4 research outputs found

    Hybrid Key Encapsulation Mechanisms and Authenticated Key Exchange

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    Concerns about the impact of quantum computers on currently deployed public key cryptography have instigated research into not only quantum-resistant cryptographic primitives but also how to transition applications from classical to quantum-resistant solutions. One approach to mitigate the risk of quantum attacks and to preserve common security guarantees are hybrid schemes, which combine classically secure and quantum-resistant schemes. Various academic and industry experiments and draft standards related to the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol already use some form of hybrid key exchange; however sound theoretical approaches to substantiate the design and security of such hybrid key exchange protocols are missing so far. We initiate the modeling of hybrid authenticated key exchange protocols. We consider security against adversaries with varying levels of quantum power over time, such as adversaries who may become quantum in the future or are quantum in the present. We reach our goal using a three-step approach: First, we introduce security notions for key encapsulation mechanisms (KEMs) that enable a fine-grained distinction between different quantum scenarios. Second, we propose several combiners for constructing hybrid KEMs that correspond closely to recently proposed Internet-Drafts for hybrid key exchange in TLS 1.3. Finally, we present a provably sound design for hybrid key exchange using KEMs as building blocks

    Primeiro episĂłdio da esquizofrenia e assistĂŞncia de enfermagem Primer episodio de la esquizofrenia y asistencia de enfermerĂ­a First episode of schizophrenia and nursing care

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    A esquizofrenia é um dos principais problemas de saúde da atualidade, exigindo considerável investimento do sistema de saúde. A intervenção no primeiro episódio do transtorno oferece uma oportunidade única no tratamento da esquizofrenia, influenciando no curso da doença. O presente artigo consiste em uma revisão crítica de literatura cujos objetivos são examinar o conhecimento sobre o primeiro surto de esquizofrenia e discutir a contribuição da enfermagem na assistência. Foi utilizada pesquisa bibliográfica em índice informatizado de referências. Os dados obtidos permitiram organizar informações sobre o conceito geral de esquizofrenia, seu primeiro surto, tipos de intervenções e a atuação de enfermagem. Observamos que existe pouca literatura brasileira relacionada ao primeiro surto esquizofrênico, na área da enfermagem, poucos serviços especializados e disponíveis e poucos recursos sociais. Tal condição mostra a necessidade de estudos relacionados ao primeiro surto.<br>La esquizofrenia es uno de los principales problemas de salud de la actualidad, exigiendo considerable inversión del sistema de salud. La intervención en el primer episodio del trastorno ofrece oportunidad única en el tratamiento de la esquizofrenia, influyendo en el curso de la enfermedad. El presente artículo consiste en una revisión crítica de la literatura cuyos objetivos son examinar el conocimiento sobre el primer episodio de esquizofrenia y discutir acerca de la contribución de la enfermería en la asistencia. Fue utilizada la investigación bibliográfica en índice informatizado de referencias. Los datos obtenidos permitieron organizar informaciones sobre el concepto general de esquizofrenia, su primer episodio, tipos de intervenciones y la actuación de enfermería. Observamos que existe poca literatura brasileña relacionada a la primera aparición de signos de esquizofrenia, en el área de la enfermería, pocos servicios especializados disponibles y pocos recursos sociales. Tal condición muestra la necesidad de estudios relacionados al primer episodio.<br>Schizophrenia is one of the main health problems in current days, requiring considerable investment from the health system. Intervening in the first episode offers a unique opportunity in the treatment of schizophrenia and influences the course of the illness. This article consists of a critical literature review aimed at examining knowledge on first episode schizophrenia and discussing the contribution of nursing care. A research was carried out in bibliographical databases. The data collected made possible the organization of information on the general concept of schizophrenia, its first episode, types of intervention and nursing performance. We found out that in Brazil there are few studies related to first episode schizophrenia in Nursing, few available specialized services, and few social resources. This situation reveals the need for more studies on first episode schizophrenia

    Effects of different membranes and dialysis technologies on patient treatment tolerance and nutritional parameters

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    There is increasing evidence that the biochemical and cellular phenomena induced by blood/membrane/dialysate interactions contribute to dialysis-related intradialytic and long-term complications. However, there is a lack of large, prospective, randomized trials comparing biocompatible and bioincompatible membranes, and convective and diffusive treatment modalities. The primary aim of this prospective, randomized trial was to evaluate whether the use of polysulfone membrane with bicarbonate dialysate offers any advantages (in terms of treatment tolerance, nutritional parameters and pre-treatment beta(2)-microglobulin levels) over a traditional membrane (Cu-prophan(R)). A secondary aim was to assess whether the use of more sophisticated methods consisting of a biocompatible synthetic membrane with different hydraulic permeability at different ultrafiltration rate (high-flux hemodialysis and hemodiafiltration) offers any further advantages. Seventy-one Centers were involved and stratified according to the availability of only the first two or all four of the following techniques: Cuprophan(R) hemodialysis (Cu-HD), low flux polysulfone hemodialysis (LfPS-HD), high-flux polysulfone high-flux hemodialysis (HfPS-HD), and high-flux polysulfone hemodiafiltration (HfPS-HDF). The 380 eligible patients were randomized to one of the two or four treatments (132 to Cu-HD, 147 to LfPS-HD, 51 to HfPS-HD and 50 to HfPS-HDF). The follow-up was 24 months. No statistical difference was observed in the algebraic sum of the end points between bicarbonate dialysis with Cuprophan(R) or with low-flux polysulfone, or among the four dialysis methods under evaluation. There was a significant decrease in pre-dialysis plasma beta(2)-microglobulin levels in high-flux dialysis of 9.04+/-10.46 mg/liter (23%) and in hemodiafiltration of 6.35+/-12.28 mg/liter (16%), both using high-flux polysulfone membrane in comparison with Cuprophan(R) and low-flux polysulfone membranes (P=0.032). The significant decrease in pre-dialysis plasma beta(2)-microglobulin levels could have a clinical impact when one considers that beta(2)-microglobulin accumulation and amyloidosis are important long-term dialysis-related complications