282 research outputs found

    Concentrations of Atmospheric Sulfur Compounds in an Extremely Snowy Region, the Hokuriku District, Japan

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    The diurnal and seasonal characteristics in gaseous sulfur dioxide and sulfate in aerosol particles, as well as the concentrations of sulfate in rain and snow, were measured in the Hokuriku District, Japan in order to investigate the spatial spread pattern of sulfur compounds and identify the origin of sulfur. The concentration of sulfur dioxide showed a distinct diurnal pattern, while the concentrations of nss-SO42− in precipitation and aerosol particles did not. These results implied that the sulfur dioxide might originate in local emissions and did not affect the concentration of nss-SO42− in precipitation, while nss-SO42− in aerosol particles seemed to be widespread and might result from long-range transportation. The deposition of nss-SO42− in precipitation increased in winter, while the concentration of nss-SO42− in aerosol particles decreased. This could be attributed to the lower cloud base often observed in this district in winter associated with a higher washout ratio

    Spatial Dependence, Social Networks, and Economic Structures in Regional Labor Migration

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    This study empirically analyzes the determinants of regional labor migration in Japan, where small towns are disappearing due to the shortage of labor. Using spatial models of origin-destination flows and considering network effects of labor and economic structures, we obtain results more consistent with the standard migration theory than previous studies. First, unlike previous studies, we find that migration decisions in Japan are based on economic motivations consistent with economic theories. Particularly, unemployment rates in origins and destinations and income in origins are found to be the determinants of labor migration. Second, we report that network effects, which help reduce migration costs, have encouraged relocation of labor. Third, considering spatial weights based on distance, goods flow, and economic structures, we show that neighbors can be most appropriately defined with economic structures; migration patterns are alike in regions with similar economic structures

    A Renormalizable Supersymmetric SU(5) Model

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    In the Supersymmetric SU(5) Model of Unification with the Missing Partner Mechanism, we present a renormalizable model using the Georgi-Jarlsog mechanism to describe the fermion masses and mixing. At the meantime the proton decay rates are also suppressed to satisfy the experimental data

    Innate immune responses in Behçet disease and relapsing polychondritis

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    Behçet disease (BD) and relapsing polychondritis (RP) are chronic multisystem disorders characterized by recurrent flare-ups of tissue inflammation. Major clinical manifestations of BD are oral aphthae, genital aphthous ulcers, skin lesions, arthritis, and uveitis. Patients with BD may develop rare but serious neural, intestinal, and vascular complications, with high relapse rates. Meanwhile, RP is characterized by the inflammation of the cartilaginous tissues of the ears, nose, peripheral joints, and tracheobronchial tree. Additionally, it affects the proteoglycan-rich structures in the eyes, inner ear, heart, blood vessels, and kidneys. The mouth and genital ulcers with inflamed cartilage (MAGIC) syndrome is a common characteristic of BD and RP. The immunopathology of these two diseases may be closely related. It is established that the genetic predisposition to BD is related to the human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-B51 gene. Skin histopathology demonstrates the overactivation of innate immunity, such as neutrophilic dermatitis/panniculitis, in patients with BD. Monocytes and neutrophils frequently infiltrate cartilaginous tissues of patients with RP. Somatic mutations in UBA1, which encodes a ubiquitylation-related enzyme, cause vacuoles, E1 enzyme, X-linked, autoinflammatory, somatic syndrome (VEXAS) with severe systemic inflammation and activation of myeloid cells. VEXAS prompts auricular and/or nasal chondritis, with neutrophilic infiltration around the cartilage in 52–60% of patients. Thus, innate immune cells may play an important role in the initiation of inflammatory processes underlying both diseases. This review summarizes the recent advances in our understanding of the innate cell-mediated immunopathology of BD and RP, with a focus on the common and distinct features of these mechanisms

    Single top quark production via SUSY-QCD FCNC couplings at the CERN LHC in the unconstrained MSSM

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    We evaluate the tcˉt\bar{c} and tuˉt\bar{u} productions at the LHC within the general unconstrained MSSM framework. We find that these single top quark productions induced by SUSY-QCD FCNC couplings have remarkable cross sections for favorable parameter values allowed by current low energy data, which can be as large as a few pb. Once large rates of the tcˉt\bar{c} and tuˉt\bar{u} productions are detected at the LHC, they may be induced by SUSY FCNC couplings. We show that the precise measurement of single top quark production cross sections at the LHC is a powerful probe for the details of the SUSY FCNC couplings.Comment: 39 pages, 10 figures. Published version. Constraints on the mixing parameters updated, references added, minor changes in presentations, results and conclusions unchange

    Clinical Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Liposomal Amphotericin B for the Treatment of Fungal Infections in Non-neutropenic Patients

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    Liposomal amphotericin B (L-AMB) is reported in Japan to be less effective and not as safe for treating severe fungal infections in non-neutropenic patients as in neutropenic patients. Therefore, we evaluated the clinical efficacy and safety of L-AMB as an antifungal agent in non-neutropenic patients. The efficacy of L-AMB administered intravenously in patients with severe fungal infections was retrospectively investigated by reviewing medical records from November 2007 to July 2010. The records of 18 eligible adult patients were analyzed according to the L-AMB dose they received: standard (2.5mg/kg/day; n=5) and high (>2.5mg/kg/day; n=13). The average age of the standard- and high-dosage group was 71.4 and 60.3 years, respectively. The 30-day survival rate in the standard- and high-dosage group was 20% (n=1) and 76.9% (n=10), respectively (P=0.047). A significant antipyretic effect was observed in the high-dosage group (P=0.001). There was no relationship between the dosage of L-AMB and any side effect. By carrying out the treatment according to the information provided at the time of administration, no cases were discontinued because of side effects. A high dosage of L-AMB is more effective than the standard dosage and both dosages are well-tolerated in non-neutropenic patients

    Double Rashba Quantum Dots Ring as a Spin Filter

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    We theoretically propose a double quantum dots (QDs) ring to filter the electron spin that works due to the Rashba spin–orbit interaction (RSOI) existing inside the QDs, the spin-dependent inter-dot tunneling coupling and the magnetic flux penetrating through the ring. By varying the RSOI-induced phase factor, the magnetic flux and the strength of the spin-dependent inter-dot tunneling coupling, which arises from a constant magnetic field applied on the tunneling junction between the QDs, a 100% spin-polarized conductance can be obtained. We show that both the spin orientations and the magnitude of it can be controlled by adjusting the above-mentioned parameters. The spin filtering effect is robust even in the presence of strong intra-dot Coulomb interactions and arbitrary dot-lead coupling configurations