3,829 research outputs found

    Laboratory Generated Artifacts in Plasma Amino acid Quantitation

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    The pace of physicians’ involvement in amino acid metabolism has been enormous in the last five decades. With further development of technology to identify and quantitate upto picomoles of amino acids, their metabolites and related peptides, diagnosis and effective medical intervention in cases of inherited metabolic disorders have been well within the reach of the clinician. Automatic amino acid analyzers have become an essential part of major medical and research centers around the world. The technology has come indeed as a boon to physicians who in particular deal with inherited defects of amino acid metabolism. However, the technology comes with the risk of major deviations from the actual results when a few minor variations are not looked into. Trivial variations in basic steps of obtaining the sample, the choice of anticoagulant, hemolysis etc. can cause significant variations in the resulting values, particularly while dealing with inherited defects of amino acid metabolism and their treatment/management. Effects of such factors are revisited here for the benefit of the modern day laboratory personnel

    Chromatin remodeling during mammalian spermatogenesis: role of testis specific histone variants and transition proteins.

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    The structure of chromatin undergoes extensive alteration during mammalian spermatogenesis. Several testis specific histone subtypes are synthesised and replace their somatic counterparts during pre-meiotic, meiotic and post-meiotic stages of germ cell differentiation. Early work from our laboratory showed that pachytene spermatocyte nuclei as well as nucleosome core particle are more accessible to DNasel than the interphase liver nuclei. The higher order structure of chromatin in pachytene spermatocytes is also loosely packed due to the poor DNA and chromatin condensing property of the testis specific linker histone H1t. A careful analysis of the amino acid sequence of histone H1t revealed the absence of the DNA condensing domain containing SPKK/TPKK motifs in the C-terminus of the histone H1t. The spermiogenesis process following the meiotic division is characterised by extensive remodeling of chromatin. Transition proteins, TP1 and TP2, unique to mammalian spermatogenesis play an important role in this spermiogenesis process. We have shown that TP1 is a DNA melting protein while TP2 is a DNA condensing protein. We have delineated the molecular anatomy of TP2 including the presence of two novel zinc finger modules, which are essential for the recognition of CpG islands in the genome. TP2 is also phosphorylated by sperm specific protein kinase A and the phosphorylation/dephosphorylation cycle plays an important role in the chromatin condensation process

    Assessment of Metabolic Parameters For Autism Spectrum Disorders

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    Autism is a brain development disorder that first appears during infancy or childhood, and generally follows a steady course without remission. Impairments result from maturation-related changes in various systems of the brain. Autism is one of the five pervasive developmental disorders (PDD), which are characterized by widespread abnormalities of social interactions and communication, and severely restricted interests and highly repetitive behavior. The reported incidence of autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) has increased markedly over the past decade. The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention has recently estimated the prevalence of ASDs in the United States at approximately 5.6 per 1000 (1 of 155 to 1 of 160) children. Several metabolic defects, such as phenylketonuria, are associated with autistic symptoms. In deciding upon the appropriate evaluation scheme a clinician must consider a host of different factors. The guidelines in this article have been developed to assist the clinician in the consideration of these factors


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    More than applications rely on the existence of small devices that can exchange information and form communication networks. In a significant portion of such applications, the confidentiality and integrity of the communicated messages are of particular interest. In this work, to propose two novel techniques for authenticating short encrypted messages that are directed to meet the requirements of mobile and pervasive applications. By taking advantage of the fact that the message to be authenticated must also be encrypted, to propose provably secure authentication codes that are more efficient than any message authentication code in the literature. The key idea behind the proposed techniques is to utilize the security that the encryption algorithm can provide to design more efficient authentication mechanisms, as opposed to using standalone authentication primitives

    Studies on the effect of doxorubicin on MDA, NO2, NO3, Se-GSH peroxidase and SOD levels in albino rat tissues

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    Doxorubicin, a highly effective anticancer drug, produces cardiotoxicity, which limits its therapeutic potential. The mechanism of this cardiotoxicity has remained elusive. The use of this drug, however,continues to be limited by its dose-related and time interval toxicity. Reactive oxygen species are hypothesized to be a major factor in the toxicity of doxorubicin. The aim of this work was to investigate theeffect of doxorubicin on dose-related and time interval in rat. The study utilized adult albino rats (120 ± 5 g). They were divided into 8 groups of 7 animals each and were kept under standard laboratory conditions.They had free access to commercial pellet diet and water. The room temperature was maintained at 20 ± 5°C. The study measured rat tissue MDA, NO2, NO3, Se-GSH peroxidase and SOD under Dox stress, and the results indicate that MDA and NO generated in Dox treated samples cause neuro, myo, hepato and renal toxicity. Since SOD and Peroxidase are scavenging molecules, increase in their levels in Dox treated samples may be one of mechanism to overcome Dox caused oxidative stress in Dox treated albino rat

    Remotely Activated Virtual Laboratory An e-Learning Tool

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    Colleges are usually equipped with the laboratory equipment required for the prescribed experiments. However, many theoretical concepts require practical demonstration (with sophisticated equipment) for better understanding. These equipment may not be available in colleges, due to which, teaching faculties face difficulty in demonstrating them. In order to overcome this situation, an attempt has been made to develop a system which provides an interface to the user through which sophisticated equipment situated at a remote location can be easily accessed via any computing device. This work emphasizes on Publisher-Subscriber pattern, Subscriber can be any computing system connected to the internet and the Publisher will be a system with LabVIEW to which the lab equipment will be connected via National Instruments Data Acquisition Module (DAQ). For communication between Publisher and Subscriber, an add-on called Smartphone and Cross-Platform Communication Tool (SCCT) has been used

    Leveraging Self-Adaptive Dynamic Software Architecture

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    Software systems are growing complex due to the technological innovations and integration of businesses. There is ever increasing need for changes in the software systems. However, incorporating changes is time consuming and costly. Self-adaptation is therefore is the desirable feature of any software that can have ability to adapt to changes without the need for manual reengineering and software update. To state it differently robust, self adaptive dynamic software architecture is the need of the hour. Unfortunately, the existing solutions available for self-adaptation need human intervention and have limitations. The architecture like Rainbow achieved self-adaptation. However, it needs to be improves in terms of quality of service analysis and mining knowledge and reusing it for making well informed decisions in choosing adaptation strategies. In this paper we proposed and implemented Enhanced Self-Adaptive Dynamic Software Architecture (ESADSA) which provides automatic self-adaptation based on the runtime requirements of the system. It decouples self-adaptation from target system with loosely coupled approach while preserves cohesion of the target system. We built a prototype application that runs in distributed environment for proof of concept. The empirical results reveal significance leap forward in improving dynamic self-adaptive software architecture

    Incursion Model for Nomenclature of EEG Signals via Wavelet Transform

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    EEG refers to the recording of the brain’s spontaneous electrical activity over a short period of time, usually 20–40 minutes, as recorded from multiple electrodes placed on the scalp. In advance EEG signals used to be a first-line method for the diagnosis of tumors, stroke and other focal brain disorders. The structure generating the signal is not simply linear, but also involves nonlinear contributions [7, 8, 9].These non-stationary signals are may contain indicators of current disease, or even warnings about impending diseases. This work aims at providing new insights on the Electroencephalography (EEG) fragmentation problem using wavelets [2, 5]. The present work describes a computer model to provide a more accurate picture of the EEG signal processing via Wavelet Transform [16, 17, 18, 19]. The Matlab techniques have been uses which provide a system oriented scientific decision making modal [16, 17]. Within this practice the applied signal has been compared in a sequential order with dissimilar cases in attendance in the database. Special EEG signals have been considered from Physio bank [1] and Vijaya Medical Centre, Visakhapatnam, India. Analyze the signal under consideration and renowned the holder 100% truthfully
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