329 research outputs found

    Reference intervals for urinary cotinine levels and the influence of sampling time and other predictors on its excretion among italian schoolchildren

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    (1) Background: Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) exposure remains a public health problem worldwide. The aims are to establish urinary (u-) cotinine reference values for healthy Italian children, to evaluate the role of the sampling time and of other factors on children’s u-cotinine excretion. (2) Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed on 330 children. Information on participants was gathered by a questionnaire and u-cotinine was determined in two samples for each child, collected during the evening and the next morning. (3) Results: Reference intervals (as the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles of the distribution) in evening and morning samples were respectively equal to 0.98-4.29 and 0.91-4.50 µg L-1(ETS unexposed) and 1.39-16.34 and 1.49-20.95 µg L-1(ETS exposed). No statistical differences were recovered between median values found in evening and morning samples, both in ETS unexposed and exposed. Significant predictors of u-cotinine excretions were ponderal status according to body mass index of children (β = 0.202; p-value = 0.041 for evening samples; β = 0.169; p-value = 0.039 for morning samples) and paternal educational level (β = -0.258; p-value = 0.010; for evening samples; β = -0.013; p-value = 0.003 for morning samples). (4) Conclusions: The results evidenced the need of further studies for assessing the role of confounding factors on ETS exposure, and the necessity of educational interventions on smokers for rising their awareness about ETS

    Occupational Hazards in veterinarians: an updating.

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    Background: The veterinarian is a complex and varied work: risks in veterinary activity show are more typical of manual work than medical profession. Many reviews analyzed occupational risks related to veterinarians, but compared to the past current risks are more different. This review analyzes veterinary profession considering main occupational risk factors, as defined by World Health Organization: physical, chemical, biological or other agents that may cause harm to an exposed person in the workplace and is potentially modifiable. Methods: Publications investigating physical, chemical, biological, cancer and stress risk as well as effects associated with these exposures through veterinary practice were searched in the PubMed and Web of Science database. Publications were judged to be covered in the review when the following inclusion criteria applied: Articles should be published in the English language; Articles published after 2000; Studies reporting some numerical data about exposures and subjects considered; Studies concerning health effects regarding only veterinarians associated with exposure to animals, not general population. Results: Compared to the past, when the main risk of occupational disease was represented by zoonosis (in particular mycotic infections, mange, swine erysipelas, anthrax and tuberculosis), current risks are also represented by new entities such as mental and physical stress. However injuries, radiations, chemicals, zoonosis and allergies continue to represent a considerable portion of professional risks. Conclusions: Zoonosis, injuries and trauma remain the main occupational risk for veterinarians today, but new emerging risks, such as psychological risks are becoming increasingly important for these workers

    Work-related allergies to storage mites in Parma (Italy) ham workers

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    OBJECTIVES: To investigate the role of storage mites in the development of allergic diseases among ham production workers, and to search for early alterations in lung function tests and early inflammation markers in exhaled air. Respiratory allergies due to storage mites have been reported in people with various occupations but, although such mites are unavoidable when curing ham, there are no published data concerning ham production workers. SETTING: Secondary care. DESIGN: Experimental cross-sectional study. PARTICIPANTS: 220 participants (110 ham production workers and 110 controls) were recruited. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES: Workers answered a medical questionnaire, and underwent spirometry and fraction of exhaled nitric oxide at 50 mL/s (FeNO50) measurements. Those with allergic symptoms also underwent skin prick tests to determine their sensitisation to airborne allergens. A methacholine test was performed in symptomatic participants when spirometry was normal to assess airways hyper-responsiveness. RESULTS: Symptomatic storage mite sensitisation was observed in 16 workers (14.5%) (rhinoconjunctivitis in 15 (63%) and asthma in (4%)) and 2 controls (1.8%; p=0.001). Higher FeNO50 values in exposed symptomatic workers compared with healthy control participants (34.65±7.49 vs 13.29±4.29 ppb; p<0.001) suggested bronchial and nasal involvement, although their lung function parameters were normal. Regardless of exposure, a FeNO50 value of 22.5 ppb seems to be 100% sensitive and 99.4% specific in distinguishing allergic and non-allergic participants. Multivariate analysis of FeNO50 values in the symptomatic participants showed that they were positively influenced by IgE-mediated allergy (p=0.001) and reported symptom severity (p=0.041), and negatively by smoking status (p=0.049). CONCLUSIONS: Ham processing workers, as well as workers involved in any meat processing work that includes curing, should be informed about the occupational risk of sensitisation to mites

    Experimental model of lead nephropathy. I. Continuous high-dose lead administration

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    Experimental model of lead nephropathy. I. Continuous high-dose lead administration. This study followed the progression of lead nephropathy in male Sprague-Dawley rats (E) administered lead acetate (0.5%) continuously in drinking water for periods ranging from 1 to 12 months. Control animals (C) were pair-fed. Observations included renal pathology by light and electron microscopy, wet and dry kidney weights, and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) to assess renal function. Urinary excretion of lead, the enzymes N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase (NAG) and glutathione-S-transferase (GST), and brush border antigens (BB50, CG9, and HF5) were utilized to explore possible markers of kidney injury. GFR was increased significantly after three months of lead exposure, but was decreased significantly after 12 months. Kidney wet weights were significantly greater in E than C from three months on. Kidney dry weight/wet weight ratio was constant up to three months, but decreased in E at 12 months. Glomerular diameters were normal at all time periods; the nephromegaly was related primarily to hypertrophy of proximal tubules. Lead inclusion bodies were found in nuclei of proximal convoluted tubules and pars recta at all times. Tubular atrophy and interstitial fibrosis first appeared at six months, and increased in severity thereafter. Brush borders of proximal tubules were disrupted at one and three months, but recovered thereafter. Focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis was observed in 2 of 10 rats at 12 months. Arteries and arterioles remained normal at all time periods. Urinary NAG was elevated in E above C after three months of lead exposure. However, urinary NAG in C also increased with age, obscuring changes in the 12 month E rats. GST was elevated after three months of lead administration in E, not without an attendant age-related increase in C rats. In three-month E rats, urinary brush border antigens were increased above C, but were decreased at six and 12 months, correlating with the morphologic changes in brush border. We conclude that a high dose of lead in rats may initially stimulate both renal cortical hypertrophy and an increase in GFR. Later, the adverse effects of lead on the tubulointerstitium predominate, and GFR falls. The urinary marker, NAG, was abnormal in the early stages of the disease, but age-related changes obscured its utility at later stages; urinary GST appeared to be a more consistent marker of injury

    Autophagy and apoptosis: studies on the effects of bisthiosemicarbazone copper(II) complexes on p53 and p53-null tumour cell lines

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    A comparative study between two bisthiosemicarbazones, 2,3-butanedione bis(4,4-dimethyl-3-thiosemicarbazone) and 2,3-butanedione bis(2-methyl-3-thiosemicarbazone), and their copper(II) complexes is reported. The four compounds have been tested on leukemia cell line U937 and on adenocarcinoma cell line A549. The study includes cell viability, cell cycle, morphological changes, assessment of apoptosis, analysis of autophagy, measurement of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and of lipid peroxidation, protein determination, assessment of the expression of p53 and cellular uptake of metal complexes. Tests about the copper uptake under normoxic and hypoxic conditions were also carried out on solid tumour cell line A549. The four compounds under study elicit different effects on the two lines adopted as representatives of p53 and p53-null cells. The role of the metal is relevant and it is likely that the metal-mediated oxidative stress plays an essential role in the whole process. The mechanisms induced by these molecules differ not only as a function of cell line but also of dose. The responses include two distinct self-destructive processes, autophagy and apoptosis

    Exhaled Breath Condensate as a Suitable Matrix to Assess Lung Dose and Effects in Workers Exposed to Cobalt and Tungsten

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate whether exhaled breath condensate (EBC), a fluid formed by cooling exhaled air, can be used as a suitable matrix to assess target tissue dose and effects of inhaled cobalt and tungsten, using EBC malondialdehyde (MDA) as a biomarker of pulmonary oxidative stress. Thirty-three workers exposed to Co and W in workshops producing either diamond tools or hard-metal mechanical parts participated in this study. Two EBC and urinary samples were collected: one before and one at the end of the work shift. Controls were selected among nonexposed workers. Co, W, and MDA in EBC were analyzed with analytical methods based on mass spectrometric reference techniques. In the EBC from controls, Co was detectable at ultratrace levels, whereas W was undetectable. In exposed workers, EBC Co ranged from a few to several hundred nanomoles per liter. Corresponding W levels ranged from undetectable to several tens of nanomoles per liter. A parallel trend was observed for much higher urinary levels. Both Co and W in biological media were higher at the end of the work shift in comparison with preexposure values. In EBC, MDA levels were increased depending on Co concentration and were enhanced by coexposure to W. Such a correlation between EBC MDA and both Co and W levels was not observed with urinary concentration of either element. These results suggest the potential usefulness of EBC to complete and integrate biomonitoring and health surveillance procedures among workers exposed to mixtures of transition elements and hard metals

    Exposure to hydrocarbons and renal disease: an experimental animal model.

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    The association between hydrocarbon exposure and chronic glomerulonephritis is still a controversial scientific issue. Recent epidemiological evidence suggests a role of exposure to hydrocarbons in the progression of glomerulonephritis towards chronic renal failure. The present experimental study on rats has been designed to assess the possible role of styrene in the progression of adriamycin (ADR) nephrosis, a well known model of renal fibrosis following nephrotic syndrome induced by ADR. Female Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed to styrene, 300 ppm, 6 h/day, 5 days/week for 12 weeks (group 1); treated with ADR, 2 mg/Kg, i.v., twice on day 1 and day 15 of the study (group 2); Additional groups of animals received both the styrene and ADR treatments (group 3) or served as controls (group 4). The urinary excretion of total and single proteins (albumin, Retinol-Binding Protein (RBP), Clara Cell 16 Kd protein (CC16), fibronectin) was measured monthly, whereas histopathology and determinations requiring blood sampling were carried out at the end of the experiment. A progressive increase in total proteinuria, falling in the nephrotic range already by the 6th week was observed in ADR-treated groups. Styrene exposure caused up to a 3- to 5-fold increase as compared to controls. Co-exposure to ADR and styrene also resulted in a proteinuria much greater than that caused by ADR alone. The interactive effect of styrene and ADR was statistically significant for albuminuria and urinary fibronectin. A similar response was observed for glomerular filtration rate at the end of the experiment, styrene-exposed animals showing hyperfiltration as compared to their respective control group. At the end of the experiment, histopathological scoring for interstitial infiltration and fibrosis was also significantly higher in styrene-treated animals as compared to their respective control groups. In ADR-treated rats, low molecular weight proteinuria (l.m.w.p.) was only slightly affected, suggesting minimal tubular dysfunction associated with extensive tubular atrophy. However, styrene-exposed animals showed l.m.w.p. higher than their respective controls. In summary, in this animal model we were able to confirm both styrene-induced microproteinuria, mainly albuminuria and minor increases in l.m.w.p., observed among occupationally exposed workers and the role of hydrocarbon exposure as a factor accelerating the progression of renal disease suggested by epidemiological investigations in patients suffering from chronic renal disease. Whereas in rats exposed to styrene only, microproteinuria was stable over time and minor histopathological changes were noted at the end of the experiment, evidence of a role of solvent exposure in the progression of ADR nephropathy was obtained in terms of both renal dysfunction and interstitial fibrosis. The mechanistic basis of styrene-ADR interaction is unclear. However, experimental evidence is consistent with epidemiological findings suggesting the need to avoid solvent exposure in patients suffering from renal diseases

    Expression Levels of Some Antioxidant and Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Genes in Patients with Early-Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

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    This study was aimed at: (i) investigating the expression profiles of some antioxidant and epidermal growth factor receptor genes in cancerous and unaffected tissues of patients undergoing lung resection for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) (cross-sectional phase), (ii) evaluating if gene expression levels at the time of surgery may be associated to patients' survival (prospective phase). Antioxidant genes included heme oxygenase 1 (HO-1), superoxide dismutase-1 (SOD-1), and -2 (SOD-2), whereas epidermal growth factor receptor genes consisted of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and v-erb-b2 erythroblastic leukaemia viral oncogene homolog 2 (HER-2). Twenty-eight couples of lung biopsies were obtained and gene transcripts were quantified by Real Time RT-PCR. The average follow-up of patients lasted about 60 months. In the cancerous tissues, antioxidant genes were significantly hypo-expressed than in unaffected tissues. The HER-2 transcript levels prevailed in adenocarcinomas, whereas EGFR in squamocellular carcinomas. Patients overexpressing HER-2 in the cancerous tissues showed significantly lower 5-year survival than the others