44 research outputs found

    Los Factores Demogr谩ficos del Crecimiento de las Poblaciones Americanas en los 煤ltimos cien a帽os

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    La composici贸n por edad de las poblaciones latinoamericanas y sus recientes variaciones

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    Consideraciones sobre las relaciones entre el desarrollo demogr谩fico y el desarrollo econ贸mico y su aplicaci贸n en Am茅rica Latina

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    An atypical form of AOA2 with myoclonus associated with mutations in SETX and AFG3L2

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    Background: Hereditary ataxias are a heterogeneous group of neurodegenerative disorders, where exome sequencing may become an important diagnostic tool to solve clinically or genetically complex cases. Methods: We describe an Italian family in which three sisters were affected by ataxia with postural/intentional myoclonus and involuntary movements at onset, which persisted during the disease. Oculomotor apraxia was absent. Clinical and genetic data did not allow us to exclude autosomal dominant or recessive inheritance and suggest a disease gene. Results: Exome sequencing identified a homozygous c.6292C>T (p.Arg2098*) mutation in SETX and a heterozygous c.346G>A (p.Gly116Arg) mutation in AFG3L2 shared by all three affected individuals. A fourth sister (II.7) had subclinical myoclonic jerks at proximal upper limbs and perioral district, confirmed by electrophysiology, and carried the p.Gly116Arg change. Three siblings were healthy. Conclusions: Exome sequencing is a powerful tool in identifying disease genes. We identified an atypical form of Ataxia with Oculoapraxia type 2 (AOA2) with myoclonus at onset associated with the c.6292C>T (p.Arg2098*) homozygous mutation. Because the same genotype was described in six cases from a Tunisian family with a typical AOA2 without myoclonus, we speculate this latter feature is associated with a second mutated gene, namely AFG3L2 (p.Gly116Arg variant)

    Sommario di statistica

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    - Indice Analitico #7- Nozioni generali #19- L'osservazione dei fenomeni #26- La descrizione dei fenomeni #44- L'interpretazione dei fenomeni #31

    Lezioni di statistica metodologica : dettate nel R. Istituto superiore di scienze economiche e commerciali di Roma

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    La mortalidad de la poblaci贸n nativa del Brasil

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    Il giuramento di Ippocrate nella tradizione ebraica

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    In recent times, the need has emerged for the Federation of medical orders to proceed with a revision of the code of ethics whose paradigm is the Hippocratic oath in order to adapt to the changing needs and expectations of modern society. Given the privileged position enjoyed by medicine among the Jews over the generations, the present research wanted to compare the Greek text with the texts of the Jewish tradition which explicitly speak of medical deontology: some in the form of an oath such as that of Hippocrates, others as a prayer of the doctor. After an identification and choice of the reference Hebrew texts, an analysis of the differences was carried out. The diversity of Jewish deontological texts is not so much in the omission of elements present in the Greek text as in the number and importance of new elements such as social commitment, the relationship between doctor and patient, the doctor's duty to study and in scientific research as well as relationships with colleagues. From this it emerges that the care of the sick is an integral part of a vaster moral code that invests all human activity, medical ethics reflect the rules that regulate the relationship between man and man and between man and the Creator.Negli ultimi tempi 猫 emersa la necessit脿 da parte della Federazione degli ordini dei medici di procedere ad una revisione del codice deontologico il cui paradigma 猫 il giuramento di Ippocrate per adeguarsi alle mutate esigenze e aspettative della moderna societ脿. Data la posizione di privilegio goduta dalla medicina fra gli Ebrei nel corso delle generazioni la presente ricerca ha voluto confrontare il testo greco con i testi della tradizione ebraica che parlano esplicitamente di deontologia medica: alcuni sotto forma di giuramento come quello di Ippocrate, altri come preghiera del medico. Dopo una individuazione e scelta dei testi ebraici di riferimento si 猫 proceduto ad una analisi delle differenze. La diversit脿 dei testi deontologici ebraici non 猫 tanto nell鈥檕missione di elementi presenti nel testo greco quanto nel numero e nell鈥檌mportanza degli elementi nuovi quali l鈥檌mpegno sociale, il rapporto tra medico e paziente, il dovere del medico di studiare e di impegnarsi nella ricerca scientifica oltre che ai rapporti con i colleghi. Da ci貌 emerge che la cura del malato 猫 parte integrante di un codice morale pi霉 vasto che investe tutta l鈥檃ttivit脿 dell鈥檜omo; la deontologia medica riflette le norme che regolano i rapporti tra uomo e uomo e fra l鈥檜omo ed il Creatore