1,503 research outputs found

    National-scale modelling of N leaching in organic and conventional horticultural crop rotations - policy implications

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    A method is presented to model N leaching in crop rotations on a national scale. Representative crop rotations for different regions and soil types are used in the cross-disciplinary, plant, soil, environment & economics model EU-Rotate_N. By comparing contrasting farming systems (organic and conventional) in the UK, their strengths and weaknesses in delivering environmental and economic sustainability can be assessed. Modelling results show that the annual leaching in different horticultural rotations and UK regions, using median weather, is within the range of 13-88 kg N/ha/year for organic and 54-130 kg N /ha/year for conventional. The weighted annual average figures are 39 kg N/ha/year for organic and 81 kg N/ha/year for conventional, respectively. It is concluded that organic horticultural rotations, with a current share of 6.1% already contribute to lower overall N losses from agriculture. However, on a UK national scale, only a large share of organic land use (e.g. >50%) has a large effect on reducing N losses. Similar reductions are also predicted by substantial cuts in conventional N inputs, giving a policy choice if pollution from agriculture steps up further on the political agenda

    The development of the organic vegetable market and supply in the UK

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    The vegetable market is one of the largest sectors within the UK organic food market. This market has grown by 30% p.a. over the last 5 years, although it is now slowing down to a rate of 10-15% p.a. The production of UK organic vegetables increased rapidly from 1999 -2001, as growers responded to economic and policy incentives, and now the UK is 57% self sufficient in organic vegetables. Many new UK farmers have converted to organic production, although this process has involved high costs, largely due to having to take land out of production in the conversion period. However, once converted, farmers have in many cases, experienced overall financial returns that have been comparable or higher than conventional returns, although these good returns are highly dependent on high prices for organic vegetables. In comparison with conventional systems costs of organic vegetable production can be high, especially for organic seeds and for increased casual labour required for hand weeding. The resulting larger workforce, often required for organic vegetable production, can pose new management challenges. In the future, market growth and the numbers of farmers converting, will be slower and any market growth will depend on broadening the customer base, expanding different market channels and increasing home production especially at the beginning and the end of the season, thus enabling a substitution of imports

    Environmental and economic modelling of organic, stockless, horticultural crop rotations

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    Selected results from the ongoing “EU-Rotate_N” research project are presented. This EU 5th-framework project is developing a model-based decision support system to optimise nitrogen use in horticultural crop rotations across Europe. This paper introduces the economic and the fertility-building crops sub-models, and shows data from model validation and first model runs on an organic farm in central England. Preliminary results show that the model has the potential to be a powerful support tool for farmers and advisors, making decisions on rotational plan-ning. The economic, agronomic and environmental consequences of different rotational designs can be projected and assessed in detail

    Folge dem weißen Kaninchen –Ein Roboterhase als Vokabeltrainer

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    Im Folgenden werden die Ergebnisse einer Fallstudie zur Evaluation der user experience und\ud Motivationsfunktion eines Vokabeltrainers in Form eines Roboterhasen präsentiert. Die Ergebnisse\ud zeigen, dass die Schüler einer fünften Klasse, die mit dem Hasen lernten, die Anwendung sowohl\ud hinsichtlich des Ease of Use und der Perceived Usefulness als hoch einschätzten, als auch die\ud hedonische und pragmatische Qualität des Roboterhasen Nabaztag als hoch bewertet wurde. Zudem\ud waren die Schüler, die mit dem Roboter lernten anschließend in einer positiveren Stimmung als die, die\ud nach der traditionellen Methode lernten. Nach einer Woche konnte bei den Schülern, die mit dem\ud Nabaztag gelernt hatten, eine durchschnittlich höhere Zahl an erinnerten Vokabeln festgestellt werden\ud als bei der Kontrollgruppe. Die Tatsache, dass die Schüler nicht nur Bereitschaft zeigten, den Nabaztag\ud erneut zu benutzen, sondern ihn auch an Freunde weiterempfehlen würden, zeigt, zusammen mit den\ud Ergebnissen der erfassten Skalen, dass die Applikation eine grundlegende Voraussetzung für die\ud Entstehung von Motivation und Nutzungsspaß erfüllt.\u

    MetaboLab - advanced NMR data processing and analysis for metabolomics

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    Background\ud Despite wide-spread use of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) in metabolomics for the analysis of biological samples there is a lack of graphically driven, publicly available software to process large one and two-dimensional NMR data sets for statistical analysis.\ud \ud Results\ud Here we present MetaboLab, a MATLAB based software package that facilitates NMR data processing by providing automated algorithms for processing series of spectra in a reproducible fashion. A graphical user interface provides easy access to all steps of data processing via a script builder to generate MATLAB scripts, providing an option to alter code manually. The analysis of two-dimensional spectra (1H,13C-HSQC spectra) is facilitated by the use of a spectral library derived from publicly available databases which can be extended readily. The software allows to display specific metabolites in small regions of interest where signals can be picked. To facilitate the analysis of series of two-dimensional spectra, different spectra can be overlaid and assignments can be transferred between spectra. The software includes mechanisms to account for overlapping signals by highlighting neighboring and ambiguous assignments.\ud \ud Conclusions\ud The MetaboLab software is an integrated software package for NMR data processing and analysis, closely linked to the previously developed NMRLab software. It includes tools for batch processing and gives access to a wealth of algorithms available in the MATLAB framework. Algorithms within MetaboLab help to optimize the flow of metabolomics data preparation for statistical analysis. The combination of an intuitive graphical user interface along with advanced data processing algorithms facilitates the use of MetaboLab in a broader metabolomics context.\ud \u

    Infection, vascularization, remodelling - are stem cells the answers for bone diseases of the jaws?

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    Osteonecrosis after craniofacial radiation (ORN), osteomyelitis and bisphosphonates related necrosis of the jaw (BRONJ) are the predominant bone diseases in Cranio- and Maxillofacial surgery. Although various hypothesis for the pathophysiological mechanisms including infection, altered vascularisation or remodelling exist, the treatment is still a challenge for clinicians. As the classical pharmacological or surgical treatment protocols have only limited success, stem cells might be a promising treatment option, indicated by recently published data

    TGF-beta(2)- and H2O2-Induced Biological Changes in Optic Nerve Head Astrocytes Are Reduced by the Antioxidant Alpha-Lipoic Acid

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    Background/Aims: The goal of the present study was to determine whether transforming growth factor-beta(2) (TGF-beta(2))- and oxidative stress-induced cellular changes in cultured human optic nerve head (ONH) astrocytes could be reduced by pretreatment with the antioxidant alpha-lipoic acid (LA). Methods: Cultured ONH astrocytes were treated with 1.0 ng/ml TGF-beta(2) for 24 h or 200 mu M hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) for 1 h. Lipid peroxidation was measured by a decrease in cis-pari-naric acid fluorescence. Additionally, cells were pretreated with different concentrations of LA before TGF-beta 2 or H2O2 exposure. Expressions of the heat shock protein (Hsp) alpha B-crystallin and Hsp27, the extracellular matrix (ECM) component fibronectin and the ECM-modulating protein connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) were examined with immunohistochemistry and real-time PCR analysis. Results: Both TGF-beta(2) and H2O2 increased lipid peroxidation. Treatment of astrocytes with TGF-beta(2) and H2O2 upregulated the expression of alpha B-crystallin, Hsp27, fibronectin and CTGF. Pretreatment with different concentrations of LA reduced the TGF-beta(2)- and H2O2-stimulated gene expressions. Conclusion: We showed that TGF-beta(2)- and H2O2-stimulated gene expressions could be prevented by pretreatment with the antioxidant LA in cultured human ONH astrocytes. Therefore, it is tempting to speculate that the use of antioxidants could have protective effects in glaucomatous optic neuropathy. Copyright (C) 2012 S. Karger AG, Base

    Spirometry reference equations for central European populations from school age to old age.

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    Spirometry reference values are important for the interpretation of spirometry results. Reference values should be updated regularly, derived from a population as similar to the population for which they are to be used and span across all ages. Such spirometry reference equations are currently lacking for central European populations. To develop spirometry reference equations for central European populations between 8 and 90 years of age. We used data collected between January 1993 and December 2010 from a central European population. The data was modelled using "Generalized Additive Models for Location, Scale and Shape" (GAMLSS). The spirometry reference equations were derived from 118'891 individuals consisting of 60'624 (51%) females and 58'267 (49%) males. Altogether, there were 18'211 (15.3%) children under the age of 18 years. We developed spirometry reference equations for a central European population between 8 and 90 years of age that can be implemented in a wide range of clinical settings

    Significance of herpesvirus immediate early gene expression in cellular immunity to cytomegalovirus infection

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    Interstitial pneumonia linked with reactivation of latent human cytomegalovirus due to iatrogenic immunosuppression can be a serious complication of bone marrow transplantation therapy of aplastic anaemia and acute leukaemia1. Cellular immunity plays a critical role in the immune surveillance of inapparent cytomegalovirus infections in man and the mouse1−7. The molecular basis of latency, however, and the interaction between latently or recurrently infected cells and the immune system of the host are poorfy understood. We have detected a so far unknown antigen in the mouse model. This antigen is found in infected cells in association with the expression of the herpesvirus 'immediate early' genes and is recognized by cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL)8. We now demonstrate that an unexpectedly high proportion of the CTL precursors generated in vivo during acute murine cytomegalovirus infection are specific for cells that selectively synthesize immediate early proteins, indicating an immunodominant role of viral non-structural proteins

    Primary care management for optimized antithrombotic treatment [PICANT]: study protocol for a cluster-randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Antithrombotic treatment is a continuous therapy that is often performed in general practice and requires careful safety management. The aim of this study is to investigate whether a best practice model that applies major elements of case management, including patient education, can improve antithrombotic management in primary health care in terms of reducing major thromboembolic and bleeding events. Methods: This 24-month cluster-randomized trial will be performed in 690 adult patients from 46 practices. The trial intervention will be a complex intervention involving general practitioners, health care assistants and patients with an indication for oral anticoagulation. To assess adherence to medication and symptoms in patients, as well as to detect complications early, health care assistants will be trained in case management and will use the Coagulation-Monitoring-List (Co-MoL) to regularly monitor patients. Patients will receive information (leaflets and a video), treatment monitoring via the Co-MoL and be motivated to perform self-management. Patients in the control group will continue to receive treatment-as-usual from their general practitioners. The primary endpoint is the combined endpoint of all thromboembolic events requiring hospitalization, and all major bleeding complications. Secondary endpoints are mortality, hospitalization, strokes, major bleeding and thromboembolic complications, severe treatment interactions, the number of adverse events, quality of anticoagulation, health-related quality of life and costs. Further secondary objectives will be investigated to explain the mechanism by which the intervention is effective: patients' assessment of chronic illness care, self-reported adherence to medication, general practitioners' and health care assistants' knowledge, patients' knowledge and satisfaction with shared decision making. Practice recruitment is expected to take place between July and December 2012. Recruitment of eligible patients will start in July 2012. Assessment will occur at three time points: baseline (T0), follow-up after 12 (T1) and after 24 months (T2). Discussion: The efficacy and effectiveness of individual elements of the intervention, such as antithrombotic interventions, self-management concepts in orally anticoagulated patients and the methodological tool, case-management, have already been extensively demonstrated. This project foresees the combination of several proven instruments, as a result of which we expect to profit from a reduction in the major complications associated with antithrombotic treatment