7 research outputs found

    Analysis of Factors Affecting the Competitiveness of Indonesian Crude Palm Oil (CPO) Export in the Global Market

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    This study aims to: (1) Analyze the development of Indonesian CPO export competitiveness in the global market from 1998 to 2017 (2) Analyze factors affecting the competitiveness of Indonesian CPO export in the global market from 1998 to 2017. The data used is time series spanning 20 years (1998-2017). The competitiveness of Indonesian CPO export in the global market is presented descriptively in the form of images, while affecting factors are analyzed using a multiple linear regression model. The results show that Indonesian CPO has comparative and competitive competitiveness in the global market. The results of multiple linear regression tests indicate that the factors that comparatively affect the competitiveness of Indonesian CPO exports in the global market are domestic CPO production, global CPO prices and petroleum prices while factors that competitively affect competitiveness are ​​oil palm plantation area, Malaysian export volume, soybean oil price and exchange rates. Factors that positively impact Indonesian CPO competitiveness are domestic CPO production, oil prices and the ​​oil palm plantation area. Improving these variables will increase the competitiveness of Indonesian CPO exports, while an increase in global CPO prices, soybean oil prices and the exchange rate will reduce the competitiveness of CPO exports. The variable that has no significant effect is the export volume of Malaysia

    Hubungan Sanitasi Lingkungan, Faktor Ibu dan Faktor Anak Dengan Kejadian Stunting Pada Anak Usia 24 – 59 Bulan di Puskesmas Tempino Kabupaten Muaro Jambi

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    Stunting adalah gangguan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang dialami anak-anak dari gizi buruk, infeksi berulang, dan stimulasi psikososial yang tidak memadai. Anak dikatakan sebagai stunting jika tinggi badan menurut umur kurang dari minus dua standar deviasi pertumbuhan anak. Proporsi s tunting di Kab. Muaro Jambi berdasarkan SSGI tahun 2021 sebesar 27,2%, dan merupakan kabupaten yang memiliki proporsi stunting tertinggi di Provinsi Jambi. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain cross sectional, bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor yang berhubungan dengan stunting di di Puskesmas Tempino Kabupaten Muaro Jambi. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah anak usia 24-59 bulan di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Tempino yaitu sebanyak 155 orang. Analisis dilakukan secara univariate, analisis bivariat dengan uji chisquare, analisis multivariate dengan uji regresi logistik ganda. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan ada hubugan yang signifikan antara status gizi ibu, personal hygiene, ASI eksklusif, akses jamban, penyakit infeksi, pendapatan, pendidikan ibu, sampah, dan sumber air bersih dengan stunting. ASI eksklusif merupakan faktor yang paling dominan dari kejadian stunting pada balita usia 24-59 bulan di wilayah Puskesmas Tempino Kabupaten Muaro Jambi setelah dikontrol oleh status gizi ibu, personal hygiene, akses jamban, penyakit infeksi, pendidikan ibu, pendapatan, sampah, dan sumber air bersih. Anak yang tidak memperoleh ASI ekslusif selama 6 bulan memiliki risiko lebih besar (POR= 12,031, 95%CI: 2,137-67,722) untuk terkena Stunting dibandingkan anak balita yang tidak ASI eksklusif. Disarankan adanya dukungan terlaksanany

    RSPO Certification Impacts on Oil Palm Smallholders’ Welfare in Jambi Province

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    World demand for Crude Palm Oil (CPO) consistently increases. On the other hand, CPO market moves slowly probably due to Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) certification. International trade system requires large CPO producers to have a RSPO Certificate as one of requirements for exporting their product. It is expected that this requirement will also be applied immediately to smallholding oil palm plantations. This paper aims to analyze the benefits of RSPO certification on improving oil-palm smallholders’ welfare in Jambi Province. Data collected in this study were analyzed using both descriptive and quantitative methods. Results of the study showed that RSPO certification, in several aspects, significantly improved farmers’’ wealth, timely availability of input factors, oil palm yield, processing and marketing, and CSR financial support. It also indicates that oil palm plantation companies tend to give preferential treatment in transaction process with farmers having RSPO certificates. AbstrakPermintaan Crude Palm Oil (CPO) dunia pada dasarnya mengalami peaingkatan secara konsisten, namun pasar CPO cenderung mengalami kelesuan yang diduga sangat berkaitan dengan sertifikasi Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO).  Sistem perdagangan internasional mengharuskan produsen CPO untuk memiliki sertifikat RSPO sebelum memasarkan produk ke luar negeri. Dapat diduga bahwa kewajiban memiliki sertifikat RSPO tidak akan hanya terbatas kepada pengusaha perkebunan besar, namun lambat laun akan juga diwajibkan untuk dimiliki oleh setiap pengusaha kebun kelapa sawit termasuk petani rakyat swadaya. Tulisan ini bertujuan menganalisis manfaat sertifikasi RSPO terhadap peningkatan kesejahteraan petani kelapa sawit swadaya di Provinsi Jambi. Data dalam penelitian ini dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif dan statistik nonparametrik. Sertifikasi RSPO dalam beberapa aspek telah dapat dirasakan berkontribusi terhadap peningkatan kesejahteraan petani khususnya dalam hal ketersediaan input produksi secara tepat waktu, peningkatan produktivitas, pengolahan hasil dan pemasaran, serta dukungan dana CSR dari perusahaan inti. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit cenderung memberikan kemudahan dalam melakukan transaksi kepada kelompok tani yang sudah memiliki sertifikat RSPO

    Inisiasi Pembuatan Pupuk Organik Cair Dalam Meningkatkan Produksi Tanaman Pangan Di Desa Setiris Kecamatan Muaro Sebo Kabupaten Muaro Jambi

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    The rice agribusiness system includes many subsystems, ranging from the input provider subsystem to the marketing subsystem. If observed, agribusiness subsystem problems occur in all rice-producing areas, including in Jambi Province. One of the impacts that arise due to agribusiness subsystem problems is the decline in the level of production and productivity of rice plants. In order to get the right solution to overcome the level of dependence of farmers on production inputs, namely fertilizers, a series of process management steps were carried out consisting of the preparation of proposals, surveys and analysis of information needs, preparation of extension materials, implementation of extension activities on organic liquid fertilizers, monitoring and evaluation, preparation of service reports, and publication of service articles.The outputs of the activity include expanding knowledge about the production of POC JAKABA fertilizer, the benefits of fertilizers, and how POC JAKABA fertilizer can improve soil quality. Farmers enthusiastically stated that this activity had significant benefits for the sustainability of their farms. The constraints faced by farmers in Setiris village include high dependence on fertilizers, frequent shortages of fertilizers before the planting season, expensive fertilizer prices, pest control, less routine irrigation systems. Farmers are still lazy to utilize agricultural waste. The outputs of this training include expanding knowledge about fertilizer production and how POC JAKABA fertilizer can improve soil quality

    Keterkaitan Lahan Pangan Dengan Neraca Bahan Makanan Dan Pola Pangan Harapan Kota Jambi

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    Jambi City's Food Land decreased during the period 2001 - 2020 by 24.77 percent per year, while the population growth rate of Jambi City increased by 1.85 percent per year. This condition causes food production to decrease but food demand increases along with increasing population growth. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out an urban farming strategy, namely food land intensification, food diversification, utilization of Sustainable Food House Areas (KRPL), determination of Sustainable Food Agricultural Land (LP2B), expansion of food land or agriculture-based Green Open Space (RTH) and suppression of the rate of growth. population growth. The purpose of the study was to analyze the development of food land in Jambi City, to analyze the development of the Foodstuffs Balance of Jambi City, to analyze the growth of the Food Expectation Pattern of Jambi City, to determine the relationship between food land and the Foodstuff Balance of Jambi City and to determine the relationship between the Foodstuff Balance and the Expected Food Pattern of Jambi City. The research method is descriptive quantitative and simple linear regression. The secondary data used is the Decision Number II (ATAP II) recorded at the Jambi City BPS and Jambi City DPKP. Analysis using the Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) program. The results showed that Jambi City's food area was reduced by -19018 ha or 96.01 percent with a linear trend of -698.95 ha/year. The development of the Balance of Foodstuffs for main food is an average of 131.9 kg/cap/year, Energy Adequacy Number 11.78 kcal/cap/day, Protein Adequacy Rate is 1.0944 gr/cap/day, Fat Adequacy Rate is 0 .7585 g/cap/day, and the score of the Hope Food Pattern in Jambi City was 82.3.  The correlation between food land and food ingredients balance is 0.416 kg/cap/year for every 1 ha, the correlation between food items balance and expected food pattern for AKE is 0.125 per 1 kcal/cap/day, PPA is scored 0.361 for 1 g/cap/day. day and AKL got a score of 0.365 every 1 g/cap/day

    Analysis of Factors Affecting the Competitiveness of Indonesian Crude Palm Oil (CPO) Export in the Global Market

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    This study aims to: (1) Analyze the development of Indonesian CPO export competitiveness in the global market from 1998 to 2017 (2) Analyze factors affecting the competitiveness of Indonesian CPO export in the global market from 1998 to 2017. The data used is time series spanning 20 years (1998-2017). The competitiveness of Indonesian CPO export in the global market is presented descriptively in the form of images, while affecting factors are analyzed using a multiple linear regression model. The results show that Indonesian CPO has comparative and competitive competitiveness in the global market. The results of multiple linear regression tests indicate that the factors that comparatively affect the competitiveness of Indonesian CPO exports in the global market are domestic CPO production, global CPO prices and petroleum prices while factors that competitively affect competitiveness are ​​oil palm plantation area, Malaysian export volume, soybean oil price and exchange rates. Factors that positively impact Indonesian CPO competitiveness are domestic CPO production, oil prices and the ​​oil palm plantation area. Improving these variables will increase the competitiveness of Indonesian CPO exports, while an increase in global CPO prices, soybean oil prices and the exchange rate will reduce the competitiveness of CPO exports. The variable that has no significant effect is the export volume of Malaysia

    Analisis Keterkaitan Lahan Pangan dengan Neraca Bahan Makanan dan Pola Pangan Harapan Kota Jambi

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    Jambi City's Food Land decreased during the period 2001 - 2020 by 24.77 percent per year, while the population growth rate of Jambi City increased by 1.85 percent per year. This condition causes food production to decrease but food demand increases along with increasing population growth. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out an urban farming strategy, namely food land intensification, food diversification, utilization of Sustainable Food House Areas (KRPL), determination of Sustainable Food Agricultural Land (LP2B), expansion of food land or agriculture-based Green Open Space (RTH) and suppression of the rate of growth. population growth. The purpose of the study was to analyze the development of food land in Jambi City, to analyze the development of the Foodstuffs Balance of Jambi City, to analyze the growth of the Food Expectation Pattern of Jambi City, to determine the relationship between food land and the Foodstuff Balance of Jambi City and to determine the relationship between the Foodstuff Balance and the Expected Food Pattern of Jambi City. The research method is descriptive quantitative and simple linear regression. The secondary data used is the Decision Number II (ATAP II) recorded at the Jambi City BPS and Jambi City DPKP. Analysis using the Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) program. The results showed that Jambi City's food area was reduced by -19018 ha or 96.01 percent with a linear trend of -698.95 ha/year. The development of the Balance of Foodstuffs for main food is an average of 131.9 kg/cap/year, Energy Adequacy Number 11.78 kcal/cap/day, Protein Adequacy Rate is 1.0944 gr/cap/day, Fat Adequacy Rate is 0 .7585 g/cap/day, and the score of the Hope Food Pattern in Jambi City was 82.3. The correlation between food land and food ingredients balance is 0.416 kg/cap/year for every 1 ha, the correlation between food items balance and expected food pattern for AKE is 0.125 per 1 kcal/cap/day, PPA is scored 0.361 for 1 g/cap/day. day and AKL got a score of 0.365 every 1 g/cap/day