38 research outputs found

    Yogyakarta Disaster Adaptation And Education Centre

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    Indonesia is among the countries most vulnerable to disasters compared to other countries in the world. This is because of the geographical location that is in the area of fire rings. One of the areas with high potential for vulnerability to disasters is D.I.Yogyakarta Province, where there are 12 potential natural and social disasters that threaten. Under Indonesian government policies, local and provincial officials are required to be at the forefront of disaster management. On the basis of the "Yogyakarta Disaster Adaptation and Education Center" was built as an effort in developing the ability of the community in facing the threat of danger from the disaster that occurred so that the number of casualties can be reduced. In the framework of disaster adaptation the area is also equipped with facilities that can accommodate disaster victims or refugees due to the disaster that occurred in DIY. In order to realize a good and efficient design result, an appropriate baseline analysis is conducted based on data from the Provincial BPBD of DIY on areas with the highest intensity of disaster occurrence. The first step of this analysis is to determine the exact location as the site for further design development. Then, the selected sites include accessibility analysis, vegetation, climate, tailored to the needs of regional functions that apply the concept of Behavioral Architecture

    Rancang Bangun Kendali Gerbang Rumah Berbasis Short Message Service (SMS) Menggunakan Arduino

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    Technological advances in the field of electronics automation are growing rapidly and affecting human life. One example is the control of the gate of the house. Sometimes people forget to close the gates of the house in a hurry and when they realize that the gate is not closed, not a few people are lazy and reluctant to close it. Therefore, it takes an automatic home gate controller that can be controlled in a long distance. So far the development of home door handlers is usually controlled by remote control or, software that can only be reached with a certain distance. So it requires another control device that is not restricted by distance. One of them uses GSM module technology. The GSM module working system gives a message to the Arduino device to instruct Arduino to give motion to the motor that will open and close the gate. The motor used is a stepper motor. So that the gate can be opened and closed with a relatively far distance. This control circuit uses an average voltage of 5 V and a current below 1 A so that if using a 12 V adapter step down regulator required to reduce the voltage to 5V by turning the potensimeter knob. The results of this gate control tool can drive a motor with a fence load, which requires a voltage of 4.8 Volts, a maximum current of 0.2 A and a maximum power of 1 Watt. Keywords: control, automatic gate, Arduino, GSM Module, stepper moto

    Implementasi Filter Digital Fir (Finite Impulse Response) Pada Field Programmable Gate Arrays (Fpga)

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    Filter FIR merupakan filter digital yang mempunyai impulse terbatas. FPGA merupakan salah satu hardware yang dapat mengaplikasikan Filter FIR.Kelebihan memakai FPGA untuk pemrosesan sinyal digital antara lain adalah mempunyai kemampuan untuk menangani beban komputasi yang berat karena FPGA bekerja secara paralel.Hasil pengujian Filter FIR yang telah diimplementasikan pada FPGA menunjukkan ketika filter digital FIR diberi masukan sinyal sinusoida 20-22.000 Hz, maka sinyal dibawah 20.000 Hz tetap diloloskan, sedangkan sinyal diatasnya akan teredam. Hal ini menunjukkan kinerja dari filter FIR, baik dengan metode Hamming window, Blackman window maupun Hanning window, filter akan meloloskan sinyal yang frekuensi nya lebih rendah dari frekuensi cut-off yaitu sebesar 20KHz, dan akan meredam frekuensi diatasnyaKata Kunci— FPGA, Filter FIR, Modul Hamming window, Hanning window, Blackman window

    The Effect Of Catalyst With Resin 157 BTQN On The Strength Of Motorcycle Body Fiber Modified

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    Currently, many demands from consumers or motorcycle fans to have a motorcycle with good looking or appear attractive and make their motorcycle body are modified as they want. Fairly easy and quick to make is one benefit of this body modification that made by 3 main materials (resin, catalyst and fiberglass). A catalyst is a substance that can speed up the reaction towards equilibrium. The more the composition of catalyst, the less time is required to react. The objective of this study is to determine the effect of catalyst on the strength of material. Testing is done by changing the catalyst composition in 4 variations (2.5%, 5%, 10%, and 20%) of resin 157 BTQN. Each variation is tested by impact test that based on ASTM D-256, bending test that based on ASTM D-790 and tensile test that based on ASTM D-638. Analysis is conducted after got data of testing result. The result of the testing of each variatin has different strength (mechanical properties) that influenced by catalyst. The highest number of impact was got from variation of 2.5 % catalyst by 0.078 J/mm2, bending stress from 2.5% of catalyst by 199.86 MPa, ultimate tensile strength from variation of 5% by 76.64 MPa and modulus young from variation of 2.5% by 81.15 kg/mm2. The ability to withstand the force and the mechanical properties such as ductility, stiffness, hardness etc can be determined by the data gotten from the test result

    Analisis Human Error Dengan Menggunakan Metode Sherpa Dan Heart Pada Proses Pengolahan Batu Kaoulin Dan Calcium Carbonat (Studi Kasus : Pt Putri Indah Pertiwi)

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    PT Putri Indah Pertiwi yang bertempat di Pracimantoro,Wonogiri, Jawa Tengah merupakan sebuah perusahaan yang mengelola batu gamping/kapur. Dalam proses produksinya PT Putri Indah Pertiwi sudah menggunakan tenaga mesin namun tetap manusia sebagai pengendalinya. Oleh karena itu peneliti melakukan analisis human error pada proses produksi batu gamping/kapur pada tiap stasiun kerja untuk megukur probabilitas terjadinya human error menggunakan metode SHERPA dan HEART. Metode SHERPA untuk mengidentifikasi error dan HEART untuk dalam menghitung probabilitas error. Hasil pengolahan data menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 2 stasiun kerja dengan total 13 task ada 13 deskripsi error dimana error tersebut terbagi dalam 2 tipe error yang diklasifikasikan berdasarkan SHERPA error mode yaitu error dalam pelaksanaan (action error) sebanyak 13 error dan error dalam pemeriksaan (checking error) sebanyak 1 error. Hasil perhitungan nilai HEP pada proses produksi batu gamping berkisar diantara 0,04256 hingga 1.0903. Potensi error terbesar terjadi pada task 1.4 .4 operator menyortir material yang tidak diperlukan dan task 1.2 Operator memegang alat untuk mengecilkan material dengan nilai HEP 1.0903488


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    ABSTRACT Indonesia is one of the countries with the largest Muslim majority population in the world. This is evidenced by the large number of mosques in Indonesia. Even Indonesia is one of the countries with the most mosques in the world. In addition, the mosque can also be used by Muslims as a center for discussion of the Muslim community, religious studies, learning the Qur'an, and can even function as a role in community activities. The Great Mosque is located west of the Karanganyar Square which is a central area of activity for the people of Karanganyar Regency such as trade, sports education, office recreation and so on. The location of this mosque which is very strategic because it is located in the area is expected to be a potential landmark in Karanganyar Regency. However, the potential that exists in the Great Mosque has not been able to be used optimally such as limited supporting facilities resulting in minimal community activities that can be accommodated. In addition, the appearance of the facade and landscape of the mosque area does not reflect its function as a landmark. By changing the appearance of the building and coupled with the existence of supporting buildings that are arranged in an attractive manner, it is expected to be able to increase the value of the building area as a Landmark in Karanganyar Regency. This Final Bachelor Project aims to redesign and rebuild the Great Mosque with Modern Architectural Concepts so that it can become a new orientation for Karanganyar Regency. The method used in writing this thesis is a qualitative method, including: Literature Study, Observation, Documentation, and interviews. Keywords: Mosque, Landmar

    Evaluasi Kinerja Penerapan SMK3 Berdasarkan PP Nomor 50 Tahun 2012 Di PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Adi Soemarmo

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    Based on the Republic of Indonesia Government Regulation number 50 of 2012 concerning the Implementation of the Occupational Safety and Health Management System Article 5 paragraphs 1-4, companies are required to apply SMK3 if the company has at least 100 (one hundred) workers, or has a high level of potential danger. PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Adi Soemarmo employs more than 100 workers, therefore companies must implement the K3 Management System. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the performance of the implementation of SMK3 as a benchmark for companies in future audits. The method used is in depth interview and for the analysis of improvements using fishbone diagrams. The results of the conformity of the implementation of SMK3 with PP number 50 of 2012 in the year of 2019 amounted to 78.13% which means it has not been able to reach a satisfactory value (85-100%). Proposed improvements to evaluate the non-conformity of several criteria, one of which is to raise the concern of the leader in supervision to be firm in the operation of the program kerja from the K3 unit

    Studi Pengaruh Perlakuan Panas Terhadap Struktur Mikro Dan Sifat Mekanis Baja SKD-11 Yang Digunakan Pada Komponen Stud Pin Winder

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    Industri pembuatan benang, garmen dan tekstil di indonesia banyak menggunakan mesin-mesin pemintal benang buatan luar negeri. Sehingga bila ada kerusakan harus mendatangkankomponen-komponen mesin dari negara asal pembuat dan membutuhkan waktu yang lama dalam pengadaan barang serta menanggung biaya yang tinggi pula. Oleh karena itu industri dalam negeri membutuhkan ketersedian komponen tersebut, agar dalam proses perbaikan dan perawatan dapat dilakukan dengan cepat dan menekan biaya produksi. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan karakterisasi material bajaSKD-11 melalui proses perlakuan panas dengan cara normalizing dan tempering. Dalam penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan cara memanaskan material hingga temperatur austenit 1000oC dengan waktu penahanan 2 jam dan didinginkan di udara terbuka. Kemudian dilakukan tempering dengan variasi temperatur 200oC, 300oC, 500oC, 550oC, 600oC dengan waktu penahanan 1 jam. Kemudian dilakukan pengujian kekerasan, impak (ketangguhan), dan struktur mikro. Hasil dari pengujian menunjukkan nilai kekerasan tertinggi ada pada sampel baja SKD 11 dengan proses anneling yaitu sebesar 75,4 HRC dan terendah ada pada sampel baja SKD 11 dengan variasi temperatur tempering 550oC sebesar 50 HRC, serta baja SKD 11 yang tidak mengalami proses perlakuan panas sebesar 36,19 HRC. Pada uji impact nilai ketangguhan stud pin original sebesar 1,76 J/mm2, nilai ketangguhan tertinggi pada sampel material baja SKD 11 tanpa melalui proses perlakuan panas yaitu sebesar 0,14 J/mm2 dan nilai ketangguhan terendah ada pada sampel material baja SKD 11 dengan variasi temperatur tempering 550oC sebesar 0,05 J/mm2. Berdasarkan studi lapangan bahwa stud pin patah karena gaya impact, maka baja SKD 11 tidak bisa menggantikan stud pin original