2,950 research outputs found

    On the Trace Anomaly and the Anomaly Puzzle in N=1 Pure Yang-Mills

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    The trace anomaly of the energy-momentum tensor is usually quoted in the form which is proportional to the beta function of the theory. However, there are in general many definitions of gauge couplings depending on renormalization schemes, and hence many beta functions. In particular, N=1 supersymmetric pure Yang-Mills has the holomorphic gauge coupling whose beta function is one-loop exact, and the canonical gauge coupling whose beta function is given by the Novikov-Shifman-Vainshtein-Zakharov beta function. In this paper, we study which beta function should appear in the trace anomaly in N=1 pure Yang-Mills. We calculate the trace anomaly by employing the N=4 regularization of N=1 pure Yang-Mills. It is shown that the trace anomaly is given by one-loop exact form if the composite operator appearing in the trace anomaly is renormalized in a preferred way. This result gives the simplest resolution to the anomaly puzzle in N=1 pure Yang-Mills. The most important point is to examine in which scheme the quantum action principle is valid, which is crucial in the derivation of the trace anomaly.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figure; v2:slight correction in sec.5, minor addition in appendi

    General Practitioner perspectives on and attitudes toward the Methadone Treatment Programme in Ireland

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    Background: Methadone maintenance treatment in Ireland is provided in addiction clinics, and in primary community care settings by Level 1 and 2 specialist trained general practitioners (GPs). The Irish College of General Practitioners (ICGP) provides training and regulates the Methadone Treatment Programme (MTP). Aim: The study aimed to assess and compare GP perceptions of the scale of local illicit drug use, attitudes toward and obstacles in the provision of methadone treatment and preferred adjunct modalities. Methods: In 2006 and 2015, an online survey was undertaken with all Level 1 and 2 registered GPs in the MTP. Results: The majority of participants were male, aged between 35 and 60 years, treated between 1 and 25 patients in urban areas. In 2015, 44.7% with registered methadone patients reported no obstacles to taking on more (32% in 2006). In relation to GPs with no current methadone patients, reasons for not taking patients in 2015 were similar to 2006, and centred on no referrals or demand, and concern for negative affect on private patients. Majority attitudes toward the MTP remained positive, with one exception relating to greater disagreement in 2015 with the statement that supervised daily dispensing prevents patients from working (p < .05). Preferred adjunct services remained constant; addiction counselling, in-patient detoxification, employment schemes and consultant psychiatric services. Conclusions: The study illustrates a generally positive attitude toward the Irish MTP. Efficient referral mechanisms for stabilised patients to primary care settings, and greater psycho-social, vocational and detoxification supports are warranted

    Minimum sample size for external validation of a clinical prediction model with a continuous outcome.

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    Clinical prediction models provide individualized outcome predictions to inform patient counseling and clinical decision making. External validation is the process of examining a prediction model's performance in data independent to that used for model development. Current external validation studies often suffer from small sample sizes, and subsequently imprecise estimates of a model's predictive performance. To address this, we propose how to determine the minimum sample size needed for external validation of a clinical prediction model with a continuous outcome. Four criteria are proposed, that target precise estimates of (i) R2 (the proportion of variance explained), (ii) calibration-in-the-large (agreement between predicted and observed outcome values on average), (iii) calibration slope (agreement between predicted and observed values across the range of predicted values), and (iv) the variance of observed outcome values. Closed-form sample size solutions are derived for each criterion, which require the user to specify anticipated values of the model's performance (in particular R2 ) and the outcome variance in the external validation dataset. A sensible starting point is to base values on those for the model development study, as obtained from the publication or study authors. The largest sample size required to meet all four criteria is the recommended minimum sample size needed in the external validation dataset. The calculations can also be applied to estimate expected precision when an existing dataset with a fixed sample size is available, to help gauge if it is adequate. We illustrate the proposed methods on a case-study predicting fat-free mass in children

    Controls on the formation of lunar multiring basins

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    Multiring basins dominate the crustal structure, tectonics, and stratigraphy of the Moon. Understanding how these basins form is crucial for understanding the evolution of ancient planetary crusts. To understand how preimpact thermal structure and crustal thickness affect the formation of multiring basins, we simulate the formation of lunar basins and their rings under a range of target and impactor conditions. We find that ring locations, spacing, and offsets are sensitive to lunar thermal gradient (strength of the lithosphere), temperature of the deep lunar mantle (strength of the asthenosphere), and preimpact crustal thickness. We also explore the effect of impactor size on the formation of basin rings and reproduce the observed transition from peak‐ring basins to multiring basins and reproduced many observed aspects of ring spacing and location. Our results are in broad agreement with the ring tectonic theory for the formation of basin rings and also suggest that ring tectonic theory applies to the rim scarp of smaller peak‐ring basins

    Clinical guidelines for the management of craniofacial fibrous dysplasia

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    Fibrous dysplasia (FD) is a non-malignant condition caused by post-zygotic, activating mutations of the GNAS gene that results in inhibition of the differentiation and proliferation of bone-forming stromal cells and leads to the replacement of normal bone and marrow by fibrous tissue and woven bone. The phenotype is variable and may be isolated to a single skeletal site or multiple sites and sometimes is associated with extraskeletal manifestations in the skin and/or endocrine organs (McCune-Albright syndrome). The clinical behavior and progression of FD may also vary, thereby making the management of this condition difficult with few established clinical guidelines. This paper provides a clinically-focused comprehensive description of craniofacial FD, its natural progression, the components of the diagnostic evaluation and the multi-disciplinary management, and considerations for future research

    Conjugated polyelectrolyte nano field emission adlayers.

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    Here we report on a straightforward and rapid means of enhancing the field electron emission performance of nascent vertically aligned multi-walled carbon nanotubes by introducing a polar zwitterionic conjugated polyelectrolyte adlayer at the vacuum-emitter interface. We attribute the observed 66% decrease in turn-on electric field to the augmented emitter micro-morphology and shifted surface band structure. The composite emitters can be optically modulated by exploiting the absorption cross-section of the solution cast adlayer, which increases the local carrier concentration which broadens the effective electrostatic shape of the emitter during optical excitation. Assessment via scanning anode field emission microscopy reveals a 25% improvement in DC time stability, a significant reduction in long-term hysteresis shift, and a threefold increase in bandwidth during pulsed mode operation.Oppenheimer TrustThis is the final version of the article. It first appeared from the Royal Society of Chemistry via http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c6nh00071

    Electrochemical communication with the inside of cells using micro-patterned vertical carbon nanofibre electrodes

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    With the rapidly increasing demands for ultrasensitive biodetection, the design and applications of new nano-scale materials for development of sensors based on optical and electrochemical transducers have attracted substantial interest. In particular, given the comparable sizes of nanomaterials and biomolecules, there exist plenty of opportunities to develop functional nanoprobes with biomolecules for highly sensitive and selective biosensing, shedding new light on cellular behaviour. Towards this aim, herein we interface cells with patterned nano-arrays of carbon nanofibers forming a nanosensor-cell construct. We show that such a construct is capable of electrochemically communicating with the intracellular environment.This work was supported by the Leverhulme Trust [grant numbers F/00 094/BD, ECF/2013-603]; the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council [grant number BB/L017059/1]; the European Research Council [Consolidator Grant, number 614787], the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council [EP/K027263/1]; and the NC3Rs [grant number NC/L00058X/1]

    Cross entropy as a measure of musical contrast

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    We present a preliminary study of using the information theoretic concept of cross-entropy to measure musical contrast in a symbolic context, with a focus on melody. We measure cross-entropy using the Information Dynamics Of Music (IDyOM) framework. Whilst our long term aim is to understand the use of contrast in Sonata form, in this paper we take a more general perspective and look at a broad spread of Western art music of the common practice era. Our results suggest that cross-entropy has a useful role as an objective measure of contrast, but that a fuller picture will require more work

    Direct and indirect effects of Johne's disease on farm and animal productivity in an Irish dairy herd

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    Johne's disease (JD) is caused by infection with the organism Mycobacterium avium spp. paratuberculosis, leading to chronic diarrhoea and ill thrift in adult cattle. JD is considered to adversely affect farm performance and profitability. This retrospective case study was undertaken on a single commercial dairy herd in the south west of Ireland. Animal production records were interrogated to assess the effect of JD on milk yield (total kg per lactation), somatic cell count (the geometric mean over the lactation), reasons for culling, cull price and changes in herd parity structure over time. JD groups were defined using clinical signs and test results. One control animal was matched to each case animal on parity number and year. Specific lactations (clinical, pre-clinical and test-positive only) from 1994 to 2004 were compared between JD case and control cows. A significantly lower milk yield (1259.3 kg/lactation) was noted from cows with clinical JD in comparison to their matched control group. Clinical animals had an average cull price of €516 less than animals culled without signs of clinical disease. In contrast, little effect was noted for sub-clinical infections. These direct effects of JD infections, in combination with increased culling for infertility and increasing replacement rates, had a negative impact on farm production. Results from this study provide preliminary information regarding the effects of JD status on both herd and animal-level performance in Ireland