the mature peptide of K99-2NT subunit was isolated by PCR amplification and cloned into pGEM®-T Easy vector for sequencing using fluorescent dideoxy-terminator method. Expression of K99-2NT protein which was inserted into pET200/D-TOPO vector induced with IPTG. The PCR product and expression level of protein was examined by agarose gel electrophoresis and sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, respectively. Results and Conclusions: We cloned and expressed successfully the mature peptide of K99 subunit with molecular weight of approximately 17.5 kDa from E. coli 2NT strain (named K99-2NT). Nucleotide sequence of the K99-2NT subunit coding region of fanC-2NT gene is 477 bp in length and is 99% similarity with that of fanC gene (accession no: M35282). Highest expression level occurred after 12 h of induction with 0.75 mM IPTG at 37oC. This subunit antigen will be tested for immune response of rat in the next time

    Market level assessment report: Fruits and vegetables intake Vietnam and Nigeria – Vietnam report

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    The research described in this document is part of the FVN project: “Fruits and Vegetables intake in Vietnam and Nigeria’. This project addresses the problem of the triple burden of malnutrition among low-income urban populations in Nigeria and Vietnam by increasing intake of fruits and vegetables through food system innovations that improve access through the diversification of retail outlets, enhance affordability through a client-specific coupon system, and boost acceptability of fruits and vegetables through promotional campaigns involving public and private stakeholders and civil society organizations
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