690 research outputs found

    Conformal Invariance in (2+1)-Dimensional Stochastic Systems

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    Stochastic partial differential equations can be used to model second order thermodynamical phase transitions, as well as a number of critical out-of-equilibrium phenomena. In (2+1) dimensions, many of these systems are conjectured (and some are indeed proved) to be described by conformal field theories. We advance, in the framework of the Martin-Siggia-Rose field theoretical formalism of stochastic dynamics, a general solution of the translation Ward identities, which yields a putative conformal energy-momentum tensor. Even though the computation of energy-momentum correlators is obstructed, in principle, by dimensional reduction issues, these are bypassed by the addition of replicated fields to the original (2+1)-dimensional model. The method is illustrated with an application to the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) model of surface growth. The consistency of the approach is checked by means of a straightforward perturbative analysis of the KPZ ultraviolet region, leading, as expected, to its c=1c=1 conformal fixed point.Comment: Title, abstract and part of the text have been rewritten. To be published in Physical Review E

    Quantum Integrability of Certain Boundary Conditions

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    We study the quantum integrability of the O(N) nonlinear σ\sigma (nls) model and the O(N) Gross-Neveu (GN) model on the half-line. We show that the \nls model is integrable with Neumann, Dirichlet and a mixed boundary condition, and that the GN model is integrable if \psi_+^a\x=\pm\psi_-^a\x. We also comment on the boundary condition found by Corrigan and Sheng for the O(3) nls model.Comment: 11 pages, Latex file, minor changes, one reference adde

    Non-perturbative approach to backscattering off a dynamical impurity in 1D Fermi systems

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    We investigate the problem of backscattering off a time-dependent impurity in a one-dimensional electron gas. By combining the Schwinger-Keldysh method with an adiabatic approximation in order to deal with the corresponding out of equilibrium Dirac equation, we compute the total energy density (TED) of the system. We show how the free fermion TED is distorted by the backscattering amplitude and the geometry of the impurity.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, RevTex4. Appendix and some text added. Results and conclusions did not change. Version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Langevin Simulation of the Chirally Decomposed Sine-Gordon Model

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    A large class of quantum and statistical field theoretical models, encompassing relevant condensed matter and non-abelian gauge systems, are defined in terms of complex actions. As the ordinary Monte-Carlo methods are useless in dealing with these models, alternative computational strategies have been proposed along the years. The Langevin technique, in particular, is known to be frequently plagued with difficulties such as strong numerical instabilities or subtle ergodic behavior. Regarding the chirally decomposed version of the sine-Gordon model as a prototypical case for the failure of the Langevin approach, we devise a truncation prescription in the stochastic differential equations which yields numerical stability and is assumed not to spoil the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition. This conjecture is supported by a finite size scaling analysis, whereby a massive phase ending at a line of critical points is clearly observed for the truncated stochastic model.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Boundary S-matrix for the Gross-Neveu Model

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    We study the scattering theory for the Gross-Neveu model on the half-line. We find the reflection matrices for the elementary fermions, and by fusion we compute the ones for the two-particle bound-states, showing that they satisfy non-trivial bootstrap consistency conditions. We also compute more general reflection matrices for the Gross-Neveu model and the nonlinear sigma model, and argue that they correspond to the integrable boundary conditions we identified in our previous paper hep-th/9809178.Comment: 13 pages, latex file, final version to appear in PL

    Cultivating cannabis in a Paraguayan nature reserve: Incentives and moral justification for breaking the law

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    Paraguay has become the main cannabis producer in South America and one of the largest exporters in the world. Some investigations about the cultivation of marijuana in the country portray a cruel environment in which peasants are exploited in “almost feudal” conditions by intermediaries who buy their crops at unreasonably low prices. However, a group of peasants who use the Mbaracayú Forest Nature Reserve as their labour area have created a safe and profitable ecosystem for developing their business. Based on interviews with key informants and visits to the area, the article describes the constraints and incentives that lead those peasants to engage in criminal activities, the strategies they have used to establish protective barriers, and the moral justifications that emerge as a result of their success in doing business. Although there are violent practices and extortion, we claim that the decision-making process to get involved in illegal markets is a free action influenced by alternative moral understandings that provide reasons and justifications for breaking the law. The moral map of these cannabis growers goes far beyond the mere economic justification of generating material resources and is related to economic, institutional, and social premises linked to a generalized aspiration of dignity and a life worth living. The functioning of informal institutions learned through previous interactions with state and non-state actors who regulate and protect the market, the perceived social approval/legitimation of the activity by referent groups, and the awareness of the capacity and skills necessary to successfully conduct the business have a crucial importance in the moral reformulation.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    A Minimalist Turbulent Boundary Layer Model

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    We introduce an elementary model of a turbulent boundary layer over a flat surface, given as a vertical random distribution of spanwise Lamb-Oseen vortex configurations placed over a non-slip boundary condition line. We are able to reproduce several important features of realistic flows, such as the viscous and logarithmic boundary sublayers, and the general behavior of the first statistical moments (turbulent intensity, skewness and flatness) of the streamwise velocity fluctuations. As an application, we advance some heuristic considerations on the boundary layer underlying kinematics that could be associated with the phenomenon of drag reduction by polymers, finding a suggestive support from its experimental signatures.Comment: 5 pages, 10 figure