700 research outputs found

    Genotoxicity of DrinkingWater Disinfectants in Plant Bioassays

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    The genotoxicity of two widely used drinking water disinfectants, sodium hypochlorite (NaClO) and chlorine dioxide (ClO2), and a new disinfectant, peracetic acid (PAA, CH3-CO-COOH), was evaluated in three short-term plant tests: (1) induction of anaphase chromosome aberrations in the root cells of Allium cepa, (2) micronucleus induction in the root cells of Vicia faba, and (3) micronucleus induction in Tradescantia pollen cells. The study was carried out in the laboratory by directly exposing the plants to several concentrations of the disinfectants in redistilled water at unadjusted (acid) and adjusted (neutral) pHs. Both 0.1 and 0.2 mg/l NaClO induced chromosome aberrations in the Allium cepa test at acid pH, but concentrations up to 0.5 mg/l of all the disinfectants were negative at neutral pH. Concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 0.5 mg/l NaClO, ClO2, and PAA induced micronuclei in Vicia faba at acid pH, while 1–2 mg/l NaClO and ClO2 and 0.5–2 mg/l PAA gave positive responses at neutral pH. Most of concentrations of ClO2 produced positive responses in the Tradescantia micronucleus test. In general, the highest levels of genotoxicity were observed under acid conditions; at acid pH, significant effects were induced by low concentrations of ClO2 and PAA. Since the test concentrations of disinfectants are typical of those encountered in the biocidal treatment of tap water and similar concentrations are consumed daily by a large number of people, the genotoxicity of these compounds may constitute a significant public health concern

    A Conversation on a critical theory and studies of education with Thomas Popkewitz

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    Esta entrevista con Thomas Popkewitz aborda diversas cuestiones relacionadas con su pensamiento y su obra. Tras un recorrido por su propia biografía, en la que se aprecia el modo en que desarrolla y sostiene su pensamiento crítico,nos ofrece un campo de pensamiento comprometido con la política de la escolarización, diferente a las ideas previas, orientadas porde la teoría críticafrancfortiana, que propone para los estudios educativosde la ciencias de la educación (y la educational research, que en su semántica histórica se refiere a lo que en Europa se ha denominado y denomina la ciencia-s de la educación).En su discusión, analiza cuestiones como la teoría crítica hoy, el espacio de la Universidad y el papel de los intelectuales y el replanteamiento de la agencia, la resistencia y las alternativas. Su discusión proporciona un marco para teorizar y estudiar el conocimiento (la razón) de la escolarización a través del compromiso de la sociología cultural e histórica con los estudios del currículum.La entrevista presta atención a las condiciones y paradojas históricas de los esfuerzos de inclusión que crean y distribuyen las diferencias que hacen posible e inteligible el presenteThis interview with Thomas Popkewitz addresses various issues related to his thought and work. After a review of his own biography, in which we can appreciate the way in which he develops and sustains his critical thinking that develops a field of thought that engages the political of schooling diferente from prior notions of critical theory that he introduces for educational studies. In his discussion,he analyzes questions such as critical theory today, the space of the University and the role of intellectuals, and the rethinking of agency, resistence and the alternatives. His discussion provides a way to theorize and study the knowledge (reason) of schooling as having a materiality and as the political through engaging a cultural and historical sociology with currículumstudies. The interview pays attention to the historical conditions and paradoxes of efforts to include that create and distribute differences that make the present possible and intelligibl

    Assessment of the energetic potential by hazelnuts pruning in Viterbo’s area

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    In this work the amount of biomass available by the hazelnuts pruning in the province of Viterbo was investigated. At present, the pruning's residues are destroyed by farmers directly in the field, at the end of the pruning; in this way a large quantity of biomass, represented by hazelnut's prunings, is lost; the residues obtained from the hazelnut's pruning, are an important source of biomass that could be used for thermal energy production. The aim of this work is to realize a map with the estimated energy potential from hazelnut pruning biomass, in the province of Viterbo. In the first phase the amount of biomass obtained from a hectare of hazelnut's cultivationwas estimated:sampling were carried out in some municipalities of Viterbo while hazelnut pruning was taking place, from January to March.In the field, biomass was weighed and some pieces of wood were collected for laboratory analysis; in particular humidity of biomass, low calorific value, ashand the content of carbon (C), hydrogen (H) and nitrogen (N) were determined. In the calculation of the biomass were considered the age of the plants and the number of plants per hectare. The results show that the amount of biomass obtained from pruning of hazelnuts varies with the age of plants, but even more so by the number of plants per hectare. The average value of biomass obtained from pruning of a hectare of land is just under 0,9 t. Knowing the net calorific value of the hazelnut wood and the number of hectares cultivated for each municipality, a map of thermal potential energy has been realized

    Influence of Temperature on Mutagenicity in Plants Exposed to Surface Disinfected Drinking Water.

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    Disinfection of surface drinking water, particularly water chlorination, produces by-products with potential genotoxic and/or carcinogenic activity. A study carried out at a pilot plant for drinking water disinfection of lake water revealed mutagenic activity of three different disinfectants (sodium hypochlorite, chlorine dioxide and peracetic acid) in different seasons using in situ mutagenicity assays, both in animal (micronucleus test) and in plant organisms (anaphase chro- mosomal aberration and micronucleus tests). The effects of the disinfectants appeared to be modulated by the season of exposure. In this study, we tried to understand if (and to what extent) the temperature parameter could actually play an independent role in the registered seasonal variation of mutagenic effects, neglecting the variation of other parameters, e.g. physical conditions and chemical composition of the lake water. Therefore plants (Allium cepa for chromosomal aberration test and Vicia faba for micronucleus test) were exposed to the same disinfected lake-water samples at differ- ent temperatures (10°C, 20°C and 30°C), according the ones registered during the in situ experiment. Long-term expo- sure at the temperatures of 20°C (both Vicia faba and Allium cepa) and 30°C (Vicia faba only) to disinfected waters in- duced clear mutagenic effects. These results show that temperature is an important variable which should be taken into account when in situ exposure of plants is planned for mutagenicity testing. Also, different plant systems clearly show specific temperature ranges suitable for their growth, thereby indicating the need for an accurate selection of the test organism for a specific experimental plan

    Characterization of biochars produced from pyrolysis of pelletized agricultural residues

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    Biochars produced from pelletized grape vine (GV) and sunflower husk (SFH) agricultural residues were studied by pyrolysis in a batch reactor at 400 and 500°C. Chemical and physical evolution of the biomass under pyrolysis conditions was determined and the products were characterized, including the main gaseous organic components. . Results showed a decrease in solid biochar yield with increasing temperature. Biochar is defined as a "porous carbonaceous solid" produced by thermochemical conversion of organic materials in an oxygen depleted atmosphere, which has physiochemical properties suitable for the safe and long-term storage of carbon in the environment and, potentially, soil improvement. The aim of this work is to improve the knowledge and acceptability of alternative use of the biochar gained from agro-forestry biomass residuals, such as grape vine and sunflower husks, by means of modern chemical and physical characterization tools

    The heat stress for workers employed in a dairy farm

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    The Italian dairy production is characterized by high heterogeneity. The typology quantitatively more important (80% of national production) is represented by cow’s milk cheeses (Grana Padano cheese, string cheese, Parmesan cheese, etc.), while the cheese from buffalo’s milk (especially string cheese such as mozzarella) and cheese from sheep and goats represents respectively 4% and 8% of the national dairy production, and are linked to specific regional contexts. Some phases of the cycle of milk processing occur at certain temperatures that are not comfortable for the workers also in relation to possible problems due to thermal shock. The aim of this study was to evaluate the risk of heat stress on workers operating in a dairy for processing of buffalo milk. The research was conducted at a dairy farm located in the province of Viterbo, Italy, during the spring-summer period. To carry out the research were detected major climatic parameters (air temperature, relative humidity, mean radiant temperature, air velocity) and the main parameters of the individual operators (clothing thermal insulation and the energy expenditure required from the work done by employees). Subsequently, main indices of heat stress assessment provided by the main technical standards were calculated. In particular have been calculated predicted mean vote and predicted percentage of dissatisfied in moderate thermal environments (environments in which the objective, in the design and management phases, is to achieve the thermal comfort), provided by the UNI EN ISO 7730 and the wet bulb globe temperature in severe hot environments (environments in which you must protect the health of workers) required by UNI EN ISO 27243. The results show some phases of risk from heat stress especially during times of test in which the internal air temperature exceeds the threshold of 30°C and possible solutions to improve the safety of the operators

    Photovoltaic Pumps: Technical and Practical Aspects for Applications in Agriculture

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    The paper deals with a series of tests conducted on a PV-DC pump in Viterbo (42°24′ North, 12°06′ East). The tests lasted from January 2003 up to November 2004 and involved measurements of solar radiation, on both a horizontal surface and the tilted module surface, flow rates, volumes, and total dynamic heads. In total, up to 3000 data were collected every day whose analysis allowed us to find empirical relationships among system efficiencies, solar radiations, and total dynamic heads. In the second part of the paper we develop a simple method that allows both the assessment of performances of the whole system when installed in a different site from that in which the tests were performed and the optimal inclination angle of the panel to be determined in relation to annual or seasonal use (see irrigation)
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