634 research outputs found

    A Review Approach on various form of Apriori with Association Rule Mining

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    Data mining is a computerized technology that uses complicated algorithms to find relationships in large databases Extensive growth of data gives the motivation to find meaningful patterns among the huge data. Sequential pattern provides us interesting relationships between different items in sequential database. Association Rules Mining (ARM) is a function of DM research domain and arise many researchers interest to design a high efficient algorithm to mine ass ociation rules from transaction database. Association Rule Mining plays a important role in the process of mining data for frequent pattern matching. It is a universal technique which uses to refine the mining techniques. In computer science and data min ing, Apriori is a classic algorithm for learning association rules Apriori algorithm has been vital algorithm in association rule mining. . Apriori alg orithm - a realization of frequent pattern matching based on support and confidence measures produced exc ellent results in various fields. Main idea of this algorithm is to find useful patterns between different set of data. It is a simple algorithm yet having man y drawbacks. Many researches have been done for the improvement of this algorithm. This paper sho ws a complete survey on few good improved approaches of Apriori algorithm. This will be really very helpful for the upcoming researchers to find some new ideas from these approaches. The paper below summarizes the basic methodology of association rules alo ng with the mining association algorithms. The algorithms include the most basic Apriori algorithm along with other algorithms such as AprioriTi d, AprioriHybrid

    Evaluation of Continuous Sampling Plan Indexed through Minimum Angle and Maximum Acceptance Quality

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    In this paper, an evaluation and quality designing methodology is designed to determine the quality measures in a new procedure for Continuous Sampling Plan –M indexed through Minimum Angle method and Maximum Acceptance Quality. Tables and procedures are provided for the selection of the parameter for the plan. Numerical designs are also provided for the shop floor applications of the manufacturing industries. Minimum Angle indexed plan provides a method for designing sampling plan based on higher quality product selection with minimum inspection cost and time, instead of classical determination about quality in operating characteristic (OC) curve measurement. Minimum Angle method is to provide wider potential applicability in manufacturing industry ensuring higher standard of quality product selection attainment

    Analytical study of modified Manashiladi Lepa into Ointment

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    Lepa Kalpana is one amongst the external application used in Ayurveda. Manashiladi Lepa is a formulation explained in ‘Rasa Tantra Sara Va Siddha Prayoga Sangraha’ for the prevention of scar in the skin surface. The formulation contains Ghrita and Madhu which is to be mixed with the powder of the herbs told in the formulation. In the present scenario, the Lepa Kalpana is not liked by the patients themselves as it leaves behind residual marks on the skin surface and stains the cloth if it comes in contact with it. Hence a modified Lepa in the form of ointment which contains reduced amount of oiliness and good packing is accepted by all. Literary review done through various sources like books, journals and internet revealed that, no modification studies have been carried out on this formulation yet. The Lepa is modified into an ointment for its easy acceptability and usage. The formulation is tested for its analytical values and discussed in the article


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    The World Health Organization inspires the use of fixed dose combination (FDC) of rifampicin combination used with isoniazid, isoniazid with pyrazinamide or pyrazinamide with ethambutol for the treatment of tuberculosis. Hence, it’s used worldwide for reducing the risk of emerging drug resistance. Rifampicin is one of the potent and broad spectrum antibiotics against bacterial pathogen. It works by inhibits the DNA dependent RNA polymerase activity by forming stable complex with enzyme. Here, the polymorphic form of rifampicin is describe by thermal study of rifampicin. The thermal behavior of two polymorphic forms of rifampicin was studied by DSC, FTIR, TGA, PXRD. The thermoanalytical results clearly showed the differences between the two crystalline forms. Polymorph I was the most thermally stable form and polymorph II was meta stable. On the DSC study of rifampicin it was shows the difference between both form on basis of melting point and exothermic and endothermic peak. The DSC curve of form I RMP shows the exothermic peak at the temperature between 240- 420ºc and form II RMP shows the endothermic peak at temperature range between 183-188ºc. By using the FTIR spectrum of form I RMP, it was shown that the absorption bands at approximately 3400 cm−1, 1722 cm−1, 1643 cm−1, for the OH of the chain loop group, acetyl group, furanone group sufficient to characterize form I of RMP and form II of RMP, it was shown that the absorption bands at 3356 cm−1 ,1732 cm−1, 1714 cm−1 , for the OH group, furanone group and acetyl group are sufficient to differentiate form I and form II rifampicin. In TGA analysis of RMP both polymorphs shows TGA curve form I occurred at the temperature 224.17 ºC and form II showed the temperature at 194.04 ºC. Powder X-ray diffraction was used to test the polymorphic forms of solid-state rifampicin. Keywords: Rifampicin, thermal study, analytical study, multidrug resistance study, consequences

    Machine-Part cell formation through visual decipherable clustering of Self Organizing Map

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    Machine-part cell formation is used in cellular manufacturing in order to process a large variety, quality, lower work in process levels, reducing manufacturing lead-time and customer response time while retaining flexibility for new products. This paper presents a new and novel approach for obtaining machine cells and part families. In the cellular manufacturing the fundamental problem is the formation of part families and machine cells. The present paper deals with the Self Organising Map (SOM) method an unsupervised learning algorithm in Artificial Intelligence, and has been used as a visually decipherable clustering tool of machine-part cell formation. The objective of the paper is to cluster the binary machine-part matrix through visually decipherable cluster of SOM color-coding and labelling via the SOM map nodes in such a way that the part families are processed in that machine cells. The Umatrix, component plane, principal component projection, scatter plot and histogram of SOM have been reported in the present work for the successful visualization of the machine-part cell formation. Computational result with the proposed algorithm on a set of group technology problems available in the literature is also presented. The proposed SOM approach produced solutions with a grouping efficacy that is at least as good as any results earlier reported in the literature and improved the grouping efficacy for 70% of the problems and found immensely useful to both industry practitioners and researchers.Comment: 18 pages,3 table, 4 figure
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