42 research outputs found

    AUX1-mediated root hair auxin influx governs SCFTIR1/AFB-type Ca2+ signaling

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    Auxin is a key regulator of plant growth and development, but the causal relationship between hormone transport and root responses remains unresolved. Here we describe auxin uptake, together with early steps in signaling, in Arabidopsis root hairs. Using intracellular microelectrodes we show membrane depolarization, in response to IAA in a concentration- and pH-dependent manner. This depolarization is strongly impaired in aux1 mutants, indicating that AUX1 is the major transporter for auxin uptake in root hairs. Local intracellular auxin application triggers Ca2+ signals that propagate as long-distance waves between root cells and modulate their auxin responses. AUX1-mediated IAA transport, as well as IAA- triggered calcium signals, are blocked by treatment with the SCFTIR1/AFB - inhibitor auxinole. Further, they are strongly reduced in the tir1afb2afb3 and the cngc14 mutant. Our study reveals that the AUX1 transporter, the SCFTIR1/AFB receptor and the CNGC14 Ca2+ channel, mediate fast auxin signaling in roots

    HRS1 Acts as a Negative Regulator of Abscisic Acid Signaling to Promote Timely Germination of Arabidopsis Seeds

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    In this work, we conducted functional analysis of Arabidopsis HRS1 gene in order to provide new insights into the mechanisms governing seed germination. Compared with wild type (WT) control, HRS1 knockout mutant (hrs1-1) exhibited significant germination delays on either normal medium or those supplemented with abscisic acid (ABA) or sodium chloride (NaCl), with the magnitude of the delay being substantially larger on the latter media. The hypersensitivity of hrs1-1 germination to ABA and NaCl required ABI3, ABI4 and ABI5, and was aggravated in the double mutant hrs1-1abi1-2 and triple mutant hrs1-1hab1-1abi1-2, indicating that HRS1 acts as a negative regulator of ABA signaling during seed germination. Consistent with this notion, HRS1 expression was found in the embryo axis, and was regulated both temporally and spatially, during seed germination. Further analysis showed that the delay of hrs1-1 germination under normal conditions was associated with reduction in the elongation of the cells located in the lower hypocotyl (LH) and transition zone (TZ) of embryo axis. Interestingly, the germination rate of hrs1-1 was more severely reduced by the inhibitor of cell elongation, and more significantly decreased by the suppressors of plasmalemma H+-ATPase activity, than that of WT control. The plasmalemma H+-ATPase activity in the germinating seeds of hrs1-1 was substantially lower than that exhibited by WT control, and fusicoccin, an activator of this pump, corrected the transient germination delay of hrs1-1. Together, our data suggest that HRS1 may be needed for suppressing ABA signaling in germinating embryo axis, which promotes the timely germination of Arabidopsis seeds probably by facilitating the proper function of plasmalemma H+-ATPase and the efficient elongation of LH and TZ cells

    Effect of abscisic acid on stomatal opening in isolated epidermal strips of abi mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Abscisic acid-insensitive mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana L. var. Landsberg erecta were selected for their decreased sensitivity to ABA during germination. Two of these mutants, abi-1 and abi-2, display a wilty phenotype as adult plants, indicating disturbed water relations. Experiments were undertaken to find out if this results from insensitivity of mutant stomates to ABA. Growth conditions and methods to isolate epidermal strips were optimized to study stomatal movement. Wild type stomates required external ionic conditions comparable to those found for other species such as Commelina communis. The largest light-induced opening of A. thaliana stomates was found at an external KCl concentration of 50 mM. Stomatal apertures were increased by lowering external Ca2+ to 0.05 mM. The apertures of stomates incubated with 10 mu M ABA were not altered by changes in Ca2+ from 0.05 to 1.0 mM. Stomates of all abi mutants showed a light-stimulated stomatal opening. The opening of wild type and abi-3 stomates was inhibited by ABA, while stomates of abi-1 and abi-2 did not respond to ABA. The insensitivity of abi-1 and abi-2 stomates to ABA may thus explain the observed disturbed water relations

    Blue light-induced apoplastic acidification of Arabidopsis thaliana guard cells: Inhibition by ABA is mediated through protein phosphatases

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    The phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) inhibits blue light-induced apoplastic acidification of guard cells. The signal transduction pathway of ABA, mediating this response, was studied using ABA-insensitive (abi) mutants of Arapidopsis thaliana. Apoplastic acidification was monitored with a flat tipped pH-electrode placed on epidermal strips, in which only guard cells were viable. Blue light-induced apoplastic acidification was reduced by vanadate and diethylstilbestrol (DES), indicating involvement of plasma membrane-bound H+-ATPases. In wild type epidermal strips, ABA reduced blue light-induced acidification to 63%. The inhibition did not result from an increased cytoplasmic free Ca2+ concentration in guard cells, since factors that increase the Ca2+ concentration stimulated apoplastic acidification. Apoplastic acidification was not inhibited by ABA in obi1 and abi2 mutants. In abi1 epidermal strips ABA had no effect on the acidification rate, while it stimulated apoplastic acidification in abi2. The ABA response in both mutants could be partially restored with protein kinase and phosphatase inhibitors. The abi1 guard cells became ABA responsive in the presence of okadaic acid, a protein phosphatase inhibitor. In abi2 guard cells the wild type ABA response was partially restored by K-252a, a protein kinase inhibitor. Apoplastic inhibition is thus mediated through the protein phosphatases encoded by ABI1 and ABI2. The results with protein kinase and protein phosphatase inhibitors indicate that ABI1 and ABI2 are involved in separate signal transduction pathways

    Blue light-induced apoplastic acidification of Arabidopsis thaliana guard cells:Inhibition by ABA is mediated through protein phosphatases

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    The phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) inhibits blue light-induced apoplastic acidification of guard cells. The signal transduction pathway of ABA, mediating this response, was studied using ABA-insensitive (abi) mutants of Arapidopsis thaliana. Apoplastic acidification was monitored with a flat tipped pH-electrode placed on epidermal strips, in which only guard cells were viable. Blue light-induced apoplastic acidification was reduced by vanadate and diethylstilbestrol (DES), indicating involvement of plasma membrane-bound H+-ATPases. In wild type epidermal strips, ABA reduced blue light-induced acidification to 63%. The inhibition did not result from an increased cytoplasmic free Ca2+ concentration in guard cells, since factors that increase the Ca2+ concentration stimulated apoplastic acidification. Apoplastic acidification was not inhibited by ABA in obi1 and abi2 mutants. In abi1 epidermal strips ABA had no effect on the acidification rate, while it stimulated apoplastic acidification in abi2. The ABA response in both mutants could be partially restored with protein kinase and phosphatase inhibitors. The abi1 guard cells became ABA responsive in the presence of okadaic acid, a protein phosphatase inhibitor. In abi2 guard cells the wild type ABA response was partially restored by K-252a, a protein kinase inhibitor. Apoplastic inhibition is thus mediated through the protein phosphatases encoded by ABI1 and ABI2. The results with protein kinase and protein phosphatase inhibitors indicate that ABI1 and ABI2 are involved in separate signal transduction pathways