62 research outputs found

    Clades of huge phages from across Earth's ecosystems

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    Bacteriophages typically have small genomes and depend on their bacterial hosts for replication. Here we sequenced DNA from diverse ecosystems and found hundreds of phage genomes with lengths of more than 200 kilobases (kb), including a genome of 735 kb, which is-to our knowledge-the largest phage genome to be described to date. Thirty-five genomes were manually curated to completion (circular and no gaps). Expanded genetic repertoires include diverse and previously undescribed CRISPR-Cas systems, transfer RNAs (tRNAs), tRNA synthetases, tRNA-modification enzymes, translation-initiation and elongation factors, and ribosomal proteins. The CRISPR-Cas systems of phages have the capacity to silence host transcription factors and translational genes, potentially as part of a larger interaction network that intercepts translation to redirect biosynthesis to phage-encoded functions. In addition, some phages may repurpose bacterial CRISPR-Cas systems to eliminate competing phages. We phylogenetically define the major clades of huge phages from human and other animal microbiomes, as well as from oceans, lakes, sediments, soils and the built environment. We conclude that the large gene inventories of huge phages reflect a conserved biological strategy, and that the phages are distributed across a broad bacterial host range and across Earth's ecosystems

    Compendium of 4,941 rumen metagenome-assembled genomes for rumen microbiome biology and enzyme discovery

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    The Rowett Institute and SRUC are core funded by the Rural and Environment Science and Analytical Services Division (RESAS) of the Scottish Government. The Roslin Institute forms part of the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh. This project was supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC; BB/N016742/1, BB/N01720X/1), including institute strategic programme and national capability awards to The Roslin Institute (BBSRC: BB/P013759/1, BB/P013732/1, BB/J004235/1, BB/J004243/1); and by the Scottish Government as part of the 2016–2021 commission.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    An automated Raman-based platform for the sorting of live cells by functional properties

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    Stable-isotope probing is widely used to study the function of microbial taxa in their natural environment, but sorting of isotopically labelled microbial cells from complex samples for subsequent genomic analysis or cultivation is still in its early infancy. Here, we introduce an optofluidic platform for automated sorting of stable-isotope-probing-labelled microbial cells, combining microfluidics, optical tweezing and Raman microspectroscopy, which yields live cells suitable for subsequent single-cell genomics, mini-metagenomics or cultivation. We describe the design and optimization of this Raman-activated cell-sorting approach, illustrate its operation with four model bacteria (two intestinal, one soil and one marine) and demonstrate its high sorting accuracy (98.3 ± 1.7%), throughput (200-500 cells h-1; 3.3-8.3 cells min-1) and compatibility with cultivation. Application of this sorting approach for the metagenomic characterization of bacteria involved in mucin degradation in the mouse colon revealed a diverse consortium of bacteria, including several members of the underexplored family Muribaculaceae, highlighting both the complexity of this niche and the potential of Raman-activated cell sorting for identifying key players in targeted processes.</p

    Nurses' leadership styles in the icu: association with personal and professional profile and workload Estilos de liderazgo de enfermeros en una unidad de terapia intensiva: asociación con el perfil personal, profesional y con la carga de trabajo Estilos de liderança de enfermeiros em unidade de terapia intensiva: associação com perfil pessoal, profissional e carga de trabalho

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    This study aims to explore the association between nurses' leadership styles and personal and professional nursing profile and workload. The sample consisted of seven nurses and seven nursing technicians who were grouped into pairs. At the end of three months, nurses were queried regarding what leadership style would be adopted when the nursing technician under their evaluation delivered care to patients admitted to the ICU. Relevant data was analyzed by applying descriptive statistics, Tukey's multiple comparison test and Student's t-test (p< 0.05). Nursing workload reached 80.1% on average. The personal and professional profile variables did not show any relation with the leadership styles chosen by nurses (p>0.05). The determine, persuade, and share leadership styles prevailed. However, whenever the nursing workload peaked, the determine and persuade styles were used (p<0.05).<br>Este estudio tuvo como objetivos verificar a relación que existe entre los estilos de liderazgo de los enfermeros con el perfil personal, profesional y carga de trabajo de enfermería. La muestra fue constituida por siete enfermeros y siete técnicos de enfermería que formaron parejas. Durante tres meses los enfermeros fueron cuestionados sobre cual sería el estilo de liderazgo adoptado cuando el técnico de enfermería, bajo su evaluación, prestase cuidados a los pacientes admitidos en la Unidad de Terapia Intensiva. Los datos fueron analizados aplicándose estadística descriptiva, el método de comparaciones múltiples de Tukey y la prueba t de Student (<0,05). La carga de trabajo de enfermería alcanzó el valor promedio de 80,1%. Las variables de perfil personal y profesional no presentaron relación con los estilos de liderazgo escogidos por los enfermeros (p>0,05). Los estilos de liderazgo: determinar, persuadir y compartir fueron los predominantes, sin embargo, cuando la carga de trabajo de enfermería era mayor, se observaron los estilos determinar y persuadir (p<0,05).<br>Este estudo teve como objetivos verificar a relação dos estilos de liderança de enfermeiros com perfil pessoal e profissional e carga de trabalho de enfermagem. A amostra foi constituída por sete enfermeiros e sete técnicos de enfermagem que formaram duplas. Durante três meses os enfermeiros foram questionados sobre qual estilo de liderança seria adotado quando o técnico de enfermagem, sob sua avaliação, prestasse cuidados aos pacientes admitidos na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva. Os dados foram analisados aplicando-se estatística descritiva, o método de comparações múltiplas de Tukey e o teste t de Student (<0,05). A carga de trabalho de enfermagem alcançou valor médio de 80,1%. As variáveis de perfil pessoal e profissional não apresentaram relação com os estilos de liderança escolhidos pelos enfermeiros (p>0,05). Os estilos de liderança determinar, persuadir e compartilhar foram os predominantes, entretanto, quando a carga de trabalho de enfermagem era maior, observou-se os estilos determinar e persuadir (p<0,05)