33 research outputs found

    Endothelial Progenitor Cells (EPCs) as Gene Carrier System for Rat Model of Human Glioma

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    Due to their unique property to migrate to pathological lesions, stem cells are used as a delivery vehicle for therapeutic genes to tumors, especially for glioma. It is critically important to track the movement, localization, engraftment efficiency and functional capability or expression of transgenes of selected cell populations following transplantation. The purposes of this study were to investigate whether 1) intravenously administered, genetically transformed cord blood derived EPCs can carry human sodium iodide symporter (hNIS) to the sites of tumors in rat orthotopic model of human glioma and express transgene products, and 2) whether accumulation of these administered EPCs can be tracked by different in vivo imaging modalities.Collected EPCs were cultured and transduced to carry hNIS. Cellular viability, differential capacity and Tc-99m uptake were determined. Five to ten million EPCs were intravenously administered and Tc-99-SPECT images were acquired on day 8, to determine the accumulation of EPCs and expression of transgenes (increase activity of Tc-99m) in the tumors. Immunohistochemistry was performed to determine endothelial cell markers and hNIS positive cells in the tumors. Transduced EPCs were also magnetically labeled and accumulation of cells was confirmed by MRI and histochemistry. SPECT analysis showed increased activity of Tc-99m in the tumors that received transduced EPCs, indicative of the expression of transgene (hNIS). Activity of Tc-99m in the tumors was also dependent on the number of administered transduced EPCs. MRI showed the accumulation of magnetically labeled EPCs. Immunohistochemical analysis showed iron and hNIS positive and, human CD31 and vWF positive cells in the tumors.EPC was able to carry and express hNIS in glioma following IV administration. SPECT detected migration of EPCs and expression of the hNIS gene. EPCs can be used as gene carrier/delivery system for glioma therapy as well as imaging probes

    MRI Tracking of FePro Labeled Fresh and Cryopreserved Long Term In Vitro Expanded Human Cord Blood AC133+ Endothelial Progenitor Cells in Rat Glioma

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    Background: Endothelial progenitors cells (EPCs) are important for the development of cell therapies for various diseases. However, the major obstacles in developing such therapies are low quantities of EPCs that can be generated from the patient and the lack of adequate non-invasive imaging approach for in vivo monitoring of transplanted cells. The objective of this project was to determine the ability of cord blood (CB) AC133+ EPCs to differentiate, in vitro and in vivo, toward mature endothelial cells (ECs) after long term in vitro expansion and cryopreservation and to use magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to assess the in vivo migratory potential of ex vivo expanded and cryopreserved CB AC133+ EPCs in an orthotopic glioma rat model. Materials, Methods and Results: The primary CB AC133+ EPC culture contained mainly EPCs and long term in vitro conditions facilitated the maintenance of these cells in a state of commitment toward endothelial lineage. At days 15–20 and 25–30 of the primary culture, the cells were labeled with FePro and cryopreserved for a few weeks. Cryopreserved cells were thawed and in vitro differentiated or IV administered to glioma bearing rats. Different groups of rats also received long-term cultured, magnetically labeled fresh EPCs and both groups of animals underwent MRI 7 days after IV administration of EPCs. Fluorescent microscopy showed that in vitro differentiation of EPCs was not affected by FePro labeling and cryopreservation. MRI analysis demonstrated that in vivo accumulation of previously cryopreserved transplanted cells resulted in significantly higher R2 and R2* values indicating a higher rate of migration and incorporation into tumor neovascularization of previously cryopreserved CB AC133+ EPCs to glioma sites, compared to non-cryopreserved cells. Conclusion: Magnetically labeled CB EPCs can be in vitro expanded and cryopreserved for future use as MRI probes for monitoring the migration and incorporation to the sites of neovascularization

    Influence of acetylsalicylic acid on hematotoxicity of benzene

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    Objectives: The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) on benzene hematotoxicity in rats. Materials and Methods: The study was carried out on rats exposed for 2, 4 and 8 weeks to benzene vapour at a conentration of 1.5 or 4.5 mmol/m3 of air (5 days per week, 6 hours per day) alone or together with ASA at the doses of 5, 150 or 300 mg/kg body weight (per os). Results: Benzene at a concentration of 4.5 mmol/m3 caused a slight lymphopenia, granulocytosis and reticulocytosis in blood. In bone marrow traits of megaloblastic renewal, presence of undifferentiated cells and giant forms of granulocytes as well as an increase in myeloperoxidase and decrease in chloroacetate esterase activity and lipids content were noted. ASA (150 and 300 mg/kg b.w.) influenced some of hematological parameters, altered by benzene intoxication. ASA limited the solvent-induced alteration in blood reticulocyte count and in the case of bone marrow in the erythroblasts count. Traits of megaloblastic renewal in bone marrow were less pronounced. Besides, higher activity of myeloperoxidase and the decrease in the level of lipids in granulocytes were noted. Conclusion: Our results suggest that ASA limited the benzene-induced hematotoxicity

    Healthcare providers' knowledge, experience and challenges of reporting adverse events following immunisation: a qualitative study

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    Background: Healthcare provider spontaneous reporting of suspected adverse events following immunisation (AEFI) is central to monitoring post-licensure vaccine safety, but little is known about how healthcare professionals recognise and report to surveillance systems. The aim of this study was explore the knowledge, experience and attitudes of medical and nursing professionals towards detecting and reporting AEFI. Methods: We conducted a qualitative study, using semi-structured, face to face interviews with 13 Paediatric Emergency Department consultants from a tertiary paediatric hospital, 10 General Practitioners, 2 local council immunisation and 4 General Practice nurses, recruited using purposive sampling in Adelaide, South Australia, between December 2010 and September 2011. We identified emergent themes related to previous experience of an AEFI in practice, awareness and experience of AEFI reporting, factors that would facilitate or impede reporting and previous training in vaccine safety. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the data. Results: AEFI reporting was infrequent across all groups, despite most participants having reviewed an AEFI. We found confusion about how to report an AEFI and variability, according to the provider group, as to the type of events that would constitute a reportable AEFI. Participants’ interpretation of a “serious” or “unexpected” AEFI varied across the three groups. Common barriers to reporting included time constraints and unsatisfactory reporting processes. Nurses were more likely to have received formal training in vaccine safety and reporting than medical practitioners. Conclusions: This study provides an overview of experience and beliefs of three healthcare professional groups in relation to identifying and reporting AEFI. The qualitative assessment reveals differences in experience and awareness of AEFI reporting across the three professional groups. Most participants appreciated the importance of their role in AEFI surveillance and monitoring the ongoing safety of vaccines. Future initiatives to improve education, such as increased training to health care providers, particularly, medical professionals, are required and should be included in both undergraduate curricula and ongoing, professional development.Adriana Parrella, Annette Braunack-Mayer, Michael Gold, Helen Marshall and Peter Baghurs

    Improved clinical outcome after invasive management of patients with recent myocardial infarction and proven myocardial viability: primary results of a randomized controlled trial (VIAMI-trial).

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    Contains fulltext : 108268.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)BACKGROUND: Patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) not treated with primary or rescue percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) are at risk for recurrent ischemia, especially when viability in the infarct-area is present. Therefore, an invasive strategy with PCI of the infarct-related coronary artery in patients with viability would reduce the occurrence of a composite end point of death, reinfarction, or unstable angina (UA). METHODS: Patients admitted with an (sub)acute myocardial infarction, who were not treated by primary or rescue PCI, and who were stable during the first 48 hours after the acute event, were screened for the study. Eventually, we randomly assigned 216 patients with viability (demonstrated with low-dose dobutamine echocardiography) to an invasive or a conservative strategy. In the invasive strategy stenting of the infarct-related coronary artery was intended with abciximab as adjunct treatment. Seventy-five (75) patients without viability served as registry group. The primary endpoint was the composite of death from any cause, recurrent myocardial infarction (MI) and unstable angina at one year. As secondary endpoint the need for (repeat) revascularization procedures and anginal status were recorded. RESULTS: The primary combined endpoint of death, recurrent MI and unstable angina was 7.5% (8/106) in the invasive group and 17.3% (19/110) in the conservative group (Hazard ratio 0.42; 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.18-0.96; p = 0.032). During follow up revascularization-procedures were performed in 6.6% (7/106) in the invasive group and 31.8% (35/110) in the conservative group (Hazard ratio 0.18; 95% CI 0.13-0.43; p < 0.0001). A low rate of recurrent ischemia was found in the non-viable group (5.4%) in comparison to the viable-conservative group (14.5%). (Hazard-ratio 0.35; 95% CI 0.17-1.00; p = 0.051). CONCLUSION: We demonstrated that after acute MI (treated with thrombolysis or without reperfusion therapy) patients with viability in the infarct-area benefit from a strategy of early in-hospital stenting of the infarct-related coronary artery. This treatment results in a long-term uneventful clinical course. The study confirmed the low risk of recurrent ischemia in patients without viability. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT00149591

    Homeland engagement and host-society integration: A comparative study of new Chinese immigrants in the United States and Singapore

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    This article addresses three main questions through a comparative study of new Chinese immigrants in the United States and Singapore: (1) How do contexts of emigration and reception affect the ways in which new immigrants are tied to their homeland? (2) How do diasporic communities help members engage with the homeland? (3) What effects does transnationalism have on host-society integration? We develop an institutional approach to analyze how the state is involved in the transnational fields and how diasporic organizations serve as a bridge between individual migrants and state actors in transnational practices and integration processes. We find that new Chinese immigrants maintain emotional and tangible ties with China even as they are oriented toward resettlement in the hostland and that their transnational practices are similar in form but vary in magnitude, depending not only on diasporic positionality in the host society but also on bi-national relations. We also find that those who actively engage themselves in the transnational fields tend to do so through diasporic organizations. Finally, we find that homeland engagement generally benefits integration into host societies. These findings suggest that social forces at the macro-level – the nation-state – and at the meso-level – diasporic communities – are intertwined to affect processes and outcomes of immigrant transnationalism.Accepted versio