44 research outputs found

    Intraduodenal Administration of Intact Pea Protein Effectively Reduces Food Intake in Both Lean and Obese Male Subjects

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    BACKGROUND: Human duodenal mucosa secretes increased levels of satiety signals upon exposure to intact protein. However, after oral protein ingestion, gastric digestion leaves little intact proteins to enter the duodenum. This study investigated whether bypassing the stomach, through intraduodenal administration, affects hormone release and food-intake to a larger extent than orally administered protein in both lean and obese subjects. METHODS: Ten lean (BMI:23.0±0.7 kg/m²) and ten obese (BMI:33.4±1.4 kg/m²) healthy male subjects were included. All subjects randomly received either pea protein solutions (250 mg/kg bodyweight in 0.4 ml/kg bodyweight of water) or placebo (0.4 ml/kg bodyweight of water), either orally or intraduodenally via a naso-duodenal tube. Appetite-profile, plasma GLP-1, CCK, and PYY concentrations were determined over a 2 h period. After 2 h, subjects received an ad-libitum meal and food-intake was recorded. RESULTS: CCK levels were increased at 10(p<0.02) and 20(p<0.01) minutes after intraduodenal protein administration (IPA), in obese subjects, compared to lean subjects, but also compared to oral protein administration (OPA)(p<0.04). GLP-1 levels increased after IPA in obese subjects after 90(p<0.02) to 120(p<0.01) minutes, compared to OPA. Food-intake was reduced after IPA both in lean and obese subjects (-168.9±40 kcal (p<0.01) and -298.2±44 kcal (p<0.01), respectively), compared to placebo. Also, in obese subjects, food-intake was decreased after IPA (-132.6±42 kcal; p<0.01), compared to OPA. CONCLUSIONS: Prevention of gastric proteolysis through bypassing the stomach effectively reduces food intake, and seems to affect obese subjects to a greater extent than lean subjects. Enteric coating of intact protein supplements may provide an effective dietary strategy in the prevention/treatment of obesity

    Exploring, exploiting and evolving diversity of aquatic ecosystem models: a community perspective

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    Stable isotope ratios indicate differential omnivory among syntopic rocky shore suspension-feeders

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    Publisher versionWe utilised stable isotope ratios to assess differences in diet among three indigenous and syntopic rocky shore suspension-feeders (mussels Perna perna, barnacles Tetraclita serrata, and polychaetes Gunnarea gaimardi). We also determined the spatial and temporal variability in the suspension-feeder diets by collecting specimens on two occasions from two regions adjacent to hydrologically distinct river mouths (i.e. one with larger annual freshwater throughput than the other). The results showed that the isotopic niches (used as proxies for trophic niches) of the three species did not overlap and that the barnacles occupied a trophic position (3.4) well above those of the mussels (2) and polychaetes (2.6). We ascribed the interspecific differences primarily to the disparate feeding mechanisms used by the species. Large-scale regional (~50 km) differences in suspension-feeder diets were apparent, but not small-scale (up to a few km north and south of each estuary mouth). The regional differences in diet resulted from the increased availability of estuarine-origin suspended particulate matter (SPM) and zooplankton in the region adjacent to the river with relatively larger freshwater output, although overall incorporation of zooplankton versus mixed SPM into consumer diets was relatively consistent between regions and through time. Temporal shifts in suspension-feeder diets were apparent from stable carbon isotope ratios in the consumers. Our results showcase the measurable effects of regional-scale processes that can alter the food sources for dominant primary consumers in the rocky intertidal, thus potentially affecting entire food webs through bottom-up processes. The clear evidence for trophic niche partitioning offers valuable insights into how potentially strong competitors can coexist