93 research outputs found

    The Pacific megagash: A future plate boundary?

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    Seismic anisotropy is an efficient way to investigate the deformation field within the upper mantle. In the framework of rigid tectonic plates, we make use of recent tomographic models of azimuthal anisotropy to derive the best rotation pole of the Pacific plate in the uppermost 200 km of the mantle. It is found to be in good agreement with current plate motion (NUVEL1, HS3, and NNR). However, when dividing the Pacific plate into two subplates separated by what we refer to as the megagash, an east-west low-velocity and low-anisotropy band extending across the Pacific plate from Samoa-Tonga to the Easter–Juan Fernández Islands, the rotation pole of northern Pacific is still in agreement with current plate motion but not the rotation pole of the southern part of the Pacific, far away from the “classical” rotation pole of the Pacific plate. This result suggests a differential motion between the North and South Pacific and an ongoing reorganization of plates in the Pacific Ocean. The megagash might be a future plate boundary between the North and South Pacific plates, associated with the intense volcanism along this band

    Comparison of Iterative Back-Projection Inversion and Generalized Inversion Without Blocks: Case Studies In Attenuation Tomography

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    Iterative back-projection tomography and generalized inversion without blocks (‘no-block’) are two different inversion techniques developed recently for 3-D studies, and are commonly applied to the inversion of travel-time data. In this study, we compare the two methods and derive one from the other under certain assumptions. We then apply these two methods to the attenuation problem, inverting for the quality factor, Q, of the medium. Usually, travel-time inversion involves large data sets and fine resolution is not possible if generalized inversion is applied. A relatively small data set with little redundancy enables us to apply both techniques with similar resolution. We applied the methods to the data sets obtained for two areas in southern California, the Coso-Indian Wells region and Imperial Valley. The results obtained by the two methods are very similar. Back-projection tomography is a direct and fast method for this type of problem. However, it does not provide formal error estimates and resolution. The no-block inversion requires more computational time, but formal errors and resolution can be directly computed for the final model. Thus, application of the two methods to the same data set enhances the objectivity of the final result

    Early earthquake detection capabilities of different types of future-generation gravity gradiometers

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    Since gravity propagates at the speed of light, gravity perturbations induced by earthquake deformation have the potential to enable faster alerts than the current earthquake early warning systems based on seismic waves. Additionally, for large earthquakes (M_w > 8), gravity signals may allow for a more reliable magnitude estimation than seismic-based methods. Prompt elastogravity signals induced by earthquakes of magnitude larger than 7.9 have been previously detected with seismic arrays and superconducting gravimeters. For smaller earthquakes, down to M_w ≃ 7, it has been proposed that detection should be based on measurements of the gradient of the gravitational field, in order to mitigate seismic vibration noise and to avoid the canceling effect of the ground motions induced by gravity signals. Here we simulate the five independent components of the gravity gradient signals induced by earthquakes of different focal mechanisms. We study their spatial amplitude distribution to determine what kind of detectors is preferred (which components of the gravity gradient are more informative), how detectors should be arranged, and how earthquake source parameters can be estimated. The results show that early earthquake detections, within 10 seconds of the rupture onset, using only the horizontal gravity strain components are achievable up to about 140 km distance from the epicenter. Depending on the earthquake focal mechanism and on the detector location, additional measurement of the vertical gravity strain components can enhance the detectable range by 10–20 km. These results are essential for the design of gravity-based earthquake early warning systems

    Identifying global seismic anisotropy patterns by correlating shear-wave splitting and surface-wave data

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    International audienceWe compare a global compilation of shear-wave splitting measurements with azimuthal seismic anisotropy parameters inferred from surface-wave tomography. The currently available splitting dataset is taken from a novel comprehensive collection of available publications that is updated interactively online. The comparison between the two types of data is made by calculating predicted splitting parameters from the anisotropic tomography model. Comparing these predicted splitting parameters with the observed ones, we find a considerable correlation between the two datasets at global scale. This result is noteworthy, since such correlation did not seem to exist in previous studies. The spatial resolution associated with the two types of methods is rather different. While surface waves have good vertical resolution and poor lateral resolution of several hundreds of kilometers, SKS splitting measurements have good lateral, but poor vertical resolution. The correlation can be understood in light of recent propositions that anisotropy seen by SKS splitting constrains mostly the upper mantle, and therefore a similar depth region as surface waves. The correlation also confirms the generally good quality of the shear-wave measurements, as well as that of the anisotropic tomography model

    Reliability of mantle tomography models assessed by spectral element simulation

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    Global tomographic models collected in the Seismic wave Propagation and Imaging in Complex (SPICE media: a European network) model library (http://www.spicertn.org/research/planetaryscale/tomography/) share a similar pattern of long, spatial wavelength heterogeneity, but are not consistent at shorter spatial wavelengths. Here, we assess the performance of global tomographic models by comparing how well they fit seismic waveform observations, in particular Love and Rayleigh wave overtones and fundamental modes. We first used the coupled spectral element method (CSEM) to calculate long-period (>100 s) synthetic seismograms for different global tomography models. The CSEM can incorporate the effect of three-dimensional (3-D) variations in velocity, anisotropy, density and attenuation with very little numerical dispersion. We then compared quantitatively synthetic seismograms and real data. To restrict ourselves to high-quality overtone data, and to minimize the effects of the finite extent of seismic sources and of crustal heterogeneity, we favour deep (>500 km) earthquakes of intermediate magnitude (Mw ∌ 7). Our comparisons reveal that: (1) The 3-D global tomographic models explain the data much better than the one-dimensional (1-D) anisotropic Preliminary Reference Earth Model (PREM). The current 3-D tomographic models have captured the large-scale features of upper-mantle heterogeneities, but there is still some room for the improvement of large-scale features of global tomographic models. (2) The average correlation coefficients for deep events are higher than those for shallow events, because crustal structure is too complex to be completely incorporated into CSEM simulations. (3) The average correlation coefficient (or the time lag) for the major-arc wave trains is lower (or higher) than that for the minor-arc wave trains. Therefore, the current tomographic models could be much improved by including the major-arc wave trains in the inversion. (4) The shallow-layer crustal correction has more effects on the fundamental surface waves than on the overtone

    Time-reversal imaging of seismic sources and application to the great Sumatra earthquake

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    International audienceThe increasing power of computers and numerical methods (like spectral element methods) allows continuously improving modelization of the propagation of seismic waves in heterogeneous media and the development of new applications in particular time reversal in the three-dimensional Earth. The concept of time-reversal (hereafter referred to as TR) was previously successfully applied for acoustic waves in many fields like medical imaging, underwater acoustics and non destructive testing. We present here the first application at the global scale of TR with associated reverse movies of seismic waves propagation by sending back long period time-reversed seismograms. We show that seismic wave energy is refocused at the right location and the right time of the earthquake. When TR is applied to the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake (26 Dec. 2004), the migration of the rupture from the south towards the north is retrieved. Therefore, TR is potentially interesting for constraining the spatio-temporal history of complex earthquakes

    Azimuthal Anisotropy at Valhall: the Helmholtz Equation Approach

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    International audienceWe used 6 hours of continuous vertical records from 2320 sensors of the Valhall Life of Fields Seismic network to compute 2 690 040 cross-correlation functions between the full set of sensor pair combinations. We applied the 'Helmholtz tomography' approach combined with the ambient noise correlation method to track the wave front across the network with every station considered as a virtual source. The gradient of the interpolated phase travel time gives us an estimate of the local phase speed and of the direction of wave propagation. By combining the individual measurements for every station, we estimated the distribution of Scholte's wave phase speeds with respect to azimuth. The observed cosine pattern indicates the presence of azimuthal anisotropy. The elliptic shape of the fast anisotropy direction is consistent with results of previous shear wave splitting studies and reflects the strong seafloor subsidence due to the hydrocarbon reservoir depletion at depth and is in good agreement with geomechanical modeling

    Mantle upwellings and convective instabilities revealed by seismic tomography and helium isotope geochemistry beneath eastern Africa

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    International audienceThe relationship between intraplate volcanism and continental tectonics has been investigated for North and East Africa using a high resolution three-dimensional anisotropic tomographic model derived from seismic data of a French experiment ''Horn of Africa'' and existing broadband data. The joint inversion for seismic velocity and anisotropy of the upper 400 km of the mantle, and geochemical data reveals a complex interaction between mantle upwellings, and lithosphere. Two kinds of mantle upwellings can be distinguished: The first one, the Afar ''plume'' originates from deeper than 400 km and is characterized by enrichment in primordial 3 He and 3 He/ 4 He ratios higher than those along mid-ocean ridges (MOR). The second one, associated with other Cenozoic volcanic provinces (Darfur, Tibesti, Hoggar, Cameroon), with 3 He/ 4 He ratios similar to, or lower than MOR, is a consequence of shallower upwelling. The presumed asthenospheric convective instabilities are oriented in an east-west direction, resulting from interaction between south-north asthenospheric mantle flow, main plume head and topography on the base of lithosphere

    Numerical Modeling of Iceberg Capsizing Responsible for Glacial Earthquakes

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    The capsizing of icebergs calved from marine‐terminating glaciers generate horizontal forces on the glacier front, producing long‐period seismic signals referred to as glacial earthquakes. These forces can be estimated by broadband seismic inversion, but their interpretation in terms of magnitude and waveform variability is not straightforward. We present a numerical model for fluid drag that can be used to study buoyancy‐driven iceberg capsize dynamics and the generated contact forces on a calving face using the finite‐element approach. We investigate the sensitivity of the force to drag effects, iceberg geometry, calving style, and initial buoyancy. We show that there is no simple relationship between force amplitude and iceberg volume, and similar force magnitudes can be reached for different iceberg sizes. The force history and spectral content varies with the iceberg attributes. The iceberg aspect ratio primarily controls the capsize dynamics, the force shape, and force frequency, whereas the iceberg height has a stronger impact on the force magnitude. Iceberg hydrostatic imbalance generates contact forces with specific frequency peaks that explain the variability in glacial earthquake dominant frequency. For similar icebergs, top‐out and bottom‐out events have significantly different capsize dynamics leading to larger top‐out forces especially for thin icebergs. For realistic iceberg dimensions, we find contact‐force magnitudes that range between 5.6 × 1011 and 2 × 1014 kg·m, consistent with seismic observations. This study provides a useful framework for interpreting glacial earthquake sources and estimating the ice mass loss from coupled analysis of seismic signals and modeling results
