8,465 research outputs found

    Progressive Sleep Scheduling For Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Network

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    Increasing the network efficiency & reducing the power consumption are important issues in the design of applications & protocols for wireless sensor network. Sleep scheduling & routing protocol provides efficient communication with less power consumption. In this paper, we address the routing protocol for static network which reduces the computation time & power consumption. Proposed system, in practice, suitable for small & medium sized networks. In this proposed work the first module incorporates the communication between node to node & node to base station. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150313

    An Efficient Approach to Secure Versatile Data File in Video using Forbidden Zone Data Hiding Technique

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    Video Steganography is a technique in which we can hide all types of files with any extension into a carrying Video file. In this dissertation, we are using two main terminology that is host file and carrier file where host file is a hidden file (any kind of file like text file, image file, and audio/video file) and carrier file must be a video file. The main motivation of this dissertation is to secure transferring of data by using steganography and cryptography technique. It is concerned with embedding information in an innocuous cover media in a secure and robust manner. In this dissertation we are using Forbidden Zone Data Hiding technique where no alteration is required in host signal range during data hiding process.To securely transferring the data file, we use video data hiding and making use of correction capacity of repeat accumulate code with superiority of forbidden zone data hiding. Using this approach we can also hide and transfer the large video file whose size is larger than cover file in secure manner. The main advantage of using video file in hiding information is the added security against of the third party or unintended receiver due to the relative complexity of video compared to image and audio file

    BPMN to BPEL: Implementing ATM System

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    BPMN provides a standard graphical notation for modelling business process. BPEL is a XML based language which generate executable code from BPMN diagram. Several BPEL engines are available which execute BPEL. In this paper , an example is provided to explain how BPMN diagram is generated and then with the help of BPEL executable code is generated

    DANES: Diet and Nutrition Expert System for Meal Management and Nutrition Counseling

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    “Your body is your temple” As people across the globe are becoming more health conscious, eating more healthy food and avoiding junk food, a system that can measure calories and nutrition in every day meals can be very useful for maintaining one’s health. Food calorie and nutrition measurement system is very beneficial for dieticians and patients to measure and manage their daily food intake. We also know that it’s difficult to find an affordable nutritionist or a dietician across the street; therefore, we have proposed a system – DIET AND NUTRITION EXPERT SYSTEM. The proposed system is a responsive android application which contains the knowledge and data regarding the fitness of a person and nutrition content values. This application consists of the user interface which will be publicly displayed on the application i.e. the basic information regarding the fitness and nutrition values such as how to maintain good health by adapting healthy eating habits which includes the intake of calories, proteins and carbohydrates etc. in proper proportion. A dietician consults a person based on his schedule, body type, height and weight. The system too asks all this data from the user and processes it. It asks about how many hours the user works, his height, weight, age etc. The system stores and processes this data and then calculates the nutrient value needed to fill up users’ needs

    Use of Facial Recognition Technique in Criminal Investigations in India

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    The social interactions of the modern period are characterised by the extensive use of technical tools for information processing. Considering the quick advancement of computer technology, they are already competent to perform challenging tasks needing the careful solution of technical and imaginative issues. The term "Artificial Intelligence" is successfully used in a wide range of activities, from smartphone screens to the creation of music and art. Legal academics are increasingly considering the need for using technical tools in criminal area in light of these circumstances, notably for deciding punishment and other kinds of criminal law influence against people who have committed destructive activities. Use of facial recognition technologies is rising in the post-COVID environment. Law enforcement organisations have seen significant gains in criminal investigation and crime prevention thanks to face recognition technologies, but there are also well-known privacy risks and data misuse issues. This essay explores the applications of Facial Recognition Technology in India and dissects the institutional and technological issues on its usage in law enforcement. Additionally, it offers both immediate and long-term answers that must be established before these technologies are widely used

    Modeling of Wireless Sensor Networks in an Energy-Efficient Manner Using Quantum Physics

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    A Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) consists of huge number of Sensor Nodes (SNs) which communicates to each other by wireless technologies. Modelling of WSN becomes unmanageable when uncertain conditions of the network occur. A significant issue ofWSN in the present scenario is the inadequate availability of energy within SNs. Therefore making optimal use of energy is essential in modelling a WSN. In this paper, we have proposed a novel model of WSN by using the concepts of atomic bonding on a 3D plane using a percolation model, which is a random graph in those edges are formed between the neighbouring SNs. We have related the Energy model of an atom, concepts of Electromagnetics, Quantum Mechanics and Wave Duality to WSN by doing an approximate exploration of the severalprinciples and theories. The positioning of SNs are determined by the model, which is developed by the investigation and analysis done wrt atomic bonding theories. Our model developed by using the concepts of graph theory and probability distribution will be more efficient in terms of energy consumption and power utilisation

    Assessment of Professionals’ Outlook on the Application of Electronic Security Systems in Select University Libraries of Northern India

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    In a digital era, library professionals are not only responsible for efficient transaction services but also act as custodian of material in all forms. With the constraints of funding, more and more librarians are relying on different technological advances such as Electronic Security Systems (ESSs) to bring security to library material, building, and premises. The present paper uses survey methodology to assess their perception of library professionals of select libraries of Northern India on different ESSs such as Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Closed-circuit television (CCTV), Biometric and Burglar system and its applications, benefits, and problems. The work highlighted that most of the libraries are using technology such as RFID, or Electro-Magnetic (EM) Tags and surveillance system than Biometric and Burglar for the security of library materials. The study raises awareness of the importance of ESSs for the betterment of the libraries and emphasizes the need to implement such security systems

    Advance Approach towards Key Feature Extraction Using Designed Filters on Different Image Format for Providing Security

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    In fast growing database repository system, image as data is one of the important concern despite text or numeric. Still we can’t replace test on any cost but for advancement, information may be managed with images. Therefore image processing is a wide area for the researcher. Many stages of processing of image provide researchers with new ideas to keep information safe with better way. Feature extraction, segmentation, recognition are the key areas of the image processing which helps to enhance the quality of working with images. Paper presents the comparison between image formats like .jpg, .png, .bmp, .gif. This paper is focused on the feature extraction and segmentation stages with background removal process. There are two filters, one is integer filter and second one is floating point Filter, which is used for the key feature extraction from image. These filters applied on the different images of different formats and visually compare the results

    Neural Network Based Approach For Signature Verification And Recognition

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    Signature can be seen as an individual characteristic of a person which can be used for his/her validation. An automated signature verification and recognition technique saves valuable time and money. Neural network based approach for signature verification and recognition discussed in this paper which enables the user to recognize whether a signature is original or a fraud. The user introduces into the computer the scanned images, modifies their quality by image enhancement and noise reduction techniques, to be followed by feature extraction and neural network training, and finally verifies the authenticity of the signature. The paper is primarily focused on five features of extraction like eccentricity, kurtosis, skewness, orientation and centroid. The extracted features of investigation signature are compared with the previously trained features of the reference signature. This technique is suitable for various applications such as bank transactions, passports with good authentication results et
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