850 research outputs found

    High-Resolution Simulations of Cosmic Microwave Background non-Gaussian Maps in Spherical Coordinates

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    We describe a new numerical algorithm to obtain high-resolution simulated maps of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), for a broad class of non-Gaussian models. The kind of non-Gaussianity we account for is based on the simple idea that the primordial gravitational potential is obtained by a non-linear but local mapping from an underlying Gaussian random field, as resulting from a variety of inflationary models. Our technique, which is based on a direct realization of the potential in spherical coordinates and fully accounts for the radiation transfer function, allows to simulate non-Gaussian CMB maps down to the Planck resolution (ℓmax∌3,000\ell_{\rm max} \sim 3,000), with reasonable memory storage and computational time.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to ApJ. A version with higher quality figures is available at http://www.pd.infn.it/~liguori/content.htm

    X-ray and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich scaling relations in galaxy clusters

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    [Abridged] We present an analysis of the scaling relations between X-ray properties and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) parameters for a sample of 24 X-ray luminous galaxy clusters observed with Chandra and with measured SZ effect. These objects are in the redshift range 0.14--0.82 and have X-ray bolometric luminosity L>10^45 erg/s. We perform a spatially resolved spectral analysis and recover the density, temperature and pressure profiles of the ICM, just relying on the spherical symmetry of the cluster and the hydrostatic equilibrium hypothesis. We observe that the correlations among X-ray quantities only are in agreement with previous results obtained for samples of high-z X-ray luminous galaxy clusters. On the relations involving SZ quantities, we obtain that they correlate with the gas temperature with a logarithmic slope significantly larger than the predicted value from the self-similar model. The measured scatter indicates, however, that the central Compton parameter y_0 is a proxy of the gas temperature at the same level of other X-ray quantities like luminosity. Our results on the X-ray and SZ scaling relations show a tension between the quantities more related to the global energy of the system (e.g. gas temperature, gravitating mass) and the indicators of the structure of the ICM (e.g. gas density profile, central Compton parameter y_0), showing the most significant deviations from the values of the slope predicted from the self-similar model in the L-T, L-M_{tot}, M_{gas}-T, y_0-T relations. When the slope is fixed to the self-similar value, these relations consistently show a negative evolution suggesting a scenario in which the ICM at higher redshift has lower both X-ray luminosity and pressure in the central regions than the expectations from self-similar model.Comment: MNRAS in press - Minor revision to match published versio

    Constraints on extended quintessence from high-redshift Supernovae

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    We obtain constraints on quintessence models from magnitude-redshift measurements of 176 type Ia Supernovae. The considered quintessence models are ordinary quintessence, with Ratra-Peebles and SUGRA potentials, and extended quintessence with a Ratra-Peebles potential. We compute confidence regions in the Ωm0−α\Omega_{m0}-\alpha plane and find that for SUGRA potentials it is not possible to obtain useful constraints on these parameters; for the Ratra-Peebles case, both for the extended and ordinary quintessence we find \alpha\mincir 0.8, at the 1σ1\sigma level. We also consider simulated dataset for the SNAP satellite for the same models: again, for a SUGRA potential it will not be possible to obtain constraints on α\alpha, while with a Ratra-Peebles potential its value will be determined with an error \mincir 0.6. We evaluate the inaccuracy made by approximating the time evolution of the equation of state with a linear or constant w\diz, instead of using its exact redshift evolution. Finally we discuss the effects of different systematic errors in the determination of quintessence parameters.Comment: 8 pages, ApJ in press. We added a discussion of the systematic errors and we updated the SNe catalogu

    The Variance of QSO Counts in Cells

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    {}From three quasar samples with a total of 1038 objects in the redshift range 1.0Ă·2.21.0 \div 2.2 we measure the variance σ2\sigma^2 of counts in cells of volume VuV_u. By a maximum likelihood analysis applied separately on these samples we obtain estimates of σ2(ℓ)\sigma^2(\ell), with ℓ≡Vu1/3\ell \equiv V_u^{1/3}. The analysis from a single catalog for ℓ= 40 h−1\ell = ~40~h^{-1} Mpc and from a suitable average over the three catalogs for ℓ= 60, 80\ell = ~60,~80 and 100 h−1100~h^{-1} Mpc, gives σ2(ℓ)=0.46−0.27+0.27\sigma^2(\ell) = 0.46^{+0.27}_{-0.27}, 0.18−0.15+0.140.18^{+0.14}_{-0.15}, 0.05−0.05+0.140.05^{+0.14}_{-0.05} and 0.12−0.12+0.130.12^{+0.13}_{-0.12}, respectively, where the 70%70\% confidence ranges account for both sampling errors and statistical fluctuations in the counts. This allows a comparison of QSO clustering on large scales with analogous data recently obtained both for optical and IRAS galaxies: QSOs seem to be more clustered than these galaxies by a biasing factor bQSO/bgal∌1.4−2.3b_{QSO}/b_{gal} \sim 1.4 - 2.3.Comment: 13 pages in plain Tex, 5 figures available in postscript in a separate file, submitted to ApJ, DAPD-33

    Simulated X-ray galaxy clusters at the virial radius: slopes of the gas density, temperature and surface brightness profiles

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    Using a set of hydrodynamical simulations of 9 galaxy clusters with masses in the range 1.5 10^{14} M_sun < M_vir < 3.4 10^{15} M_sun, we have studied the density, temperature and X-ray surface brightness profiles of the intracluster medium in the regions around the virial radius. We have analyzed the profiles in the radial range well above the cluster core, the physics of which are still unclear and matter of tension between simulated and observed properties, and up to the virial radius and beyond, where present observations are unable to provide any constraints. We have modeled the radial profiles between 0.3 R_200 and 3 R_200 with power laws with one index, two indexes and a rolling index. The simulated temperature and [0.5-2] keV surface brightness profiles well reproduce the observed behaviours outside the core. The shape of all these profiles in the radial range considered depends mainly on the activity of the gravitational collapse, with no significant difference among models including extraphysics. The profiles steepen in the outskirts, with the slope of the power-law fit that changes from -2.5 to -3.4 in the gas density, from -0.5 to -1.8 in the gas temperature, and from -3.5 to -5.0 in the X-ray soft surface brightness. We predict that the gas density, temperature and [0.5-2] keV surface brightness values at R_200 are, on average, 0.05, 0.60, 0.008 times the measured values at 0.3 R_200. At 2 R_200, these values decrease by an order of magnitude in the gas density and surface brightness, by a factor of 2 in the temperature, putting stringent limits on the detectable properties of the intracluster-medium (ICM) in the virial regions.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures; added reference and other minor change

    Large-scale inhomogeneities of the intracluster medium: improving mass estimates using the observed azimuthal scatter

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    Using a set of hydrodynamical simulations of 62 galaxy clusters and groups we study the ICM of inhomogeneities, focusing on the ones on the large scale that, unlike clumps, are the most difficult to identify. To this purpose we introduce the concept of residual clumpiness, C_R, that quantifies the large-scale inhomogeneity of the ICM. After showing that this quantity can be robustly defined for relaxed systems, we characterize how it varies with radius, mass and dynamical state of the halo. Most importantly, we observe that it introduces an overestimate in the determination of the density profile from the X-ray emission, which translates into a systematic overestimate of 6 (12)% in the measurement of M_gas at R_200 for our relaxed (perturbed) cluster sample. At the same time, the increase of C_R with radius introduces also a ~2% systematic underestimate in the measurement of the hydrostatic-equilibrium mass (M_he), which adds to the previous one generating a systematic ~8.5% overestimate in f_gas in our relaxed sample. Since the residual clumpiness of the ICM is not directly observable, we study its correlation with the azimuthal scatter in the X-ray surface brightness of the halo and in the y-parameter profiles. We find that their correlation is highly significant (r_S = 0.6-0.7), allowing to define the azimuthal scatter measured in the X-ray surface brightness profile and in the y-parameter as robust proxies of C_R. After providing a function that connects the two quantities, we obtain that correcting the observed gas density profiles using the azimuthal scatter eliminates the bias in the measurement of M_gas for relaxed objects, which becomes (0+/-2)% up to 2R_200, and reduces it by a factor of 3 for perturbed ones. This method allows also to eliminate the systematics on the measurements of M_he and f_gas, although a significant halo to halo scatter remains. (abridged)Comment: 18 pages, 17 figures, 3 tables. Submitted to MNRAS, revised after referee's comment

    Velocity Fields in Non--Gaussian Cold Dark Matter Models

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    We analyse the large--scale velocity field obtained by N--body simulations of cold dark matter (CDM) models with non--Gaussian primordial density fluctuations, considering models with both positive and negative primordial skewness in the density fluctuation distribution. We study the velocity probability distribution and calculate the dependence of the bulk flow, one--point velocity dispersion and Cosmic Mach Number on the filtering size. We find that the sign of the primordial skewness of the density field provides poor discriminatory power on the evolved velocity field. All non--Gaussian models here considered tend to have lower velocity dispersion and bulk flow than the standard Gaussian CDM model, while the Cosmic Mach Number turns out to be a poor statistic in characterizing the models. Next, we compare the large--scale velocity field of a composite sample of optically selected galaxies as described by the Local Group properties, bulk flow, velocity correlation function and Cosmic Mach Number, with the velocity field of mock catalogues extracted from the N--body simulations. The comparison does not clearly permit to single out a best model: the standard Gaussian model is however marginally preferred by the maximum likelihood analysis.Comment: 10 pages in Latex with mn.sty (available at the end of the paper

    The Cluster Distribution as a Test of Dark Matter Models. IV: Topology and Geometry

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    We study the geometry and topology of the large-scale structure traced by galaxy clusters in numerical simulations of a box of side 320 h−1h^{-1} Mpc, and compare them with available data on real clusters. The simulations we use are generated by the Zel'dovich approximation, using the same methods as we have used in the first three papers in this series. We consider the following models to see if there are measurable differences in the topology and geometry of the superclustering they produce: (i) the standard CDM model (SCDM); (ii) a CDM model with Ω0=0.2\Omega_0=0.2 (OCDM); (iii) a CDM model with a `tilted' power spectrum having n=0.7n=0.7 (TCDM); (iv) a CDM model with a very low Hubble constant, h=0.3h=0.3 (LOWH); (v) a model with mixed CDM and HDM (CHDM); (vi) a flat low-density CDM model with Ω0=0.2\Omega_0=0.2 and a non-zero cosmological Λ\Lambda term (Λ\LambdaCDM). We analyse these models using a variety of statistical tests based on the analysis of: (i) the Euler-Poincar\'{e} characteristic; (ii) percolation properties; (iii) the Minimal Spanning Tree construction. Taking all these tests together we find that the best fitting model is Λ\LambdaCDM and, indeed, the others do not appear to be consistent with the data. Our results demonstrate that despite their biased and extremely sparse sampling of the cosmological density field, it is possible to use clusters to probe subtle statistical diagnostics of models which go far beyond the low-order correlation functions usually applied to study superclustering.Comment: 17 pages, 7 postscript figures, uses mn.sty, MNRAS in pres
