1,968 research outputs found

    Webometric Analysis of Open Universities in India

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    Web Impact Factor (WIF), Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ranking improve the visibility of a website’s presence in the online environment. The present study predominantly focuses on the WIFs of the Indian Open University websites. Calculating three types of web impact factors it has been found that among the selected Open Universities Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU), Nashik holds the numero uno status in Simple and Internal-link WIFs with SWIF 0.2214 and IWIF 0.2092. In case of External-link Web Impact Factor (EWIF) Netaji Subhas Open University (NSOU), Kolkata holds the rank one position with EWIF of 9.9750. Among the websites IGNOU holds the best global rank i.e. 4439 and it has the 2nd best Indian rank also i.e. 349. This Open University is followed by KSOU in the global ranking i.e. 4517. KSOU holds the best Indian rank i.e.270. IGNOU has the maximum number of backlinks i.e. 1265605. The website of KSOU having domain authority of 59, ranks highest YCMOU ranks lowest by obtaining 29 out of a total of 100 points. In case of page authority, the website of IGNOU ranks first with page authority score of 59 followed by the UOU having score of 51. Again the least score (35) is obtained by the YCMOU in page authority

    Webometric Analysis of Open Universities in India

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    Web Impact Factor (WIF), Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ranking improve the visibility of a website’s presence in the online environment. The present study predominantly focuses on the WIFs of the Indian Open University websites. Calculating three types of web impact factors it has been found that among the selected Open Universities Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU), Nashik holds the numero uno status in Simple and Internal-link WIFs with SWIF 0.2214 and IWIF 0.2092. In case of External-link Web Impact Factor (EWIF) Netaji Subhas Open University (NSOU), Kolkata holds the rank one position with EWIF of 9.9750. Among the websites IGNOU holds the best global rank i.e. 4439 and it has the 2nd best Indian rank also i.e. 349. This Open University is followed by KSOU in the global ranking i.e. 4517. KSOU holds the best Indian rank i.e.270. IGNOU has the maximum number of backlinks i.e. 1265605. The website of KSOU having domain authority of 59, ranks highest YCMOU ranks lowest by obtaining 29 out of a total of 100 points. In case of page authority, the website of IGNOU ranks first with page authority score of 59 followed by the UOU having score of 51. Again the least score (35) is obtained by the YCMOU in page authority

    Fraud Detection using Machine Learning in the Mobile Payment Service

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    The transformation of payment mechanism from face-to-face transactions to non-face-to-face transactions has led to increased popularity of Internet Banking, credit card, online billing in the mobile phone itself and, hence, it is directly proportional to the advancement of smartphones in particular. However, the probability of any kind of anomalous payments increases and due to that the requirement of fraud detection arises. This paper provides the idea of the trend followed in the detection of fraud in online payment through mobile phone with the help of machine learning [1]

    5-dim Superconformal Index with Enhanced En Global Symmetry

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    The five-dimensional N=1\mathcal{N}=1 supersymmetric gauge theory with Sp(N) gauge group and SO(2N_f) flavor symmetry describes the physics on N D4-branes with NfN_f D8-branes on top of a single O8 orientifold plane in Type I' theory. This theory is known to be superconformal at the strong coupling limit with the enhanced global symmetry ENf+1E_{N_f+1} for Nf7N_f\le 7. In this work we calculate the superconformal index on S1×S4S^1\times S^4 for the Sp(1) gauge theory by the localization method and confirm such enhancement of the global symmetry at the superconformal limit for Nf5N_f\le 5 to a few leading orders in the chemical potential. Both perturbative and (anti)instanton contributions are present in this calculation. For Nf=6,7N_f=6,7 cases some issues related the pole structure of the instanton calculation could not be resolved and here we could provide only some suggestive answer for the leading contributions to the index. For the Sp(N) case, similar issues related to the pole structure appear.Comment: 70 pages, references added, published versio

    Modeling and Simulation of PV Panel Under Different Internal and Environmental Conditions with Non-constant Load

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    This paper focuses on PV power conversion under different internal and environmental conditions with non-constant load, connected to a smart grid system. Due to environmental conditions, the PV system is a non-linear system and difficult to predict the power conversion. In the aspect of internal variables, it includes the five parameters of the single diode solar cell model identify their sensitivity through error function. It also identifies the relation between environmental conditions, mainly: irradiance, temperature and wind speed. The modeling and computational simulation with laboratory work identify the effects of internal and environmental effect on the system. The model gives details about the sensitivity of each environmental condition using error function. The work includes the decrease of energy conversion by the solar panel as a function of time due to the shadow effect that affects its performance. Besides these, a smart system is introduced as a DAQ system in laboratory environment to get in real time the power conversion value with the P-V and I-V characteristics of the PV panel

    M5-branes from gauge theories on the 5-sphere

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    We use the 5-sphere partition functions of supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories to explore the (2,0) superconformal theory on S^5 x S^1. The 5d theories can be regarded as Scherk-Schwarz reductions of the 6d theory along the circle. In a special limit, the perturbative partition function takes the form of the Chern-Simons partition function on S^3. With a simple non-perturbative completion, it becomes a 6d index which captures the degeneracy of a sector of BPS states as well as the index version of the vacuum Casimir energy. The Casimir energy exhibits the N^3 scaling at large N. The large N index for U(N) gauge group also completely agrees with the supergravity index on AdS_7 x S^4.Comment: 44 pages, 1 figure, v4: ref added, clarified weak/strong coupling behaviors of large N free energy, minor improvements, version to be published in JHE

    Role of Herbal Medicine in Cardiovascular Activities

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    Herbal medicine has gained substantial attention for its potential role in supporting cardiovascular health. This chapter explores the intricate interplay between herbal compounds and cardiovascular activities, shedding light on their mechanisms of action and therapeutic applications. With a historical backdrop of traditional herbal medicine, the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases serves as a compelling backdrop for the investigation. The chapter delves into the multifaceted mechanisms by which herbal compounds influence the cardiovascular system. Notably, herbs exhibit vasodilatory effects, contributing to blood pressure regulation, and harbor potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that collectively mitigate oxidative stress and inflammation within the cardiovascular milieu. Furthermore, certain herbs intricately modulate lipid metabolism, holding promise in the management of dyslipidemia. A thorough analysis of well-known herbal treatments clarifies each one's unique contributions to cardiovascular health. Hawthorn is revealed to be the champion of heart health, and garlic demonstrates its mastery of cholesterol reduction. Ginkgo Biloba is notable for its capacity to improve circulation, and turmeric demonstrates powerful anti-inflammatory properties. The chapter also looks at herbal medicine's potential as an intervention for regulating fluid balance, arrhythmias, and hypertension. Examined is the potential for resveratrol-rich plants and green tea to protect against heart disease. Along with considerations for safety, interactions, and future study, the symbiotic relationship between stress reduction, adaptogenic herbs, and heart health is also discussed in this article. This chapter concludes with a thorough examination of the crucial part herbal medicine plays in cardiovascular health. The complex interaction between herbal substances and circulatory functions, from mechanisms of action to clinical applications, shows promise for a more integrative and holistic approach to cardiovascular car

    On instantons as Kaluza-Klein modes of M5-branes

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    Instantons and W-bosons in 5d maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory arise from a circle compactification of the 6d (2,0) theory as Kaluza-Klein modes and winding self-dual strings, respectively. We study an index which counts BPS instantons with electric charges in Coulomb and symmetric phases. We first prove the existence of unique threshold bound state of (noncommutative) U(1) instantons for any instanton number, and also show that charged instantons in the Coulomb phase correctly give the degeneracy of SU(2) self-dual strings. By studying SU(N) self-dual strings in the Coulomb phase, we find novel momentum-carrying degrees on the worldsheet. The total number of these degrees equals the anomaly coefficient of SU(N) (2,0) theory. We finally show that our index can be used to study the symmetric phase of this theory, and provide an interpretation as the superconformal index of the sigma model on instanton moduli space.Comment: 54 pages, 2 figures. v2: references added, figure improved, added comments on self-dual string anomaly, added new materials on the symmetric phase index, other minor correction