31 research outputs found


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    Retinoblastoma is a rare eye tumor of childhood that arises in the retina. It is the most common intraocular malignancy of infancy and childhood; with an incidence of 1/15,000–20,000 live births. The two most frequent symptoms revealing retinoblastoma are leukocoria and strabismus. Iris rubeosis, hypopyon, hyphema, buphthalmia, orbital cellulites and exophthalmia may also be observed. Sixty per cent of retinoblastomas are unilateral and most of these forms are not hereditary (median age at diagnosis two years). Retinoblastoma is bilateral in 40% of cases (median age at diagnosis one year). All bilateral and multifocal unilateral forms are hereditary. Hereditary retinoblastoma constitutes a cancer predisposition syndrome: a subject constitutionally carrying an RB1 gene mutation has a greater than 90% risk of developing retinoblastoma but is also at increased risk of developing other types of cancers. Diagnosis is made by fundoscopy. Ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) scans may contribute to diagnosis. Management of patients with retinoblastoma must take into account the various aspects of the disease: the visual risk, the possibly hereditary nature of the disease, the life-threatening risk. Enucleation is still often necessary in unilateral disease; the decision for adjuvant treatment is taken according to the histological risk factors. Conservative treatment for at least one eye is possible in most of the bilateral cases. It includes laser alone or combined with chemotherapy, cryotherapy and brachytherapy. The indication for external beam radiotherapy should be restricted to large ocular tumors and diffuse vitreous seeding because of the risk of late effects, including secondary sarcoma. Vital prognosis, related to retinoblastoma alone, is now excellent in patients with unilateral or bilateral forms of retinoblastoma. Long term follow-up and early counseling regarding the risk of second primary tumors and transmission should be offered to retinoblastoma patients

    Listeria monocytogenes in Milk Products

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    peer-reviewedMilk and milk products are frequently identified as vectors for transmission of Listeria monocytogenes. Milk can be contaminated at farm level either by indirect external contamination from the farm environment or less frequently by direct contamination of the milk from infection in the animal. Pasteurisation of milk will kill L. monocytogenes, but post-pasteurisation contamination, consumption of unpasteurised milk and manufacture of unpasteurised milk products can lead to milk being the cause of outbreaks of listeriosis. Therefore, there is a concern that L. monocytogenes in milk could lead to a public health risk. To protect against this risk, there is a need for awareness surrounding the issues, hygienic practices to reduce the risk and adequate sampling and analysis to verify that the risk is controlled. This review will highlight the issues surrounding L. monocytogenes in milk and milk products, including possible control measures. It will therefore create awareness about L. monocytogenes, contributing to protection of public health

    From cancer genomes to oncogenic drivers, tumour dependencies and therapeutic targets

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    The analysis of human cancer by genome sequencing and various types of arrays has proved that many tumours harbour hundreds of genes that are mutated or substantially altered by copy number changes. But how many of these changes are meaningful? And how can we exploit these massive data sets to yield new targets for cancer treatment? In this Opinion article, we describe emerging approaches that aim to determine which altered genes are actually contributing to cancer, as well as their potential as therapeutic targets

    MTBP plays a crucial role in mitotic progression and chromosome segregation

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    Murine double minute 2 (MDM2) binding protein (MTBP) has been implicated in tumor cell proliferation, but the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. The results of MTBP expression analysis during cell cycle progression demonstrated that MTBP protein was rapidly degraded during mitosis. Immunofluorescence studies revealed that a portion of MTBP was localized at the kinetochores during prometaphase. MTBP overexpression delayed mitotic progression from nuclear envelope breakdown (NEB) to anaphase onset and induced abnormal chromosome segregation such as lagging chromosomes, chromosome bridges, and multipolar chromosome segregation. Conversely, MTBP downmodulation caused an abbreviated metaphase and insufficient mitotic arrest, resulting in abnormal chromosome segregation, aneuploidy, decreased cell proliferation, senescence, and cell death, similar to that of Mad2 (mitotic arrest-deficient 2) downmodulation. Furthermore, MTBP downmodulation inhibited the accumulation of Mad1 and Mad2, but not BubR1 (budding uninhibited by benzimidazoles related 1), on the kinetochores, whereas MTBP overexpression inhibited the release of Mad2 from the metaphase kinetochores. These results may imply that MTBP has an important role in recruiting and/or retaining the Mad1/Mad2 complex at the kinetochores during prometaphase, but its degradation is required for silencing the mitotic checkpoint. Together, this study indicates that MTBP has a crucial role in proper mitotic progression and faithful chromosome segregation, providing new insights into regulation of the mitotic checkpoint

    Molecular mechanisms underlying RB protein function

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    Inactivation of the RB protein is one of the most fundamental events in cancer. Coming to a molecular understanding of its function in normal cells and how it impedes cancer development has been challenging. Historically, the ability of RB to regulate the cell cycle placed it in a central role in proliferative control, and research focused on RB regulation of the E2F family of transcription factors. Remarkably, several recent studies have found additional tumour-suppressor functions of RB, including alternative roles in the cell cycle, maintenance of genome stability and apoptosis. These advances and new structural studies are combining to define the multifunctionality of RB