6,686 research outputs found

    The value function of an asymptotic exit-time optimal control problem

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    We consider a class of exit--time control problems for nonlinear systems with a nonnegative vanishing Lagrangian. In general, the associated PDE may have multiple solutions, and known regularity and stability properties do not hold. In this paper we obtain such properties and a uniqueness result under some explicit sufficient conditions. We briefly investigate also the infinite horizon problem

    Collaborative semantic web browsing with Magpie

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    Web browsing is often a collaborative activity. Users involved in a joint information gathering exercise will wish to share knowledge about the web pages visited and the contents found. Magpie is a suite of tools supporting the interpretation of web pages and semantically enriched web browsing. By automatically associating an ontology-based semantic layer to web resources, Magpie allows relevant services to be invoked as well as remotely triggered within a standard web browser. In this paper we describe how Magpie trigger services can provide semantic support to collaborative browsing activities

    Gravitational lensing and dynamics in SL2S\,J02140-0535: Probing the mass out to large radius

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    We aim to probe the mass of SL2S\,J02140-0535, a galaxy group at zz = 0.44 from the Strong Lensing Legacy Survey (SL2S). We combine strong lensing modeling and dynamical constraints. The strong lensing analysis is based on multi-band HST/ACS observations exhibiting strong lensing features that we have followed-up spectroscopically with VLT/FORS2. To constrain the scale radius of an NFW mass profile that cannot be constrained by strong lensing, we propose a new method by taking advantage of the large-scale dynamical information provided by VLT/FORS2 and KECK/LRIS spectroscopy of group members. In constrast to other authors, we show that the observed lensing features in SL2S\,J02140-0535 belong to different background sources: one at zz = 1.7 ±\pm 0.1 produces three images, while the other at zz = 1.023 ±\pm 0.001 has only a single image. Our unimodal NFW mass model reproduces these images very well. It is characterized by a concentration parameter c200c_{200} = 6.0 ±\pm 0.6, which is slightly greater than the value expected from Λ\LambdaCDM simulations for a mass of M200_{200} \approx 1 ×\times 1014^{14} M_{\sun}. The spectroscopic analysis of group members also reveals a unimodal structure that exhibits no evidence of merging. We compare our dynamic mass estimate with an independent weak-lensing based mass estimate finding that both are consistent. Our combined lensing and dynamical analysis of SL2S\,J02140-0535 demonstrates the importance of spectroscopic information in reliably identifying the lensing features. Our findings argue that the system is a relaxed, massive galaxy group where mass is traced by light. This work shows a potentially useful method for constraining large-scale properties inaccessible to strong lensing, such as the scale radius of the NFW profile.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    The Three-Dimensional Microstructure of the Liver A Review by Scanning Electron Microscopy

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    The improvement in scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques has permitted us to describe the microstructure of the liver. By SEM, the liver peritoneal surface is composed of flat mesothelial cells possessing microvilli and cilia. Hepatic sinusoids connect the portal vessels with the terminal branches of the hepatic vein (central veins). Endothelial cells of the portal space arteries are elongated and arranged longitudinally, while those of the central and portal veins are polygonal and flattened, possessing microvilli. The sinusoidal endothelial cells show both small fenestrations (sieve plates), up to 200 nm in diameter, and large ones, up to 1 m. Within the sinusoids are seen bridging structures, covered by fenestrated endothelium, seeming to have a fibrillar core. Kupffer cells resemble macrophages, showing microvilli, blebs, lamellipodia and filopodia. Within the Space of Disse are seen the fat-storing cells, having laminar dendritic projections. The polyhedral liver cell faces the Space of Disse (vascular pole) or faces an adjacent hepatocyte (biliary pole). Vascular facets are evenly covered by microvilli. Biliary facets show a central longitudinal depression, bordered by microvilli (bile hemicanaliculi). Canaliculoductular junction and bile duct epithelia show blebs, microvilli and cilia. Up to now, fetal liver and liver pathology have been scarcely investigated by SEM: in the future, they can be successfully approached by three-dimensional studies

    Discovery of a 6.4 h black hole binary in NGC 4490

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    We report on the discovery with Chandra of a strong modulation (~90% pulsed fraction) at ~6.4 h from the source CXOU J123030.3+413853 in the star-forming, low-metallicity spiral galaxy NGC 4490, which is interacting with the irregular companion NGC 4485. This modulation, confirmed also by XMM-Newton observations, is interpreted as the orbital period of a binary system. The spectra from the Chandra and XMM-Newton observations can be described by a power-law model with photon index ~1.5. During these observations, which span from 2000 November to 2008 May, the source showed a long-term luminosity variability by a factor of ~5, between ~2E+38 and 1.1E+39 erg/s (for a distance of 8 Mpc). The maximum X-ray luminosity, exceeding by far the Eddington limit of a neutron star, indicates that the accretor is a black hole. Given the high X-ray luminosity, the short orbital period and the morphology of the orbital light curve, we favour an interpretation of CXOU J123030.3+413853 as a rare high-mass X-ray binary system with a Wolf-Rayet star as a donor, similar to Cyg X-3. This would be the fourth system of this kind known in the local Universe. CXOU J123030.3+413853 can also be considered as a transitional object between high mass X-ray binaries and ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs), the study of which may reveal how the properties of persistent black-hole binaries evolve entering the ULX regime.Comment: Fig. 1 in reduced quality; minor changes to match the MNRAS versio

    A complex state transition from the black hole candidate Swift J1753.5-0127

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    We present our monitoring campaign of the outburst of the black-hole candidate Swift J1753.5-0127, observed with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer and the Swift satellites. After ~4.5 years since its discovery, the source had a transition to the hard intermediate state. We performed spectral and timing studies of the transition showing that, unlike the majority of the transient black holes, the system did not go to the soft states but it returned to the hard state after a few months. During this transition Swift J1753.5-0127 features properties which are similar to those displayed by the black hole Cygnus X-1. We compared Swift J1753.5-0127 to one dynamically confirmed black hole and two neutron stars showing that its power spectra are in agreement with the binary hosting a black hole. We also suggest that the prolonged period at low flux that followed the initial flare is reminiscent of that observed in other X-ray binaries, as well as in cataclysmic variables.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA