2,173 research outputs found

    A Network Model characterized by a Latent Attribute Structure with Competition

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    The quest for a model that is able to explain, describe, analyze and simulate real-world complex networks is of uttermost practical as well as theoretical interest. In this paper we introduce and study a network model that is based on a latent attribute structure: each node is characterized by a number of features and the probability of the existence of an edge between two nodes depends on the features they share. Features are chosen according to a process of Indian-Buffet type but with an additional random "fitness" parameter attached to each node, that determines its ability to transmit its own features to other nodes. As a consequence, a node's connectivity does not depend on its age alone, so also "young" nodes are able to compete and succeed in acquiring links. One of the advantages of our model for the latent bipartite "node-attribute" network is that it depends on few parameters with a straightforward interpretation. We provide some theoretical, as well experimental, results regarding the power-law behaviour of the model and the estimation of the parameters. By experimental data, we also show how the proposed model for the attribute structure naturally captures most local and global properties (e.g., degree distributions, connectivity and distance distributions) real networks exhibit. keyword: Complex network, social network, attribute matrix, Indian Buffet processComment: 34 pages, second version (date of the first version: July, 2014). Submitte

    Numerical study of the urban geometrical representation impact in a surface energy budget model

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    The aim of this work is to investigate how both the orientation of the urban canyon and the modeling of the edge effects (i.e. urban canyons of finite length) are important in the numerical simulation of the surface energy budget in urban areas. Starting from the town energy balance scheme, two models of increasing complexity of the canyon geometry are developed. A sensitivity analysis of the role played by the chosen hypothesis and parameterizations is performed by coupling the canyon schemes with the numerical weather prediction model RAMS. The results suggest that a detailed description of the urban geometry could produce non-negligible differences of the energy balances and of the temperature fields with respect to what occurs using simpler schematizations, in particular during the summer

    An alternative wind profile formulation for urban areas in neutral conditions

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    On the basis of meteorological observations conducted within the city of Rome, Italy, a new formulation of the wind-speed profile valid in urban areas and neutral conditions is developed. It is found that the role played by the roughness length in the canonical log-law profile can be taken by a local length scale, depending on both the surface cover and the distance above the ground surface, which follows a pattern of exponential decrease with height. The results show that the proposed model leads to increased performance compared with that obtained by using other approaches found in the literature

    Relative dispersion analysis of GLAD surface drifters in the Gulf of Mexico

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    Relative dispersion analysis of the Lagrangian dataset derived from the GLAD drifter campaign in the Gulf of Mexico was computed on pairs derived from actual triplets. The results show that an exponential growth of the relative dispersion begins and occurs within the first two days of deployment. The influence of inertial motions should be taken into account in order not to overestimate turbulence diffusivities

    Quantitative isoperimetric inequalities in H^n

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    In the Heisenberg group H^n, we prove quantitative isoperimetric inequalities for Pansu's spheres, that are known to be isoperimetric under various assumptions. The inequalities are shown for suitably restricted classes of competing sets and the proof relies on the construction of sub-calibrations

    Definizione di criteri di progettazione dell’interfaccia RF di transponder RFID sequenziali in banda UHF

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    Nel primo capitolo viene fatta una panoramica sui sistemi RFID, mettendo in risalto alcuni aspetti che li caratterizzano. Vengono analizzate più in dettaglio le differenze tra le due procedute utilizzate (FDX/HDX e SEQ) cercando di capire i vantaggi dell’una nei confronti dell’altra. Vengono analizzati alcuni dispositivi ad accoppiamento induttivo che utilizzano un protocollo sequenziale nella banda LF. I sistemi esaminati vengono prodotti dalla Texas Instruments (TI) ed appartengono alla famiglia TIRIS (Texas Instruments Registration and Identification System). Essendo tra i pochi prodotti di tipo sequenziale che si trovano in commercio, viene fatta una breve analisi delle caratteristiche analizzando alcuni datasheet e manuali forniti da TI . Nel secondo capitolo viene fatta una breve introduzione al duplicatore, introdotti alcuni concetti utili (circuito equivalente del diodo, funzione di Bessel modificata), per poi passare a calcolare l’espressione analitica, funzione dei parametri circuitali e del tempo, della tensione ai capi della capacità C posta in uscita. Vengono analizzati tre schemi circuitali di complessità crescente: il primo prevede l’analisi di un duplicatore con generatore di tensione ideale posto ingresso, nel secondo viene studiato l’effetto di una resistenza R posta tra il duplicatore e il generatore di tensione, l’ultimo caso prevede l’inserimento di un’induttanza L in serie alla resistenza R, in modo che si venga a creare un circuito risonante serie RLC in ingresso al duplicatore e si possa ottenere una tensione d’uscita superiore rispetto ai casi precedenti. Nel terzo capitolo viene introdotta la procedura per la progettazione della rete di adattamento partendo dalla rete che ottimizza il funzionamento del duplicatore, calcolata nel capitolo precedente. Viene inoltre spiegato il criterio per determinare il range di funzionamento del tag, introducendo alcuni concetti della teoria delle onde elettromagnetiche. Nel quarto capitolo vengono forniti alcuni criteri di scelta per i diodi a componenti discreti, viene quindi dimensionata la rete di adattamento e analizzate le prestazioni. Vengono analizzati gli effetti, sul funzionamento del sistema, degli elementi parassiti introdotti dal package dei diodi. Alla fine del capitolo viene fatto il dimensionamento del circuito sulla base dei consumi dell’oscillatore, l’elemento circuitale che assorbe il maggior quantitativo di energia e che vedremo essere l’elemento critico di tutti i sistemi nella banda UHF a basso consumo

    Liquid FM: Recommending Music through Viscous Democracy

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    Most modern recommendation systems use the approach of collaborative filtering: users that are believed to behave alike are used to produce recommendations. In this work we describe an application (Liquid FM) taking a completely different approach. Liquid FM is a music recommendation system that makes the user responsible for the recommended items. Suggestions are the result of a voting scheme, employing the idea of viscous democracy. Liquid FM can also be thought of as the first testbed for this voting system. In this paper we outline the design and architecture of the application, both from the theoretical and from the implementation viewpoints

    Numerical simulations of mountain winds in an alpine valley

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    The meteorological model WRF is used to investigate the wind circulation in Valle Camonica, Italy, an alpine valley that includes a large subalpine lake. The aim was to obtain the information necessary to evaluate the wind potential of this area and, from a methodological point of view, to suggest how numerical modeling can be used to locate the most interesting spots for wind exploitation. Two simulations are carried out in order to analyze typical scenarios occurring in the valley. In the first one, the diurnal cycle of thermally-induced winds generated by the heating-cooling of the mountain range encircling the valley is analyzed. The results show that the mountain slopes strongly affect the low-level winds during both daytime and nighttime, and that the correct setting of the lake temperature improves the quality of the meteorological fields provided by WRF significantly. The second simulation deals with an event of strong downslope winds caused by the passage of a cold front. Comparisons between simulated and measured wind speed, direction and air temperature are also shown

    Habermas on Religion and Democracy: Critical Perspectives

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    La prospettiva postsecolare di Habermas ha avuto un impatto significativo nel dare forma al dibattito circa il ruolo della religione nelle società plurali del nostro tempo. Tuttavia, mentre le democrazie sono attraversate da una nuova ondata di sfide interreligiose, sembra che la sua visione di cittadini religiosi e secolari che interagiscono discorsivamente in un processo di apprendimento e riconciliazione per via di traduzione e deliberazione debba essere rivisto e aggiornato. I limiti della visione habermasiana possono essere in parte spiegati con la sua prevalente concentrazione sulla tradizione giudaico-cristiana. Occorre chiedersi in che misura la pluralità di contesti teologico-politici - Induismo, Buddismo, Islam e altre tradizioni religiose - sia rilevante per la teoria democratica, allo scopo di allargare e ridefinire i termini degli approcci basati sulla ragione pubblica. Fino a che punto la visione habermasiana può, e dovrebbe, confrontarsi con le questioni della fede, della santità, del messianismo che ha finora escluso dal dominio della riflessione filosofica? Inoltre, nei suoi scritti più tardi, Habermas non sembra prendere a sufficienza in considerazione il rapporto fra religione, violenza e dominazione socio-economica. Ci si interroga dunque su come il suo modello deliberativo possa essere esteso per misurarsi con tali problemi e in quale misura postsecolarismo e capitalismo siano legati. Anche se la preoccupazione primaria di Habermas è stata il progetto politico europeo, la connessione fra i suoi interventi sull'Europa e la sua "svolta" religiosa rimangono insufficientemente esplorati. Qual è il significato e quali le conseguenze pratiche della ridefinizione da parte di Habermas del ruolo della religione in un'epoca di accelerazione del pluralismo, sia in Europa sia fuori dell'Europa? Lo scopo di questa Special Issue di Europea Legacy è quello di prendere in considerazione le diverse implicazioni, volontarie o meno, della visione habermasiana della religione. Più specificamente, si esaminano prospettive sul ruolo, l'ampiezza, e l'efficacia della ragione pubblica habermasiana quando messa a confronto con le nuove sfide del dialogo interreligioso e dell'integrazione nelle società democratiche.Habermas’ post-secular perspective of socio-political integration has had a major formative effect on the debate surrounding the place of religion in present-day pluralist societies. And yet as democracies are currently beset by a new wave of interfaith challenges it would seem that his vision of religious and non-religious citizens publicly engaging in a process of learning and reconciliation through cooperative translation and deliberation would need to be reconsidered and adjusted. This apparent shortcoming may partly be explained by the prevalent Judeo-Christian focus of Habermas’ deliberative model. To what extent, then, is the plurality of political theological contexts—Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and other religious traditions—significant for democratic theory today, for broadening and refining the public reason approach? Should and can the Habermasian vision address more directly the issues of faith, holiness, and Messianism that he has excluded from the philosophical domain? Moreover, in his later writings, Habermas does not seem to take sufficiently into account the relation between religion, violence, and socio-economic domination. The question is how his deliberative model could be extended to address such problems and to what extent post-secularism and capitalism are interconnected. Although Habermas’ primary concern has been the European political project, the connection between his European interventions and his religious “turn” remain insufficiently explored. What is the significance and what are the practical consequences of Habermas’ re-definition of the role of religion in an age of accelerated pluralisation both in Europe and beyond it? The aim of this Special Issue of the European Legacy is to take stock of the diverse intended and perhaps unintended implications of the Habermasian view of religion. More specifically, we are consider perspectives on the role, scope, and ability of Habermasian public reason to meet the new challenges of interreligious dialogue and integration in democratic societies
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