2,041 research outputs found

    Overview of Indexes Used in NOSQL Databases of MongoDB Architecture

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    The present day transactions result into petabytes of data collected and the credit almost goes to the booming ICT industry. The data received is able to detect the hidden patterns for the enterprises and research industry and help them to improve their traditional methods. However the data is unstructured and requires new innovative technologies to be implemented in the architecture handling big data. In the present paper, we have tried to explore the NOSQL database handling techniques and specifically the indexes that help to reduce the time complexity to handle the unstructured data. This paper is divided into four sections where the first section compares the DBMS and DSMS followed by the literature review on this technique and introduction to the MongoDB architecture and overview of NOSQL databases. The fourth section handles the types of the databases, it’s index types. Fifth section describes the performance comparison of the various MongoDB with RDBMS

    Data Classifier for Encryption in Cloud

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    The aim of this project is to provide the cloud security infrastructure with a security policy such that the data encryption takes place as per need of data and provide suitable security to data based on the security needs of data with resource optimization in mind, as most of the data stored in cloud database would not be a classier document. Some of, or a high percentage of, data must be no encryption required-data. A model is needed which would not only classify the data but also handle the security concerns of data according to class which could be based on any security parameter, security criteria, or a set of conditions which are to be decided in accordance with the cloud service provider .On the basis of these predefined security criteria classes are formed and eventually various types of policies can be applied to the classes for which the cloud service provider agrees and is capable of. The data have different values and characteristics that must be identified before sending to cloud severs. As per the literature review so far the model present is a combination of K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) classifier and the Rivest, Shamir and Adelman (RSA) algorithm ,where data is classi?ed into sensitive and non sensitive data ,only the sensitive data is encrypted using RSA algorithm. In a cloud server, the data are stored in two ways. First encrypt the received data and store on cloud servers. Second store data on the cloud servers without encryption. As the literature states, after implementing this model it is found that the confidentiality level of data is increased and this model is proved to be more cost and memory friendly for the users as well as for the cloud services providers. This classi?cation technique uses binary number of class. The sensitivity of data can vary from more than just two levels. The data can grow two large to handle by K-NN and better technique exists to handle large data sets. For encryption any outsource algorithm would do more appropriate for cloud environment. This project proposes a model with more number of target classes which can handle the sensitivity of data more precisely and satisfy the need of security architecture. The model uses decision tree induction algorithm for classifier and the encryption algorithm can be used in varieties with a single class with no encryption. The classified data is then loaded into the servers into different data centres. The model aims at classi?cation of data on basis of various security parameter or cloud policies

    A Wearable Glove for Measuring Fingers Flexion to Identify Specific Hand Gestures Using Flex Sensors

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    This paper presents a special method of communication for the speech impaired people and other patients using their hand gestures. A microcontroller based system has been developed for measuring fingers flexion to identify specific hand gestures using flex sensors. The system is made wearable and has been deployed on a glove. To measure the fingers flexion for a specific hand gesture five flex sensors are tailored for each finger on the glove. These flex sensors produce signals corresponding to different hand gestures and finger movements. Flex sensors simply change their resistance values according to the degree of bend angle made. They convert the change in bend to electrical resistance-the more the bend, the more is the resistance value. The system has been built around a widely used eight bit microcontroller ATMega328P that has a built-in 10-bit multiplexed channel Analog-to-Digital Converter for the signal conditioning purpose. The important factors while designing a glove is the calibration, the finger size, height and thickness varies from patient to patient and these inaccurate measurements of parameter leads to overlapping of the sign

    Altmetric Analysis of Highly Cited Publications on Digital Library in Brazil and India: A Comparative Study

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    In Library and Information Science, Altmetrics is one of the emerging metrics to capture the online attention of scholarly literature. The present paper is an attempt to do a correlation study of an altmetric score and citations received by the highly cited publications of Digital library in Brazil and India country during 1989-2017. The study reveals that India is the county which received altmetric attention as compared to Brazil. While doing Altmetric analysis, it was found that discipline wise, Librarians followed by PhD scholar are the maximum readers whereas subject-wise, Computer science professionals contribute the maximum readership followed by social science disciplines in India in the field of a digital library. So, it is the need of time to explore the area more so that altmetric would become one of the standard indicators to measure the research impact in a professional

    Bibliometric Survey on Effect of Socio-Economic Factors on Spread of Corona virus (COVID-19)

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    The Novel Coronavirus disease has been rapidly spreading all around the globe, from the time when it was first reported in the Wuhan city of China. The primary focus of this bibliometric survey is to distinguish the documents which have hypothesized and expanded on the effects of various socio-economic factors when it comes to the spread of the Coronavirus. This survey does the evaluation on the 480 documents found. The United Kingdom of the Great Britain and United States have contributed the largest number of publications in this field of research followed closely by India and Italy. The survey includes analysis based on geographical regional, analysis of network, analysis on the basis of type of publication, dialect in which the document is written in. We have also considered the universities, institutes and authors that have contributed in this research area. This bibliometric survey concludes that the highest number publications of “Socio-Economic factors affecting the spread of COVID-19” are from articles, review papers associated with agriculture and biological sciences. The documents that were analyzed are considered from the time period of 2020 to 2021

    Machine Learning Techniques and Testing

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    In this paper, we have discussed about various algorithms of the machine learning. These algorithms are used in various processes like image automated medical diagnostics, online advertising, robot incomotion etc.   

    NLO QCD Corrections to BcB_c-to-Charmonium Form Factors

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    The Bc(1S0)B_c(^1S_0) meson to S-wave Charmonia transition form factors are calculated in next-to-leading order(NLO) accuracy of Quantum Chromodynamics(QCD). Our results indicate that the higher order corrections to these form factors are remarkable, and hence are important to the phenomenological study of the corresponding processes. For the convenience of comparison and use, the relevant expressions in asymptotic form at the limit of mc→0m_c\rightarrow0 for the radiative corrections are presented

    Smart Bus Ticket Vending Machine

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    It is indeed a fact that everyone does regularly travel in the city buses. But these days, the online cab booking has struck the government city buses profit very badly. People usually prefer cabs instead of city buses, as people feel more comfortable in cabs than buses. Changing the city bus system according to the following idea would bring a huge difference in number of passengers travelling in buses. The ticket machines which are now being used need to be upgraded, such that it will have GPS module and internet connectivity (for cloud connection)
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