35 research outputs found

    Positive temporal comparison facilitates a hope-induced system justification amongst women

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    We examined whether women’s support for gender-based pay inequality (i.e., system justification) might be explained by hope. In particular, we considered whether such hope is likely prompted by positive temporal comparisons: It is entirely possible (even if previously untested) that the more women believe that their outcomes are getting better relative to what it had been at some point in the past, the greater their optimism about a better gender-based outcome could be, prompting women to support the systems that permitted such advancements. These central propositions were derived from the social identity model of systems attitude (SIMSA) and were corroborated in a correlational study involving 611 female healthcare professionals (Study 1). Study 2 (213 Italian- and 79 Spanish-women) offered a conceptual replication and extension of the evidence from Study 1: It showed that inducing positive temporal contrasts caused women’s hope for a better gender-based outcome in the future to increase, consequently allowing them to support the prevailing gender-syste

    Understanding Factors Associated With Psychomotor Subtypes of Delirium in Older Inpatients With Dementia

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    Le rôle des enjeux culturels et politiques dans les représentations sociales des droits de l'homme et de l'enfant dans un contexte islamique

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    La plupart des débats théoriques concernant l'universalité des droits humains et la pertinence démocratique dans les sociétés non occidentales s'appuient, en dernière analyse, sur une lecture culturelle et identitaire du droit. Dans ce sens, la portée universelle des droits humains serait battue en brèche du fait que les sociétés non occidentales ne seraient pas en mesure de reconnaître le bien-fondé du droit, sinon au prix de la perte de leur identité spécifique. De l'étude des représentations sociales des droits de l'homme et de l'enfant conduite en Jordanie, il ressort cependant que ni la religion ni la structure sociale "collective" ni même, dans une large mesure, les clivages sociaux traditionnels n'apparaissent incompatibles avec une conception positive des droits; par contre, l'évaluation des conditions politiques de leur application et les attentes face aux institutions semblent représenter l'enjeu le plus important et structurent fortement les prises de position des sujets sur ce thème

    I, We, They at the Time of International Terrorism: Identity and MĂ©tissage in Immigrant Families

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    The current international terrorist situation is slowly but surely infiltrating and shaping inter-community relations in multi-ethnic societies. There are multiple consequences for people belonging to Arab and Muslim minority communities in North America and Europe. This article documents, in the light of the transcultural perspective and of the Social Identity Theory, how the terrorist situation is changing the space of social confrontation in Italy, forcing immigrant Arab Muslim families to re-define their identity representations in the contexts of daily life. For this qualitative study, the researchers interviewed ten immigrant families, using the theoretical and methodological approach of IPA. Results indicate that the construction in public discourse of the overlap between ISIS and Islam, determines the attribution of a threatening social category to the Arab Muslim community and the lack of recognition of the polyvalence through which these families represent themselves. The areas of vulnerability, produced by this situation, give rise to the possible risk of radicalisation in the attempt, for both first and second generations, to re-construct a positive self-image. Findings suggest using the school as a primary context of complex social interventions, able to involve the whole community

    Simposio: differenze di genere, relazioni coniugali e ruoli genitoriali

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    Numerose evidenze empiriche dimostrano l’esistenza di cambiamenti significativi rispetto alle tradizionali modalità di divisione delle responsabilità familiari tra donne e uomini, con una maggiore tendenza da parte degli uomini a farsi carico sia dei compiti domestici sia delle attività di cura dei figli. Contemporaneamente, numerose ricerche continuano a evidenziare che le maggiori responsabilità familiari sono ancora a carico delle donne, le quali dedicano un numero superiore di ore alla famiglia rispetto ai loro partner anche quando rivestono nel contempo ruoli lavorativi extra familiari. Inoltre, le ricerche volte a individuare quale importanza assumano le dimensioni lavorativa e familiare nella definizione dell’identità, sottolineano l’esistenza di consistenti differenze tra donne e uomini. In definitiva, assistiamo alla coesistenza di fenomeni che rimandano a rappresentazioni tradizionaliste dei generi e di altri che rispecchiano il loro graduale processo di decostruzione. Il simposio si propone di mettere in luce come nelle interazioni quotidiane tra i coniugi e nell’esercizio delle funzioni genitoriali siano riprodotti o decostruiti i tradizionali ruoli di genere. La valenza simbolica dei comportamenti messi in atto quotidianamente all’interno della famiglia, infatti, rimanda ai significati che le persone attribuiscono a se stesse e agli altri in quanto uomini e donne, alle rappresentazioni dei ruoli coniugali e genitoriali, agli ideali circa la distribuzione del carico familiare e la conciliazione della dimensione familiare e lavorativa