9 research outputs found

    Le neoplasie della giunzione sigma-retto: esperienze personali

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    Gli Autori riferiscono la propria esperienza con 25 pazienti ope - rati per una neoplasia della giunzione sigma-retto, nel periodo com - preso tra il 1° gennaio 1998 ed il 31 dicembre 2002, nella Sezione di Chirurgia Generale ed Oncologica dell’Università degli Studi di Perugia. In accordo con quanto riportato dalla letteratura, sostengono un’individualità anatomo-funzionale di questo tratto del colon. Sottolineano inoltre le modalità di manifestazione clinica e l’evolu - zione delle neoplasie che colpiscono la giunzione e che le diversificano da quelle degli altri segmenti del colon, condizionando la scelta chi - rurgica e la prognosi

    ErbB2 immune response in breast cancer patients with soluble receptor ectodomain

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    Investigation of ErbB2 immunity in human breast cancer employing recombinant expression sources in. immunoblot analysis revealed ErbB2-specific antibodies of the IgG isotype in sera of 14 of 71 cancer patients and 1 of 31 normal donors. Reactivity was confirmed on ErbB2-specific immunoprecipitates. Independent evidence of existing ErbB2 immunity was obtained after in vitro transformation of peripheral blood leukocytes from six positive patients. Furthermore, in vitro immortalization of B-lymphocytes unmasked existent ErbB2 immunity in 1 of 8 patients negative for ErbB2 serum antibodies. Determining shed ErbB2 extracellular domain as an indirect measure of tumor burden in ErbB2-positive malignancy, elevated serum levels were observed in 16 of 71 breast cancer and 1 of 31 normal donor sera Strikingly, existing ErbB2 immunity correlated significantly with elevated shed ErbB2 ectodomain among the patients analyzed. Incidence of both ErbB2 immunity and elevated ErbB2 extracellular domain increased with a progressed disease stage and was significantly associated with metastatic breast cancer. These observations implicate soluble ErbB2 amounts in vivo in the development of ErbB2 immunity in breast canter. They further project serum analysis of ErbB2 immunity and soluble ectodomain as potential markers of disease progression in ErbB2-positive malignancy

    Co-localization of multiple ErbB receptors in stratified epithelium of oral squamous cell carcinoma

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    The expression of all four ErbB receptors was compared by immunohistochemistry, using receptor-specific polyclonal antisera, in 32 invasive, 11 in situ carcinomas, six benign lesions, and 22 samples of histologically normal mucosa adjacent to specimens of carcinoma originating from oral cavity epithelium. Among invasive and in situ carcinoma, EGFR expression was the most prevalent (in 29/32 and 8/11 cases, respectively) followed by ErbB2 (17/32 and 2/11) and ErbB4 (9/32 and 1/10), while ErbB3 was only detected in invasive tumours (12/32). Specific patterns included invasive tumours with expression of EGFR (8/32) or ErbB4 (1/32) alone, as well as different receptor combinations (EGFR + ErbB2, EGFR + ErbB4, EGFR + ErbB2 + ErbB3, EGFR + ErbB2 + ErbB4, and all four receptors). Simultaneous expression of three or four ErbB receptors correlated with tumour invasion (p = 2.2 x 10(-4)) and localized in the intermediate epithelial cell layer of well and moderately differentiated tumours. No other significant correlation with clinico-pathological features was noticed. Some benign lesions and histologically normal mucosa adjacent to carcinomas showed weak immunostaining of EGFR (10/28), ErbB2 (4/28) or ErbB4 (3/28). By comparison, overexpression, as indicated by increased staining intensity, was observed in invasive tumours for EGFR (18/32), ErbB2 (8/32), ErbB4 (3/32), and ErbB3 (3/32). Statistical evaluation demonstrated a significant association of EGFR or ErbB2 overexpression with invasive carcinoma when compared with benign lesions and apparently normal epithelium (p=5.2 x 10(-7) and p=5 x 10(-3) respectively). Tumour-specific overexpression of ErbB receptors and their co-expression, most frequently involving EGFR and ErbB2, in the same cell layer of neoplastic epithelium, implicate receptor heterodimers in the pathogenesis of oral squamous carcinoma. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance mammography: does it affect surgical decision-making in patients with breast cancer?

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    Diagnostic imaging in women with suspected breast cancer should accurately detect and diagnose malignant tumors and facilitate the correct choice of therapy. Contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance mammography (CE-MRM) is potentially the imaging modality of choice for accurate patient management decisions. A total of 164 women with suspected breast cancer based on clinical examination, conventional mammography and/or ultrasound each underwent preoperative bilateral CE-MRM using an axial 3D dynamic T1-weighted gradient-echo sequence and gadobenate dimeglumine as contrast agent. Images were evaluated by two readers in consensus. Histological evaluation of detected lesions was performed on samples from core biopsy or surgery. Determinations were made of the sensitivity, accuracy and positive predictive value of CE-MRM compared to mammography/ultrasound for the detection of malignant lesions and of the impact of CE-MRM for surgical decision-making. Conventional mammography/ultrasound detected 175 lesions in the 164 evaluated patients. CE-MRM revealed 51 additional lesions in 34/164 patients; multifocal and multicentric cancer was detected in 7 and 4 additional patients, respectively, contralateral foci in 21 additional patients and pectoral muscle infiltration in 2 additional patients. CE-MRM also confirmed the absence or benignity of 3 and 1 lesions suspected of malignancy on mammography/ultrasound. The sensitivity and accuracy for malignant lesion detection and identification was 100% and 93.4%, respectively, for CE-MRM compared to 77.3% and 72.1% for mammography/ultrasound, respectively. Patient management was altered for 32/164 (19.5%) patients as a result of CE-MRM. CE-MRM positively impacts patient management decisions and should be performed in all women with suspected breast cancer based on clinical examination, mammography and/or ultrasound

    ErbB2 Immune Response in Breast Cancer Patients with Soluble Receptor Ectodomain

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    Investigation of ErbB2 immunity in human breast cancer employing recombinant expression sources in immunoblot analysis revealed ErbB2-specific antibodies of the IgG isotype in sera of 14 of 71 cancer patients and 1 of 31 normal donors. Reactivity was confirmed on ErbB2-specific immunoprecipitates. Independent evidence of existing ErbB2 immunity was obtained after in vitro transformation of peripheral blood leukocytes from six positive patients. Furthermore, in vitro immortalization of B-lymphocytes unmasked existent ErbB2 immunity in 1 of 8 patients negative for ErbB2 serum antibodies. Determining shed ErbB2 extracellular domain as an indirect measure of tumor burden in ErbB2-positive malignancy, elevated serum levels were observed in 16 of 71 breast cancer and 1 of 31 normal donor sera. Strikingly, existing ErbB2 immunity correlated significantly with elevated shed ErbB2 ectodomain among the patients analyzed. Incidence of both ErbB2 immunity and elevated ErbB2 extracellular domain increased with a progressed disease stage and was significantly associated with metastatic breast cancer. These observations implicate soluble ErbB2 amounts in vivo in the development of ErbB2 immunity in breast cancer. They further project serum analysis of ErbB2 immunity and soluble ectodomain as potential markers of disease progression in ErbB2-positive malignancy