56 research outputs found

    Magnetic resonance imaging of the chest: current and new applications, with an emphasis on pulmonology

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    O objetivo deste estudo de revisão foi apresentar as principais aplicações da ressonância magnética (RM) no estudo do tórax, incluindo a descrição de novas técnicas. Na ultima década, esse método teve grande evolução, com novos equipamentos, incluindo a interconexão simultânea de bobinas e a movimentação da mesa simultaneamente à aquisição das imagens, além do advento de novas técnicas rápidas de aquisição de imagem, tais como imagem paralela e aquisição parcial de dados, com ou sem utilização de apneia, somando-se ainda a introdução de novos agentes de contraste. Todos esses avanços fizeram com que a RM tenha ganhado espaço no estudo de diferentes patologias do tórax, incluindo as doenças pulmonares. Atualmente, a RM pode ser considerada a modalidade de escolha para a avaliação das lesões mediastinais, da parede torácica e dos tumores do sulco superior, mas também pode auxiliar no diagnóstico de doenças pulmonares, pleurais, cardíacas e da vasculatura pulmonar. A angiografia pulmonar por RM pode ser utilizada na avaliação de várias doenças vasculares pulmonares, e seu papel no estudo do tromboembolismo vem crescendo. A RM cardíaca, devido à possibilidade de avaliação morfológica e funcional em um mesmo exame, também já faz parte da rotina clínica na investigação de muitas patologias cardíacas. Por fim, o papel da RM vem sendo ampliado para a identificação e caracterização de nódulos pulmonares, avaliação das doenças das vias aéreas e caracterização dos derrames pleurais.The objective of the present review study was to present the principal applications of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the chest, including the description of new techniques. Over the past decade, this method has evolved considerably because of the development of new equipment, including the simultaneous interconnection of phased-array multiple radiofrequency receiver coils and remote control of the table movement, in addition to faster techniques of image acquisition, such as parallel imaging and partial Fourier acquisitions, as well as the introduction of new contrast agents. All of these advances have allowed MRI to gain ground in the study of various pathologies of the chest, including lung diseases. Currently, MRI is considered the modality of choice for the evaluation of lesions in the mediastinum and in the chest wall, as well as of superior sulcus tumors. However, it can also facilitate the diagnosis of lung, pleural, and cardiac diseases, as well as of those related to the pulmonary vasculature. Pulmonary MRI angiography can be used in order to evaluate various pulmonary vascular diseases, and it has played an ever greater role in the study of thromboembolism. Because cardiac MRI allows morphological and functional assessment in the same test, it has also become part of the clinical routine in the evaluation of various cardiac diseases. Finally, the role of MRI has been extended to the identification and characterization of pulmonary nodules, the evaluation of airway diseases, and the characterization of pleural effusion

    Complications from the use of intravenous gadolinium-based contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging

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    Os agentes de contraste à base de gadolínio são muito mais seguros que o contraste iodado, no entanto, existem complicações que devem ser reconhecidas, para orientação e tratamento adequados. A incidência total de reações adversas aos meios de contraste em ressonância magnética varia entre 2% e 4%. Casos de reações adversas agudas maiores ao gadolínio, como laringoespasmo e choque anafilático, são raros. As complicações crônicas com o uso do gadolínio também existem e, recentemente, foi descrita associação entre seu uso e uma doença dermatológica rara que ocorre em pacientes com insuficiência renal. A fibrose nefrogênica sistêmica foi tema de anúncio público oficial pela agência americana de regulação de drogas, a Food and Drug Administration. Esta doença progressiva caracteriza-se pelo espessamento e endurecimento da pele e fibrose, que podem acometer outras partes do corpo. Os pacientes que desenvolveram esta complicação apresentavam insuficiência renal crônica, estavam em acidose metabólica e foram submetidos a angiografia por ressonância magnética, provavelmente com injeção de grande volume de contraste paramagnético. Esta revisão tem o objetivo de apresentar uma descrição sucinta dos tipos de meios de contraste à base de gadolínio, possíveis complicações e medidas para prevenção e tratamento destas.Gadolinium-based contrast agents are much safer than the iodinated ones; however complications may occur and should be recognized for appropriate orientation and management. The total incidence of adverse reactions to contrast agents in magnetic resonance imaging ranges between 2% and 4%. Cases of severe acute reactions to gadolinium, such as laryngospasm and anaphylactic shock, are rare. Chronic complications secondary to the use of gadolinium also can occur and, recently an association between its use and a rare dermatologic disease occurring in patients with renal failure has been reported. Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis was the subject of an official health notification issued by the American Food and Drug Administration. This progressive disease is characterized by hardened skin with fibrotic nodules and plaques which may involve other parts of the body. Patients who have been affected by this disorder presented chronic renal failure, with metabolic acidosis and had been submitted to magnetic resonance angiography, probably involving exposure to large amounts of intravenous paramagnetic contrast. This review is aimed at presenting a succinct description of the gadolinium-based contrast agent types, possible secondary complications, their preventive measures and management

    Radiological Reports: A Comparison between the Transmission Efficiency of Information in Free Text and in Structured Reports

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    INTRODUCTION: This work proposes to improve the transmission of information between requiring physicians and radiologists. OBJECTIVES: Evaluate the implementation of a structured report (SR) in a university hospital. METHODS: A model of a structured report for thyroid sonography was developed according to information gathered from radiologists and endocrinologists working in this field. The report was based on a web platform and installed as a part of a Radiological Information System (RIS) and a Hospital Information System (HIS). The time for the report generation under the two forms was evaluated over a four-month period, two months for each method. After this period, radiologists and requiring physicians were questioned about the two methods of reporting. RESULTS: For free text, 98 sonograms were reported to have thyroids with nodules in an average time of 8.71 (+/-4.11) minutes, and 59 sonograms of thyroids without nodules were reported in an average time of 4.54 (+/- 3.97) minutes. For SR, 73 sonograms in an average time of 6.08 (+/-3.8) minutes for thyroids with nodules and 3.67 (+/-2.51) minutes for thyroids without nodules. Most of the radiologists (76.2%) preferred the SR, as originally created or with suggested changes. Among endocrinologists, 80% preferred the SR. DISCUSSION: From the requiring physicians' perspective, the SR enabled standardization and improved information transmission. This information is valuable because physicians need reports prepared by radiologists. CONCLUSIONS: The implementation of a SR in a university hospital, under an RIS/HIS system, was viable. Radiologists and endocrinologists preferred the SR when compared to free text, and both agreed that the former improved the transmission of information

    Barium follow through in the assessment and follow-up of adult patients with short bowel syndrome

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    A síndrome do intestino curto é definida pela incapacidade da superfície do intestino delgado em manter as condições adequadas de absorção de nutrientes, ocasionando deficiências nutricionais. Em adultos, as principais causas de síndrome do intestino curto são as ressecções cirúrgicas amplas ou múltiplas, secundárias a infarto mesentérico, doença de Crohn e enterite actínica. Além de avaliar o tempo de trânsito até o intestino grosso, o exame contrastado de trânsito intestinal pode ser utilizado na medição da extensão do intestino remanescente e no acompanhamento dos fenômenos de adaptação estrutural das alças delgadas e colônicas. Em pacientes com síndrome do intestino curto, a adaptação estrutural do intestino delgado consiste na hiperplasia das vilosidades e das pregas mucosas, que se tornam mais numerosas, profundas e de maior diâmetro, assim como a dilatação do segmento remanescente. Esses achados morfológicos são mais pronunciados e bem estabelecidos nas alças ileais, evidenciando sua maior capacidade adaptativa. O conhecimento dos achados por imagem das características morfológicas e adaptativas do intestino delgado é de grande importância na abordagem multidisciplinar da síndrome do intestino curto.Short bowel syndrome is defined as the small bowel functional absorptive surface inability to provide adequate nutrition, leading to intestinal failure and chronic malnutrition. In adult individuals the main etiologies for short bowel syndrome are related to extensive or multiple surgical bowel resections secondary to mesenteric ischemia, Crohn's disease and actinic enteritis. Besides evaluating the transit time through the large bowel, barium follow through may be utilized in the measurement of bowel remnants length as well as in the follow-up of structural adaptation phenomena of small bowel and colonic loops. In patients with short bowel syndrome, structural small bowel adaptation consists in hyperplasia of villi and mucosal folds, which become more numerous, deeper and larger in diameter, as well as remnant segment dilation. Such morphological findings are more prominent and best established in the ileal loops, whose remarkable adaptive capacity has been well documented. Therefore, the knowledge of imaging findings regarding morphological and adaptive characteristics of the small bowel is extremely relevant in the multidisciplinary approach to short bowel syndrome

    Addition of n-butyl cyanoacrylate to classic transarterial chemoembolization may improve the radiological response in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma

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    OBJECTIVE: Transarterial chemoembolization is the treatment of choice for intermediate-stage hepatocellular carcinoma. However, there are no clear data supporting transarterial chemoembolization vs . transarterial embolization or regarding the best chemotherapeutic agent, which may suggest a preponderant role of ischemia over chemotherapeutic action. This study sought to evaluate the radiological response and outcome of transarterial chemoembolization modified by n-butyl cyanoacrylate addition compared to conventional transarterial chemoembolization in hepatocellular carcinoma patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective review identified forty-seven patients who underwent modified chemoembolization and thirty-three who underwent conventional chemoembolization between June 2006 and December 2011. The radiological response was reassessed using the modified Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors. The sustained complete response, time to progression and overall survival rates were also analyzed. RESULTS: Complete response rates were significantly higher in patients who had undergone modified chemoembolization compared to those who had undergone conventional treatment (61.7% and 24.3%, respectively;

    Body packing by rectal insertion of cocaine packets: a case report

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    Background: Body packing is used for international drug transport, immediate drug concealment during a police\ud searching or introducing drugs inside prisons. Despite the high level of specialization of dealers who have started\ud to manufacture more complex packs, up to 5% of patients could develop intoxication due to pack rupture. Bowel\ud obstruction is another acute complication.\ud Case presentation: A 27-year-old black male patient was sent to the hospital by court order for clinical evaluation\ud and toxicological examination. The patient was conscious, oriented, had good color, normal arterial pressure and\ud heart rate, and no signs of acute intoxication. Abdominal examination revealed discrete pain upon deep palpation\ud and a small mass in the left iliac fossa. A plain abdominal radiograph revealed several oval structures located in the\ud rectum and sigmoid. Fasting and a 50 g dose of activated charcoal every six hours were prescribed. After three\ud days, the patient spontaneously evacuated 28 cocaine packs.\ud Conclusion: Adequate clinical management and prompt identification of potential complications are of\ud fundamental importance in dealing with body packing
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