46 research outputs found

    Academic freedom: in justification of a universal ideal

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    This paper examines the justification for, and benefits of, academic freedom to academics, students, universities and the world at large. The paper surveys the development of the concept of academic freedom within Europe, more especially the impact of the reforms at the University of Berlin instigated by Wilhelm von Humboldt. Following from this, the paper examines the reasons why the various facets of academic freedom are important and why the principle should continue to be supported

    The requirements and challenges in preventing of road traffic injury in Iran. A qualitative study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Road traffic injuries (RTIs) are a major public health problem, especially in low- and middle-income countries. Among middle-income countries, Iran has one of the highest mortality rates from RTIs. Action is critical to combat this major public health problem. Stakeholders involved in RTI control are of key importance and their perceptions of barriers and facilitators are a vital source of knowledge. The aim of this study was to explore barriers to the prevention of RTIs and provide appropriate suggestions for prevention, based on the perceptions of stakeholders, victims and road-users as regards RTIs.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Thirty-eight semi-structured interviews were conducted with informants in the field of RTI prevention including: police officers; public health professionals; experts from the road administrators; representatives from the General Governor, the car industry, firefighters; experts from Emergency Medical Service and the Red Crescent; and some motorcyclists and car drivers as well as victims of RTIs. A qualitative approach using grounded theory method was employed to analyze the material gathered.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The core variable was identified as "The lack of a system approach to road-user safety". The following barriers in relation to RTI prevention were identified as: human factors; transportation system; and organizational coordination. Suggestions for improvement included education (for the general public and targeted group training), more effective legislation, more rigorous law enforcement, improved engineering in road infrastructure, and an integrated organization to supervise and coordinate preventive activities.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The major barriers identified in this study were human factors and efforts to change human behaviour were suggested by means of public education campaigns and stricter law enforcement. However, the lack of a system approach to RTI prevention was also an important concern. There is an urgent need for both an integrated system to coordinate RTI activities and prevention and a major change in stakeholders' attitudes towards RTI prevention. The focus of all activities should take place on road users' safety.</p

    Interaction of galectin-3 with MUC1 on cell surface promotes EGFR dimerization and activation in human epithelial cancer cells

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    Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is an important regulator of epithelial cell growth and survival in normal and cancerous tissues and is a principal therapeutic target for cancer treatment. EGFR is associated in epithelial cells with the heavily glycosylated transmembrane mucin protein MUC1, a natural ligand of galectin-3 that is overexpressed in cancer. This study reveals that the expression of cell surface MUC1 is a critical enhancer of EGF-induced EGFR activation in human breast and colon cancer cells. Both the MUC1 extracellular and intracellular domains are involved in EGFR activation but the predominant influence comes from its extracellular domain. Binding of galectin-3 to the MUC1 extracellular domain induces MUC1 cell surface polarization and increases MUC1–EGFR association. This leads to a rapid increase of EGFR homo-/hetero-dimerization and subsequently increased, and also prolonged, EGFR activation and signalling. This effect requires both the galectin-3 C-terminal carbohydrate recognition domain and its N-terminal ligand multi-merization domain. Thus, interaction of galectin-3 with MUC1 on cell surface promotes EGFR dimerization and activation in epithelial cancer cells. As MUC1 and galectin-3 are both commonly overexpressed in most types of epithelial cancers, their interaction and impact on EGFR activation likely makes important contribution to EGFR-associated tumorigenesis and cancer progression and may also influence the effectiveness of EGFR-targeted cancer therapy

    A Novel Function of DELTA-NOTCH Signalling Mediates the Transition from Proliferation to Neurogenesis in Neural Progenitor Cells

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    A complete account of the whole developmental process of neurogenesis involves understanding a number of complex underlying molecular processes. Among them, those that govern the crucial transition from proliferative (self-replicating) to neurogenic neural progenitor (NP) cells remain largely unknown. Due to its sequential rostro-caudal gradients of proliferation and neurogenesis, the prospective spinal cord of the chick embryo is a good experimental system to study this issue. We report that the NOTCH ligand DELTA-1 is expressed in scattered cycling NP cells in the prospective chick spinal cord preceding the onset of neurogenesis. These Delta-1-expressing progenitors are placed in between the proliferating caudal neural plate (stem zone) and the rostral neurogenic zone (NZ) where neurons are born. Thus, these Delta-1-expressing progenitors define a proliferation to neurogenesis transition zone (PNTZ). Gain and loss of function experiments carried by electroporation demonstrate that the expression of Delta-1 in individual progenitors of the PNTZ is necessary and sufficient to induce neuronal generation. The activation of NOTCH signalling by DELTA-1 in the adjacent progenitors inhibits neurogenesis and is required to maintain proliferation. However, rather than inducing cell cycle exit and neuronal differentiation by a typical lateral inhibition mechanism as in the NZ, DELTA-1/NOTCH signalling functions in a distinct manner in the PNTZ. Thus, the inhibition of NOTCH signalling arrests proliferation but it is not sufficient to elicit neuronal differentiation. Moreover, after the expression of Delta-1 PNTZ NP continue cycling and induce the expression of Tis21, a gene that is upregulated in neurogenic progenitors, before generating neurons. Together, these experiments unravel a novel function of DELTA–NOTCH signalling that regulates the transition from proliferation to neurogenesis in NP cells. We hypothesize that this novel function is evolutionary conserved

    A Positive Regulatory Loop between foxi3a and foxi3b Is Essential for Specification and Differentiation of Zebrafish Epidermal Ionocytes

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    BACKGROUND: Epidermal ionocytes play essential roles in the transepithelial transportation of ions, water, and acid-base balance in fish embryos before their branchial counterparts are fully functional. However, the mechanism controlling epidermal ionocyte specification and differentiation remains unknown. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In zebrafish, we demonstrated that Delta-Notch-mediated lateral inhibition plays a vital role in singling out epidermal ionocyte progenitors from epidermal stem cells. The entire epidermal ionocyte domain of genetic mutants and morphants, which failed to transmit the DeltaC-Notch1a/Notch3 signal from sending cells (epidermal ionocytes) to receiving cells (epidermal stem cells), differentiates into epidermal ionocytes. The low Notch activity in epidermal ionocyte progenitors is permissive for activating winged helix/forkhead box transcription factors of foxi3a and foxi3b. Through gain- and loss-of-function assays, we show that the foxi3a-foxi3b regulatory loop functions as a master regulator to mediate a dual role of specifying epidermal ionocyte progenitors as well as of subsequently promoting differentiation of Na(+),K(+)-ATPase-rich cells and H(+)-ATPase-rich cells in a concentration-dependent manner. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: This study provides a framework to show the molecular mechanism controlling epidermal ionocyte specification and differentiation in a low vertebrate for the first time. We propose that the positive regulatory loop between foxi3a and foxi3b not only drives early ionocyte differentiation but also prevents the complete blockage of ionocyte differentiation when the master regulator of foxi3 function is unilaterally compromised

    In quest of a systematic framework for unifying and defining nanoscience

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    This article proposes a systematic framework for unifying and defining nanoscience based on historic first principles and step logic that led to a “central paradigm” (i.e., unifying framework) for traditional elemental/small-molecule chemistry. As such, a Nanomaterials classification roadmap is proposed, which divides all nanomatter into Category I: discrete, well-defined and Category II: statistical, undefined nanoparticles. We consider only Category I, well-defined nanoparticles which are >90% monodisperse as a function of Critical Nanoscale Design Parameters (CNDPs) defined according to: (a) size, (b) shape, (c) surface chemistry, (d) flexibility, and (e) elemental composition. Classified as either hard (H) (i.e., inorganic-based) or soft (S) (i.e., organic-based) categories, these nanoparticles were found to manifest pervasive atom mimicry features that included: (1) a dominance of zero-dimensional (0D) core–shell nanoarchitectures, (2) the ability to self-assemble or chemically bond as discrete, quantized nanounits, and (3) exhibited well-defined nanoscale valencies and stoichiometries reminiscent of atom-based elements. These discrete nanoparticle categories are referred to as hard or soft particle nanoelements. Many examples describing chemical bonding/assembly of these nanoelements have been reported in the literature. We refer to these hard:hard (H-n:H-n), soft:soft (S-n:S-n), or hard:soft (H-n:S-n) nanoelement combinations as nanocompounds. Due to their quantized features, many nanoelement and nanocompound categories are reported to exhibit well-defined nanoperiodic property patterns. These periodic property patterns are dependent on their quantized nanofeatures (CNDPs) and dramatically influence intrinsic physicochemical properties (i.e., melting points, reactivity/self-assembly, sterics, and nanoencapsulation), as well as important functional/performance properties (i.e., magnetic, photonic, electronic, and toxicologic properties). We propose this perspective as a modest first step toward more clearly defining synthetic nanochemistry as well as providing a systematic framework for unifying nanoscience. With further progress, one should anticipate the evolution of future nanoperiodic table(s) suitable for predicting important risk/benefit boundaries in the field of nanoscience

    Reticular synthesis of porous molecular 1D nanotubes and 3D networks

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    Synthetic control over pore size and pore connectivity is the crowning achievement for porous metal–organic frameworks (MOFs). The same level of control has not been achieved for molecular crystals, which are not defined by strong, directional intermolecular coordination bonds. Hence, molecular crystallization is inherently less controllable than framework crystallization, and there are fewer examples of ‘reticular synthesis’, in which multiple building blocks can be assembled according to a common assembly motif. Here we apply a chiral recognition strategy to a new family of tubular covalent cages to create both 1D porous nanotubes and 3D diamondoid pillared porous networks. The diamondoid networks are analogous to MOFs prepared from tetrahedral metal nodes and linear ditopic organic linkers. The crystal structures can be rationalized by computational lattice-energy searches, which provide an in silico screening method to evaluate candidate molecular building blocks. These results are a blueprint for applying the ‘node and strut’ principles of reticular synthesis to molecular crystals