544 research outputs found

    Metric properties of Cherry flows

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    AbstractIn a Cherry flow without sources, with positive divergence on the saddles, almost all points goes to a Sink

    Invariant measures for Cherry flows

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    We investigate the invariant probability measures for Cherry flows, i.e. flows on the two-torus which have a saddle, a source, and no other fixed points, closed orbits or homoclinic orbits. In the case when the saddle is dissipative or conservative we show that the only invariant probability measures are the Dirac measures at the two fixed points, and the Dirac measure at the saddle is the physical measure. In the other case we prove that there exists also an invariant probability measure supported on the quasi-minimal set, we discuss some situations when this other invariant measure is the physical measure, and conjecture that this is always the case. The main techniques used are the study of the integrability of the return time with respect to the invariant measure of the return map to a closed transversal to the flow, and the study of the close returns near the saddle.Comment: 12 pages; updated versio

    A Phase Transition for Circle Maps and Cherry Flows

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    We study C2C^{2} weakly order preserving circle maps with a flat interval. The main result of the paper is about a sharp transition from degenerate geometry to bounded geometry depending on the degree of the singularities at the boundary of the flat interval. We prove that the non-wandering set has zero Hausdorff dimension in the case of degenerate geometry and it has Hausdorff dimension strictly greater than zero in the case of bounded geometry. Our results about circle maps allow to establish a sharp phase transition in the dynamics of Cherry flows

    CardNutri:A Software of Weekly Menus Nutritional Elaboration for Scholar Feeding Applying Evolutionary Computation

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    This paper aims to present and evaluate a software that uses an evolutionary strategy to design weekly nutritional menus for School Feeding. The software ensures the nutritional needs of students and also minimizes the total cost of the menu. We based our nutritional needs on the Brazilian National School Feeding Programme (PNAE). This program takes into account: (i) the age of the student; (ii) some preparations issues as color, consistency and, variety; and also (iii) the maximum amount to be paid per meal. Our software generates, in less than five minutes, a set of menus, and the nutritionist can choose the menu that suits his/her best. We evaluate our algorithm using the Weighted-Sum approach, and our results show that the obtained 5-days menus using the proposed methodology not only comply with the restrictions imposed by the authorities but also produce inexpensive and healthy menus. We also appraise the software itself using an opinion pool among nine nutritionists. The professionals considered our software above expectations

    Finite-Size Scaling and Damage Spreading in Ising Systems with Multispin Interactions

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    We investigate two-dimensional Ising systems with multisping interactions of three- (m=3) and four-body terms (m=4). The application of a new type of finite-size algorithm of de Oliveira allow us to clearly distinguish a first-order transition (in the m=4 case) from a continuous one (in the m=3 one). We also study the damage spreading in these systems. In this study, a dynamical phenomenon is observed to occur at a critical point separating a chaotic phase from a frozen one. However, the width of the interval where this transition happens does not yield a conclusive evidence about the order of the phase transition.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    Isolated Microsporum Canis from a canine nasal cavity bearer of intranasal foreign body and Transmissible Venereal Tumor - Radiografic imaging and rinoscopy - case report

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    ABSTRACT Rhinopathies diagnosis in small animals is challenging, especially regarding their etiology. Imaging exams are very valuable tools for diagnostic procedures. The objective here is to report a rare case of rhinitis by Microsporum canis in a 4-year-old male, SRD dog, sneezing and with chronic purulent nasal secretion two weeks after surgical correction of cleft palate, emphasizing the imaging tests importance for a final and assertive diagnosis. Skull radiographs revealed turbinate destruction and two soft tissue amorphous structures with radiopacity at nasal cavity. The presence of a foreign body in the left passage, soaked in mucopurulent secretion associated with fungal plaques, with firm texture were evidenced by rhinoscopy, and identified as M. canis colonies by microbiological examination. In association, red-brown hyperplastic areas biopsied via rhinoscopy were histologically diagnosed as transmissible venereal tumor. It is concluded that such infection can be reported as opportunistic, secondary to local immunosuppression by post-surgical foreign body and nasal TVT. This is the first case to report such a pathogen in the dog, making its insertion in the differential diagnosis of rhinopathies extremely valuable

    Developing a genetic engineering method for Acetobacterium wieringae to expand one-carbon valorization pathways

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    BackgroundDeveloping new bioprocesses to produce chemicals and fuels with reduced production costs will greatly facilitate the replacement of fossil-based raw materials. In most fermentation bioprocesses, the feedstock usually represents the highest cost, which becomes the target for cost reduction. Additionally, the biorefinery concept advocates revenue growth from the production of several compounds using the same feedstock. Taken together, the production of bio commodities from low-cost gas streams containing CO, CO2, and H2, obtained from the gasification of any carbon-containing waste streams or off-gases from heavy industry (steel mills, processing plants, or refineries), embodies an opportunity for affordable and renewable chemical production. To achieve this, by studying non-model autotrophic acetogens, current limitations concerning low growth rates, toxicity by gas streams, and low productivity may be overcome. The Acetobacterium wieringae strain JM is a novel autotrophic acetogen that is capable of producing acetate and ethanol. It exhibits faster growth rates on various gaseous compounds, including carbon monoxide, compared to other Acetobacterium species, making it potentially useful for industrial applications. The species A. wieringae has not been genetically modified, therefore developing a genetic engineering method is important for expanding its product portfolio from gas fermentation and overall improving the characteristics of this acetogen for industrial demands.ResultsThis work reports the development and optimization of an electrotransformation protocol for A. wieringae strain JM, which can also be used in A. wieringae DSM 1911, and A. woodii DSM 1030. We also show the functionality of the thiamphenicol resistance marker, catP, and the functionality of the origins of replication pBP1, pCB102, pCD6, and pIM13 in all tested Acetobacterium strains, with transformation efficiencies of up to 2.0 × 103 CFU/μgDNA. Key factors affecting electrotransformation efficiency include OD600 of cell harvesting, pH of resuspension buffer, the field strength of the electric pulse, and plasmid amount. Using this method, the acetone production operon from Clostridium acetobutylicum was efficiently introduced in all tested Acetobacterium spp., leading to non-native biochemical acetone production via plasmid-based expression.ConclusionsA. wieringae can be electrotransformed at high efficiency using different plasmids with different replication origins. The electrotransformation procedure and tools reported here unlock the genetic and metabolic manipulation of the biotechnologically relevant A. wieringae strains. For the first time, non-native acetone production is shown in A. wieringae

    Fine-tuning of defensive behaviors in the dorsal periaqueductal gray by atypical neurotransmitters

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    This paper presents an up-to-date review of the evidence indicating that atypical neurotransmitters such as nitric oxide (NO) and endocannabinoids (eCBs) play an important role in the regulation of aversive responses in the periaqueductal gray (PAG). Among the results supporting this role, several studies have shown that inhibitors of neuronal NO synthase or cannabinoid receptor type 1 (CB1) receptor agonists cause clear anxiolytic responses when injected into this region. The nitrergic and eCB systems can regulate the activity of classical neurotransmitters such as glutamate and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) that control PAG activity. We propose that they exert a ‘fine-tuning’ regulatory control of defensive responses in this area. This control, however, is probably complex, which may explain the usually bell-shaped dose-response curves observed with drugs that act on NO- or CB1-mediated neurotransmission. Even if the mechanisms responsible for this complex interaction are still poorly understood, they are beginning to be recognized. For example, activation of transient receptor potential vanilloid type-1 channel (TRPV1) receptors by anandamide seems to counteract the anxiolytic effects induced by CB1 receptor activation caused by this compound. Further studies, however, are needed to identify other mechanisms responsible for this fine-tuning effect

    Deletion of kinin B2 receptor alters muscle metabolism and exercise performance

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    Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of metabolic risk factors such as obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Mitochondria is the main site of ATP production and its dysfunction leads to decreased oxidative phosphorylation, resulting in lipid accumulation and insulin resistance. Our group has demonstrated that kinins can modulate glucose and lipid metabolism as well as skeletal muscle mass. By using B2 receptor knockout mice (B2R-/-) we investigated whether kinin action affects weight gain and physical performance of the animals. Our results show that B2R-/- mice are resistant to high fat diet-induced obesity, have higher glucose tolerance as well as increased mitochondrial mass. These features are accompanied by higher energy expenditure and a lower feed efficiency associated with an increase in the proportion of type I fibers and intermediary fibers characterized by higher mitochondrial content and increased expression of genes related to oxidative metabolism. Additionally, the increased percentage of oxidative skeletal muscle fibers and mitochondrial apparatus in B2R-/- mice is coupled with a higher aerobic exercise performance. Taken together, our data give support to the involvement of kinins in skeletal muscle fiber type distribution and muscle metabolism, which ultimately protects against fat-induced obesity and improves aerobic exercise performance