335 research outputs found
Development of Science and Technology Areas in Koi Fish Cultivation
The purpose of making this research in the area of science and technology aims to increase production yields and the quality of cultivation in order to improve the regional economy. To support the development of an area, the methods used are qualitative and quantitative methods to be used as material for analysis along with observations to directly review the area to be developed in Ciuyah Village, Kab. Sumedang. The results of the development of science and technology-based cultivation areas will involve the role of academics and government actors in accordance with the mandate of Permenristekdikti No. 25 of 2019 concerning Governance for the Implementation of Science and Technology Areas (KST). By involving the role of academics and government, it is hoped that it can accelerate the regional economy. In this case, the role of academics and government is needed to provide an innovation and supporting technology through assistance in it. Of course, with the role of academics and the government, it can affect the Development of Science and Technology-Based Cultivation Areas and improve the regional and regional economy
Analisis Metode Kalman Filter, Particle Filter dan Correlation Filter Untuk Pelacakan Objek
Object tracking is a challenging in computer vision. Object tracking is divided into two, which can be one object or several objects, depending on the object being observed. The process of tracking an object in the form of one object is to estimate the target in the next sequence based on information from the first frame given. In object tracking in the form of single object tracking, there are five steps that are often used in discriminatory methods, including motion models, feature extraction, observation models, model updates and integration methods. Although various algorithms of object tracking are proposed, there are still failures in the object tracking process caused by occlusion, non-rigid target deformation, and other factors. This study proposes the implementation of the Kalman filter, particle filter, and correlation filter methods for object tracking in video data. The results of the implementation of the three methods can track objects in traffic video data and the script circuit video. In object tracking calculations and method analysis, the kalman filter gets 96.89% where the kalman method is better in terms of accuracy compared to other methods. Meanwhile, in the average performance of computation time, the correlation method gets 26.69 FPS, where the correlation method is superior compared to other competitor methods.
Keywords – Kalman Filter; Particle Filter; Correlation Filter; Object Tracking; Object Tracking in Vide
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui 1) pelaksanaan pengelolaan surat
masuk dan surat keluar, 2) hambatan yang dihadapi dalam pengelolaan surat
masuk dan surat keluar, dan 3) upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan
pengelolaan surat masuk dan surat keluar di kantor Kecamatan Sentolo Kulon
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif.
Informan penelitian terdiri atas informan kunci yaitu Sekretaris Camat dan Staff
Subbag Umum dan informan pendukung yaitu Kasubbag Umum, Kepala Seksi
Kesejahteraan Sosial dan Kepala Seksi Ekonomi Pembangunan. Teknik
pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, dan
dokumentasi. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif, untuk
pemeriksaan keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi sumber dan triangulasi
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 1) pelaksanaan pengelolaan surat di
Kantor Kecamatan Sentolo belum berjalan secara optimal karena dalam
aktivitasnya pengelolaan surat tidak mengikuti prosedur pengelolaan surat. Surat
yang telah diproses seharusnya dikembalikan ke bagian Sekretariat untuk
diarsipkan, akan tetapi untuk proses penyimpanan arsip di Kantor Kecamatan
Sentolo diserahkan ke masing – masing seksi. Masing – masing seksi menyimpan
arsip hanya di sekitar meja kerja, bahkan ada yg ditumpuk dan diikat kemudian
disimpan di atas lantai. 2) Hambatan dalam pengelolaan surat yaitu: (a) belum
adanya ruangan khusus untuk penyimpanan arsip, (b) kurang tersedianya
peralatan dan perlengkapan untuk pengelolaan surat, dan (c) surat yang bersifat
segera datang secara mendadak atau surat yang harus diambil sendiri. 3) Upaya
yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi hambatan dalam mengelola surat yaitu: (a)
mengusulkan pengadaan untuk melengkapi peralatan dan perlengkapan
pengelolaan surat dalam anggaran pengadaan peralatan dan perlengkapan Kantor
Kecamatan Sentolo, (b) penggunaan media komunikasi seperti WhatsApp dan
BBM untuk surat segera atau surat yang harus diambil sendiri, dan (c) mengikuti
pelatihan atau Bimtek mengenai kearsipan yang diadakan di Pemkab Kulon
Pada tahun 2019 dimulainya kenaikan permintaan ekspor
damar yang menyebabkan perebutan barang di antara para pengepul
sehingga menyebabkan kelangkaan barang dilapangan. Rumusan
masalah dalam peneitian ini ialah Bagaimana manajemen distribusi
yang dilakukan oleh CV Damar Indo Global Pesisir Barat?, dan
Bagaimana tinjauan perspektif Ekonomi Islam terhadap kegiatan
distribusi?. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah menjelaskan
manajemen distribusi yang dilakukan serta menjelaskan tinjauan
perspektif ekonomi islam terhadap kegiatan distribusi.
Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu menggunakan jenis
penelitian lapangan atau field research. Selanjutnya pendekatan dalam
penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan yang bersifat deskriptif
kualitatif. Subjek dari penelitian ini ialah petani, pengepul, serta
pimpinan dan staf karyawan CV Damar Indo Global Pesisir Barat.
Adapun tekhnik pengumpulan data dengan cara wawancara,
observasi, dan dokumentasi.
Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwasanya manajemen
distribusi yang dilakukan oleh CV Damar Indo Global Pesisir Barat
cukup baik dilihat dari sistem ketersedian barang, sistem pengiriman
barang, dan distribusi fisik yang menyangkut tentang penentuan lokasi
persediaan dan sistem penyimpanan (gudang), sistem penanganan
barang, penggunaan sistem pengawasan persediaan, penetapan
prosedur pemesanan, dan pemilihan metode pengangkutan. Dari
kelima poin tersebut terlihat sebuah gambaran tentang manajemen
distribusi yang dilakukan oleh CV Damar Indo Global Pesisir Barat
dalam menghadapi masalah ketersediaan barang. Selain itu juga hasil
penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan pendistribusian
diperbolehkan dalam perspektif ekonomi islam berdasarkan hukum
pada surat Al-baqarah ayat 275, dan kegiatan pendistribusian yang
dilakukan oleh CV Damar Indo Global Pesisir Barat di lapangan,
sesuai dengan penerapan prinsip ekonomi islam.
Kata kunci :Manajemen Distribusi, Ekspor Damar Mata Kucing,
Distribusi dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Islam.
In 2019, the demand for resin exports began to increase
which led to a struggle for goods among collectors, causing a
shortage of goods in the field.The formulation of the problem in this
research is how is the distribution management carried out by CV
Damar Indo Global Pesisir Barat?, and how is the perspective of
Islamic Economics on distribution activities?. The purpose of this
study is to explain the distribution management carried out and to
explain the perspective of Islamic economics on distribution activities.
The type of research method used is field research method.
Furthermore, the approach in this study uses a qualitative descriptive
approach. The subject of this research is the leader and staff of CV
Damar Indo Global Pesisir Barat. And the data collection technique
is done by interview, observation, and documentation.
From the results of the study indicate that the distribution
management carried out by CV Damar Indo Global Pesisir Barat is
quite good in terms of the goods availability system, goods delivery
system, and physical distribution concerning the determination of
inventory locations and storage systems (warehouses), goods handling
systems, system usage of inventory control, establishing ordering
procedures, and selecting transportation methods. From these five
points, we can see that the distribution management carried out by CV
Damar Indo Global Pesisir Barat in dealing with the problem of
availability of goods. In addition, the results of this study indicate that
distribution activities are allowed in an economy Islamic perspective
based on the law that has been explained in the Qur'an in Surah Al�Baqarah verse 275, and distribution activities carried out by CV
Damar Indo Global Pesisir Barat in the field, in accordance with the
application of economic islamic principles.
Keywords : Distribution Management, Export of cat's eye resin,
Distribution in Economy Islamic Perspectiv
Purification of high molecular-weight antibacterial proteins of insect pathogenic Brevibacillus laterosporus isolates
Brevibacillus laterosporus (Bl) is a Gram-positive and spore-forming bacterium belonging to the Brevibacillus brevis phylogenetic cluster. Globally, insect pathogenic strains of the bacterium have been isolated, characterised, and some activities patented. Two isolates, Bl 1821L and Bl 1951, exhibiting pathogenicity against the diamondback moth and mosquitoes, are under development as a biopesticide in New Zealand. However, due to the suspected activity of putative antibacterial proteins (ABPs), the endemic isolates often grow erratically. Various purification methods including size exclusion chromatography, sucrose density gradient centrifugation, polyethylene glycol precipitation, and ammonium sulphate precipitation employed in this study enabled the isolation of two putative antibacterial proteins of ~30 kD and ~48 kD from Bl 1821L and one putative antibacterial protein of ~30 kD from Bl 1951. Purification of the uninduced cultures of Bl 1821L and Bl 1951 also yielded the protein bands of ~30 kD and ~48 kD on SDS-PAGE which indicated their spontaneous induction. Disc diffusion assay was used to determine the antagonistic activities of the putative ABPs. Subsequent transmission electron microscope (TEM) examination of purified putative antibacterial protein-containing solution showed the presence of encapsulin (~30 kD) and polysheath (~48 kD) like structures. Although only the ~30 kD protein was purified from Bl 1951, both structures were seen in this strain under TEM. Furthermore, while assessing the antibacterial activity of some fractions of Bl 1951 against Bl 1821L in size exclusion chromatography method, population of Bl 1821L persister cells was noted. Overall, this work added a wealth of knowledge for the purification of the HMW proteins (bacteriocins) of the Gram-positive bacteria including Bl
Comparative Analysis of CDMA Based Wireless Communication under Radio Propagation Environment
Knowledge of the propagation characteristics of a mobile radio channel is essential to the understanding and design of a cellular system [1]. An appropriate propagation model is required when estimating the link budget or designing a Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) system [2]. This paper deals with comparative parametric analysis for propagation path loss considering macro cell region using different models and contains comparative study with real measurement obtained from Pacific Bangladesh Telecom Limited (PBTL), a CDMA based wireless network for city Dhaka, Bangladesh
Genome sequence of the entomopathogenic Serratia entomophila isolate 626 and characterisation of the species specific itaconate degradation pathway
Background: Isolates of Serratia entomophila and S. proteamaculans (Yersiniaceae) cause disease specifc to the endemic New Zealand pasture pest, Costelytra giveni (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). Previous genomic profling has shown that S. entomophila isolates appear to have conserved genomes and, where present, conserved plasmids. In the absence of C. giveni larvae, S. entomophila prevalence reduces in the soil over time, suggesting that S. entomophila has formed a host-specifc relationship with C. giveni. To help define potential genetic mechanisms driving retention of the chronic disease of S. entomophila, the genome of the isolate 626 was sequenced, enabling the identifcation of unique chromosomal properties, and defining the gain/loss of accessory virulence factors relevant to pathogenicity to C. giveni larvae.
Results: We report the complete sequence of S. entomophila isolate 626, a causal agent of amber disease in C. giveni larvae. The genome of S. entomophila 626 is 5,046,461 bp, with 59.1% G+C content and encoding 4,695 predicted CDS. Comparative analysis with five previously sequenced Serratia species, S. proteamaculans 336X, S. marcescens Db11, S. nematodiphila DH-S01, S. grimesii BXF1, and S. ficaria NBRC 102596, revealed a core of 1,165 genes shared. Further comparisons between S. entomophila 626 and S. proteamaculans 336X revealed fewer predicted phage-like regions and genomic islands in 626, suggesting less horizontally acquired genetic material.
Genomic analyses revealed the presence of a four-gene itaconate operon, sharing a similar gene order as the Yersinia pestis ripABC complex. Assessment of a constructed 626::RipC mutant revealed that the operon confer a possible metabolic advantage to S. entomophila in the initial stages of C. giveni infection.
Conclusions: Evidence is presented where, relative to S. proteamaculans 336X, S. entomophila 626 encodes fewer genomic islands and phages, alluding to limited horizontal gene transfer in S. entomophila.
Bioassay assessments of a S. entomophila-mutant with a targeted mutation of the itaconate degradation region unique to this species, found the mutant to have a reduced capacity to replicate post challenge of the C. giveni larval host, implicating the itaconate operon in establishment within the host
Serratia spp. bacteria evolved in Aotearoa-New Zealand for infection of endemic scarab beetles
The Melolonthinae branch of the beetle family Scarabaeidae has evolved in isolation in Aotearoa, radiating into >100 endemic species, since Aotearoa separated from Gondwanaland 82 million years ago. The group includes important pasture pests, such as the New Zealand grass grub Costelytra giveni and the manuka beetle Pyronota festiva. These beetles, like other organisms, host their own distinctive microflora including beneficial microbial symbionts and pathogens. A wide range of microbial pathogens infect the Scarabaeidae, but in Aotearoa the bacteria Serratia entomophila, S. proteamaculans and S. quinivorans (Enterobacteriaceae) are frequently found causing natural disease epizootics in C. giveni. S. entomophila is widespread in Aotearoa pasture soils, with only rare isolations of S. entomophila documented in other countries. In contrast S. proteamaculans and S. quinivorans are globally ubiquitous, and are widely distributed within Aotearoa, with some isolates active against either C. giveni or Pyronota spp. larvae, or both. Virulence determinants that impart differential host specificity and potency are located on variants of the amber disease associated plasmid (pADAP). The host specificity of the Serratia-scarab system and the absence of similar systems in other geographies, suggests that the relationship between Serratia spp. and endemic scarabs has evolved in Aotearoa
Damage sensing and mechanical properties of a laminate composite material containing MWCNTs during low-velocity impact
In this work, we present a new criterion, unlike other attempts, to evaluate and quantify the degree of damage of composite material when it subjected to a sudden impact load. Our criterion exploits the high intrinsic electrical conductivity property of the Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) after dispersing different concentrations of them (0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 %) in the epoxy matrix of a glass fibre composite. Following this goal, the low-velocity impact and flexural after impact (FAI) tests on the MWCNTs-glass epoxy (i.e. MWCNTs-GF) nanocomposite were evaluated. At the same time, the changes in its electrical resistance were measured. The results showed that the properties of the self-sensing composites were significantly affected by impact energy. The damage after impact causes an increase in the electrical resistance of the MWCNTs-GF nanocomposite and increases with increased impact energy. In addition, the samples containing a high concentration of MWCNTs showed lower damage sensitivity under all impact energies levels as compared with the samples contain a lower MWCNTs concentration. Therefore, the results presented in this work have shown that it is possible to associate the change in electrical resistance of the MWCNTs-GF nanocomposite with the degree of damages caused by impact load.</jats:p
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