10 research outputs found

    Veteriner Anatomi Terminolojisi

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    Testosteron Hormonunun Duygusal, Bilişsel ve Davranışsal Etkileri

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    Testosteron, androjen grubunda yer alan steroid yapılı bir hormondur. Androjenler, memelilerin cinsel davranışlarında önemli bir rol oynar. Cinsiyet hormonlarından biri olan testosteron, insan davranışları ve bilişsel fonksiyonları üzerinde önemli bir etkiye sahiptir. Literatürde, kadınlarda düşük testosteron seviyelerinin; motivasyon düşüklüğü, kronik yorgunluk ve iyilik halinde azalmaya sebep olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Aynı şekilde düşük testosteron düzeyinin de erkeklerde daha sinirli olma hali, uyku problemleri, hafızada zayıflık ve kaygı düzeyinde yükselmeye neden olduğu bildirilmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı testosteron hormonunun duygu durumu, bilişsel performans ve davranış üzerindeki etkilerine genel bir bakış açısı sağlamaktır

    The iron age dogs from alaybeyi höyük, eastern anatolia

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    To date, little is known about the biological and cultural status of Iron Age dogs in Anatolia. Here, we present a zooarchaeological study of an assemblage of 143 Iron Age dog bones, including two dog skeletons, unearthed from the 2016 and 2017 salvage excavations at Alaybeyi Höyük, Eastern Anatolia. At least eight adults and one juvenile individual, along with a large number of miscellaneous specimens, were identified. The morphological status of the Alaybeyi dogs were primarily compared to previously published Iron Age dogs from Yoncatepe in Eastern Anatolia, and with the average mean of 18 modern dog breeds. Unlike in other Eastern Anatolian Iron Age sites, butcher marks were observed in some specimens, indicating at least occasional cynophagy at the site. Noticeable pathologies were found in about 5% of the sample, particularly pathologies of the oral cavity and dentitions, suggesting that some of the dogs at Alaybeyi Höyük might have been undernourished, had to live on solid food, and probably injured by humans. The results of this study reflect both the morphological and biological status of Alaybeyi dogs, as well as the Alaybeyi people’s attitudes toward dogs, adding vital information to the very limited archaeological knowledge of dogs in Anatolia