501 research outputs found


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    The method of this researh is qualitative decriptif in exploratively design. the aim of this research is to describe the pnomena in naturally  to find out the meaning and to analyze the data comprehencively, deeply naturally. The object of this research is the adat organizaton in Soasio village Kota Tidore Kepulauan and the village’ sociaty about 12-21 years. The variable is the custom organization role in character naming in five local culture. they are Mae se Kolofino (shy and afrai feeling, to the God), Ngaku se Rasai (holding belive), Budi se bahasa/oli se nyemo-nyemo (politely in talking), Suba se Tabea (politely behaviour), Cing se cingeri (merakyat dan rendah hati) and the youngers character from the sixth main character are religius, honesty, dicipline, tolerance and socially.The result of the reseach showed that the local wisdom value as the same as the main value of nation still use and anderstand well by the Soasio society. But, the value is  just used and understood by the old generation and the youngers do not use and understand. In addition, it is coused the process of encilturation the Tidore local wisdom value to the Soasio youngers still lack. Key words: Enkulturasi, local wisdom value, custom organization, youngrs, character of educatio


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui model komunikasi orang tua dalam mengatasi kenakalan anak remaja di Kelurahan Soasio, faktor – faktor yang menghambat  komunikasi  orang  tua,  penelitian  ini   menggunakan  tipe  penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Teknik penentuan subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah ’’purposive sampling”  dengan  teknik  kumpulan  data  melalui observasi  dan  dokumentasi,  Data dianalisis dengan cara reduksi data, penyajian data dan kesimpulan.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa, model komunikasi orang tua dalam mengatasi kenakalan remaja di Kelurahan Soasio adalah bersifat otoriter, membatasi nilai kebebasan berpendapat, hubungan yang bersifat kurang terbuka, dan kurang saling menghargai perbedaan sikap dalam lingkungan keluarga, serta pendapat anak  di  nilai  secara  negatif,  kurang  di  beri  kesempatan  untuk  mengembangkan kreatifitas dirinya dan di beri batasan-batasan dalam bersikap maupun bertindak, faktor pisikologi anak / kepribadian yang menghambat komunikasi orang tua di Kelurahan Soasio,  sangat  di  pengaruhi  oleh  faktor  keteladanan  orang  tua  maupun  anggota keluarga   lainnya   yang   di  praktekan  dalam   kehidupan  keluarga,   faktor   metode pembiasaan yang dilakukan orang tua dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, faktor pengalaman dan latar belakang pendidikan  orang tua dan faktor sosial ekonomi keluarga.Kata kunci: Model Komunikasi Orang Tua Dan Kenakalan Anak Remaj

    Planting Design Expression on Students Perceiving Campus Landscape Quality

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    Planting design plays a vital role in evaluating and enhancing landscapes by deliberately arranging and selecting plants within a given area. It encompasses various elements, including plant types, arrangement, density, colour, texture, and composition, all contributing to the visual appeal and aesthetics of green spaces, creating harmonious and visually pleasing environments. Beyond environmental sustainability, planting design also holds significance in promoting aesthetical value for certain spaces. This study focuses on exploring how different planting design approaches impact the students’ expression when perceiving quality of campus green spaces. The objectives are to identify preferences for planting design scenes and investigate the influencing criteria. A Likert-scale questionnaire utilizing 51 planting images from Universiti Putra Malaysia is employed to collect data. The gathered preferences are analysed using IBM SPSS Statistics 23 to determine significant criteria and expression on preferences. The findings emphasize students' preferences for coherent and balance plant arrangements, naturalness with moderate density and maintenance. The implications of this study will aid campus designers in developing future landscape designs that incorporate preferred planting design characteristics

    Greening cloud-enabled big data storage forensics : Syncany as a case study

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    The pervasive nature of cloud-enabled big data storage solutions introduces new challenges in the identification, collection, analysis, preservation and archiving of digital evidences. Investigation of such complex platforms to locate and recover traces of criminal activities is a time-consuming process. Hence, cyber forensics researchers are moving towards streamlining the investigation process by locating and documenting residual artefacts (evidences) of forensic value of users’ activities on cloud-enabled big data platforms in order to reduce the investigation time and resources involved in a real-world investigation. In this paper, we seek to determine the data remnants of forensic value from Syncany private cloud storage service, a popular storage engine for big data platforms. We demonstrate the types and the locations of the artefacts that can be forensically recovered. Findings from this research contribute to an in-depth understanding of cloud-enabled big data storage forensics, which can result in reduced time and resources spent in real-world investigations involving Syncany-based cloud platforms

    Studi Parameter ModelPenangkap Angin Pada Sistem TowerPendinginan Evaporasi Menggunakan CFD Untuk Mendapatkan Laju optimal Udara

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    This research is an extension of previous researchers about wind catcher using computational fluid dynamic (CFD). The previous research did not use baffle variations. The aim of the research work was to compare two type ability of wind catcher in obtaining optimum mass flow rate. The first type was wind catcher was designed without baffle and second type was wind catcher designed using baffle that consisted of; wind catcher with cylinder baffle, square baffle, plus with four holes baffle, and combined wind catcher with eight holes baffle. Simulation was carried out in vary of incoming wind speed of 0.5m/s to 5m/s at 11,5m height. Due to the complexity of geometry then unstructured mesh was adopted. The wind catcher without baffle resulted total element of 1237341, whereas, wind catcher with cylinder baffle resulted in 2090432 element, square baffle resulted element of 2366514, baffle plus resulted in element of 4425278, and combined baffle produced element of 7747840. Initially, The k-epsilon turbulen model was selected in this simulation as it is robust in time. The parametric study of wind catcher model was carried out in two steps; the first step was comparing performa of five shape of wind catcher. Where, the wind catcher with four holes with plus baffle resulting optimum mass flow rate, and the second performance was demonstrated by studying effect of extension baffle. In this study, wind catcher was modified by extending baffle of 1m. Result of the comparison study showed that wind catcher with one extension baffle resulted an optimal performance. Further simulation was by investigating different inflation boundary layer and different turbulen model. In studying inflation boundary layer, total maximum of layer was varying from: 5, 10, 15, dan 20 at wind speed of 5 m/s. The optimum performance was reached by maximum layer of 10. The study of turbulence model was carried out at all simulation involved k-epsilon, Shear Stress Transport, BSL Reynold Stress, dan SSG Reynold Stress turbulence model. The wind speed was set as same as in studying inflation boundary layer of 5 m/s. The Studi showed that SSG Reynold Stress turbulen model was able to reach an optimum performance. All simulation was carried out using ANSYS,version 15.0

    Pengaruh Variasi Jumlah Lubang Distribusi Udara Terhadap Kinerja Tungku Gasifikasi Sekam Padi Tipe Downdraft

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    This study aims to improve the performance of the downdraft gasification furnace by adding air distributors, to get better results, compare the initial ignition time, combustion temperature and effective flame. This research was conducted by testing the performance of the downdraft gasification furnace by adding air distributors. Each distributor has a pipe diameter of 30 mm and a hole diameter on its sides 10 mm, the difference of each distributor is type 1 with a length of 200 mm number of holes 35, type 2 with a length of 400 mm number of holes 70 while type 3 with a length of 600 mm number of holes 105. The results showed that the furnace without the initial ignition distributor was 9 minutes with the highest average temperature of 725 ° C while the type 1 distributor had an initial ignition time of 11 minutes with the highest average temperature of 760 ° C, type 2 ignition initial 9 minutes with average temperature the highest average of 803.17 ° C, type 3 ignition of 7 minutes with the highest average temperature of 824 ° C. Effective flame without distributor lights up for 37 minutes with type 1 distributor lit 40 minutes, type 2 for 33minutes, type 3 for 31 minutes. Keywords: Distributor of gasification, downdraft, rice husk

    Advances of mobile forensic procedures in Firefox OS

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    The advancement of smartphone technology has attracted many companies in developing mobile operating system (OS). Mozilla Corporation recently released Linux-based open source mobile OS, named Firefox OS. The emergence of Firefox OS has created new challenges, concentrations and opportunities for digital investigators. In general, Firefox OS is designed to allow smartphones to communicate directly with HTML5 applications using JavaScript and newly introduced WebAPI. However, the used of JavaScript in HTML5 applications and solely no OS restriction might lead to security issues and potential exploits. Therefore, forensic analysis for Firefox OS is urgently needed in order to investigate any criminal intentions. This paper will present an overview and methodology of mobile forensic procedures in forensically sound manner for Firefox OS

    Kebangkitan Kesultanan Ternate pada Era Reformasi 1998-2002

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     The elite revival of the Ternate Sultanate after the New Order illustrated how the palace group played a new role in staying in its position as a clan of power in the local sphere. In this case, the emergence of the elite of the Ternate Sultanate can be understood and interpreted in three respects. First, the rise of feudalistic power in the region to strengthen political position stemmed from cultural construction based on history and genealogical similarities. Second, the individual revival of the Sultan of Ternate MudafarSyah in the name of the Sultanate institution as his political vehicle. Third, there is the elite desire of the Ternate Sultanate to be more institutionally accommodated into the formal government political stage. This reality shows the political participation of the Ternate Sultanate in the post-independence domain of local politics until now, is an important field of historical research. As a historical phenomenon, the process of dynamics of local politics like this is interesting to study, because the Sultan of Ternate has long been a part of the history of politics in North Maluku. Also, there is an implicit message about how partial Indonesian political studies are if they only focus on the dynamics of national politics. In the case, there are several national political issues which can initially be pursued from the region and vice versa Kebangkitan elite Kesultanan Ternate pasca-Orde Baru mengambarkan bagaimana kelompok istana memainkan peran baru agar tetap berada pada posisinya sebagai pengenggam kekuasaan di ranah lokal. Dalam hal ini, apat dipahami bahwa ada tiga faktor yang menyebabkan kemunculan elit Kesultanan Ternate Pertama, bangkitnya kekuasaan feodalistik di daerah untuk memperkuat posisi politik bersumber dari konstruksi budaya yang berbasiskan pada sejarah masa lalu maupun kesamaan genealogis. Kedua, kebangkitan secara individual Sultan Ternate Mudafar Syah dengan mengatasnamakan institusi kesultanan sebagai kendaraan politiknya. Ketiga, adanya keinginan elite Kesultanan Ternate untuk lebih diakomodasikan secara institusional ke dalam panggung politik pemerintahan formal. Realitas  tersebut menunjukkan  partisipasi politik  Kesultanan Ternate dalam ranah politik lokal pasca-kemerdekaan hingga kini, merupakan sebuah bidang penelitian sejarah yang penting. Sebagai sebuah fenomena historis, proses dinamika politik lokal seperti ini menarik untuk diteliti, karena telah sejak lama para Sultan Ternate menjadi bagian dalam sejarah perpolitikan di Maluku Utara. Selain itu,  ada sebuah pesan implisit tentang betapa parsialnya kajian politik Indonesia bila hanya memfokuskan pada dinamika politik nasional saja. Pada hal ada beberapa persoalan politik nasional yang awalnya dapat diruntut  dari daerah dan begitu pula sebaliknya