82 research outputs found

    An Integrated Multi-Criteria System to Assess Sustainable Energy Options: An Application of the Promethee Method

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    The planning and appraisal of sustainable energy projects involve rather complex tasks. This is due to the fact that the decision making process is the closing link in the process of analysing and handling different types of information: environmental, technical economic and social. Such information can play a strategic role in steering the decision maker towards one choice instead of another. Some of these variables (technical and economic) can be handled fairly easily by numerical models whilst others, particularly ones relating to environmental impacts, may only be adjudicated qualitatively (subjective or not). In many cases therefore, traditional evaluation methods such as cost-benefit analysis and the main economic and financial indicators (NPV, ROI, IRR etc.) are unable to deal with all the components involved in an environmentally valid energy project. Multi-criteria methods provide a flexible tool that is able to handle and bring together a wide range of variables appraised in different ways and thus offer valid assistance to the decision maker in mapping out the problem. This paper sets out the application of a multi-criteria method (PROMETHEE developed by J.P. Brans et al. 1986) to a real life case that is in tune with the objectives of sustainable development.Renewable energy, Multicriteria, Sustainable devolopment

    Application of Oxy-fuel combustion on South African Coals using Thermogravimetric Analyses (TGA)

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    A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering. Johannesburg, 2016The quality and grade of South African coal is declining simultaneously with depleting seams. This has a negative impact on power generation and the economics of coal mining and power production. The reason is that good quality coal is more difficult to mine and hence costly, thus affecting coal prices and the ability of mines to supply coal quality of the required specifications. There is a global environmental awareness around the CO2 greenhouse gas and its effect on global warming. Legislations are becoming more stringent in limiting the amount of greenhouse gases and air pollutants we produce. In power generation, the most prominent greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide (CO2) and the most prominent air pollutants are oxides of Nitrogen and Sulphur (NOx and SOx). Oxy-fuel combustion (OFC) is a process change that can reduce the production of CO2 by increasing the concentration of oxygen in combusting air. A study is presented here, that focuses on the application of this process (OFC) to South African coals. Three different coal types were studied and characterized by conventional proximate and ultimate analyses and further characterized and graded by more specialized analyses; petrographic analyses and the quantitative evaluation of minerals b scanning electron microscopy (QEMSCAN). The gasification of the coals was then modeled to determine, qualitatively, its magnitude in comparison to combustion (oxidation) in oxy-fuel combustion. However, when modeling and conducting experiments to determine this, it was found that existing empirical formulae used to quantify char burnout are not suitable for all South African types of coal. The formulae found in literature (for both oxidation and gasification) could only be applied to two of the three samples. For the two samples that were successfully modeled, it was found that reactivity in gasification was probable but not to a significant level. For the third sample that couldn’t be modeled successfully, a recommendation was made that a new model be developed to take into account the nature of low grade, high inertinite South African coal. This is required in order to successfully formulate the char burnout of South African coals and thus depict with certainty, the applicability of Oxy-fuel combustion on South African coals. Such a step would benefit the forthcoming studies on modeling the char burnout of South African coal and therefore contribute to addressing the challenge of declining coal quality in South Africa.MT201

    The influence of online consumer reviews on purchasing intent

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    A research report submitted to the Faculty of Commerce, Law and Management, University of Witwatersrand in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Management in Strategic Marketing, Wits Business School, Johannesburg 2016The proliferation of social platforms in the digital and online space has given voice to millions of social media users and carved careers otherwise unheard of a few years ago, in the form of expert technology reviewers who enjoy mass online following and sponsorship from brands seeking to leverage millions of followers who log in daily. Social media has enabled access to information otherwise previously restricted to user guides and product manuals. Using the theory of planned behaviour, the study examines the effect that online consumer reviews have on product knowledge, social influence, trust, source credibility, brand image and purchase intent among urban South Africans falling in the Generation Y cohort. The methodology involved a self-administered online questionnaire adapted from past studies. A total of 255 questionnaires were collected from the identified sample. The study tested ten hypotheses using Structural Equation Modelling along with SPSS 22 software used for descriptive statistics and IBM Amos 22. Results indicate that all ten hypotheses have significant influence on purchase intent. All hypotheses displayed equally significant relationships per testing as findings revealed that online consumer reviews have a positive effect on product knowledge, trust, social influence, source credibility and brand image. Findings also revealed a significant relationship between product knowledge, trust, social influence, source credibility, brand image, and purchase intent. The study contributes to the literature and theoretical knowledge on online consumer reviews in the local South African context, and can be applied to similar developing markets. The theoretical implications in the study contributes to both limited, and existing research, literature, and knowledge on the effects that online consumer reviews have on the purchase intent of South African consumers. The study broadens knowledge in the ever growing influence of online consumer reviews and the significant theoretical contributions of the study will benefit academia and scholars. Managerial implications highlight that managers cannot afford to ignore the influence of online consumer reviews on intent to purchase, and that even though these reviews are not under the direct influence of organisations, marketers can indirectly influence these by ensuring quality products that meet both the brand and product promises. Recommendations, iii limitations of the study, and future research on the subject of online consumer reviews are also discussed. Keywords: Online consumer reviews, social influence, brand image, product knowledge, purchase intent, source credibilityGR201

    Pathways to Mitigate Challenges of Learner Academic Performance in a Grade 10 Economics Class in South Africa

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    This paper aims to explore the pathways to mitigate challenges of learner academic (LAP) performance in a Grade 10 economics class in South Africa. The challenge of poor LAP has ushered a myriad of predicaments in schools globally. These predicaments include lack of teacher inclusion in decision making, inability to work cooperatively together, and lack of professional development opportunities geared towards LAP. The study was qualitative, with 15 participants chosen through purposeful sampling from one rural school in the Thabo-Mofutsanyane education district. This paper is couched in critical emancipatory research with emphasis on the emancipation of the teachers regarding pathways they can self-develop to mitigate the challenges of LAP. The focus group discussions were used to gather information regarding pathways to mitigate the challenges of LAP in schools. The study revealed that teachers possess a very equivocal and varying experience regarding the pathways to use to mitigate the challenges of LAP. The findings suggest that for successful implementation of pathways to mitigate the challenges of LAP, schools need to invest in training teachers for team-teaching and avail the necessary resources (both human and physical) to ensure effective quality teaching and learning exist in the school. The article recommends that schools should develop policy frameworks, together with relevant stakeholders, to guide novice teachers on the strategies they can use to mitigate the challenges of LAP in their classes

    Una traccia machiavelliana nelle pagine del Quijote

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    Tra le pieghe dello straordinario percorso del Quijote si trova un passaggio la cui ascendenza risale a Machiavelli. C'è poi da riflettere sull'origine di quelle righe divertite e incisive, per cercar di capire se Cervantes abbia proprio letto le pagine del Principe, oppure se sia pervenuto per via indiretta alle idee che lì espone. Appunto per misurare il grado di curiosità e di competenza da parte di Cervantes in fatto di lingua e di scrittori italiani, si getta qui uno sguardo sulla sua familiarità con il filone irriverente e burlesco della letteratura «toscana» del '500. D'altro canto, la traccia machiavelliana che si trova nel Quijote, documenta l'interesse per Machiavelli e per le sue idee, ma non fa di Cervantes un «machiavellico ». Nemmeno si può dire che egli sia orientato contro le idee del Fiorentino in virtù di un'opposizione morale o teologica. La distanza tra i due nasce piuttosto dal fatto che Cervantes -come Montaigne- è tra i grandi fondatori di una nuova dimensione del moderno, che si lascia alle spalle le certezze antropocentriche del Rinascimento, mentre fa emergere una diversa immagine dell'uomo: si fa strada infatti, fino ad occupare il primo piano, l'interiorità della dimensione privata, secondo una prospettiva ben diversa da quel primato dell'uomo pubblico che è nota dominante nelle opere machiavelliane.Between the lines, of the amazing literary work Quijote, we find a passage that brings to mind Machiavelli. In these entertaining and incisive lines, there is quite a bit of food for thought to make us reflect whether Cervantes had actually read pages from the Prince or if his ideas had come to him through other means. Therefore, in order to measure Cervantes's degree of curiosity and competence regarding Italian and Italian writers, in this paper we take a glance at Cervantes's familiarity with the irreverent and burlesque line of thought in Tuscan literature belonging to the 1500s. The traces and hints of familiarity with Machiavelli found in Quijote document Cervantes's interest in the Italian writer and his ideas, however these points do not make Cervantes a Machiavellian. In any case, we can not affirm that Cervantes was oriented against the Florentine's ideas considering his moral and theological beliefs. The difference between the two arises from the fact that Cervantes as Montaigne is among the founding fathers of a new dimension of Modern man, that leaves behind the anthropocentric certainties of the Renaissance, and promotes the emergence of a different image of Man, which arises from the interiority of the private dimension, an outlook in stark opposition to the Public Figure known as the dominant theme in Machiavelli's works

    Challenges facing the development of small businesses in the rural areas of the Free State Province.

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    M. Com. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban 2013.Small businesses play a significant role in economic development of the country. However, their growth seems to be constrained by various challenges. Therefore, this study sought to establish the specific factors that hampered growth and development of small businesses in the rural areas of the Free State Province. The specific internal factors that were investigated were: access to training and development, adequate financial management skills, facilitation of marketing of SMMEs products and finally an extent to which the development of rural SMMEs was affected by access to start-up finance. To select the respondents, this study employed a non-probability sampling technique specifically convenience sampling. A structured questionnaire was used to interview a total number of 150 respondents. This number made the sample size of this study. Those SMMEs operated from various districts of the Free State Province, which were Harrismith, Phuthaditjhaba, Ficksburg, Ladybrand and Wepener. The collected data was quantitatively analysed with the use of SPSS computer software. The results indicated that rural SMMEs lacked access to training and development and they operated without financial management qualifications. Marketing of their products was another challenge they faced. Also a shortage of credit facilities for start-up and facilitation for the expansion of businesses was among the constraints to SMMEs development. To overcome the challenges, this study recommended the availability of training and development in the rural areas. Financial literacy mentorship should be established in rural areas for training SMMEs on basic accounting skills. SMMEs should be assisted with a standard way to market their products and financial access must be improved for rural SMMEs. The study confirms previous findings and contributes additional evidence that suggests that lack of education and financial facilities were the main challenges facing SMMEs in many parts of the country

    Exploring experiences of the 4th year student teachers on the quality of education received during the four years of initial training at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN).

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    Thesis (M.Ed.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Edgewood, 2012.This study identified the quality of education in regard to pedagogical content knowledge, personal characteristics of lecturers, and teaching and assessment strategies practices in the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN), as experienced by student teachers. The study is an interpretive study following a qualitative approach, and focuses on students' understanding of their lived experiences. This is a case study of Fourth year B.Ed. students registered at UKZN in 2011 for Foundation and Intermediate (F & I) phase. 24 students were selected and had agreed to participate in the study but 15 actually participated in interviews. Student teachers argued that most lecturers employed by UKZN are good quality lecturers. There were some lecturers who were considered poor quality lecturers. Student teachers categorized poor quality lecturers as those who do not know how to teach, those who do not have experience, and those who were always away attending conferences or on sabbatical leaves. Student teachers considered an outstanding lecturer as a fully qualified person who is always on time and available for lectures and consultations. Student teachers claim to have acquired sound pedagogical content knowledge from the university. They concur that lecturers employed various assessment strategies which challenged students' higher order thinking abilities. The study revealed that the most common lecture delivery methods employed by lecturers are lecture method and reading (where the lecturer reads course materials in class). The student teachers noted that these methods were used with minimal variation. There were some lecturers who utilized resources such as overhead projectors while a few used PowerPoint presentations and some engaged students in discussion. Most student teachers regarded teaching practice as a programme which developed their teaching skills, helped them in developing confidence to address audience, and with planning and presenting lessons. But they claim that there was poor organisation of teaching practice. In the final chapter it is argued that quality as experienced by teacher education students in the 4th year is a complex phenomenon which covers especially areas of teaching practice, lecture delivery. This excludes other areas that pivotal in judging quality of high institution of education such as curriculum balance, financial resources and admission criteria

    An interrogation of consultant-driven curriculum design in Lesotho: Primary school science curriculum design.

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    Doctoral degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.In 1978 National Dialogue in Lesotho, Basotho requested education that would build a Basotho nation with its own identity and specific destiny in life that would instill values and attitudes consistent with a Basotho way. One of the strategies to address these demands was to train more Basotho to spearhead Lesotho education system especially curriculum design and development. Like any other underdeveloped African country, Lesotho lacked skills to achieve its objective and had to import expertise from other countries in the form of consultancy. But the involvement of foreign consultants in the Lesotho curriculum design and development has been in operation since the beginning of formal education in the country to-date. The expectation was that, with time, the country would produce enough quality curriculum specialists, and the engagement of foreign consultants would end. This study assesses the issues of foreign consultants’ involvement in designing the Lesotho primary school Grade 4 science curriculum. Curriculum specialists mandated to design Lesotho curriculum and two foreign consultants engaged to assist curriculum specialists at time of study provided most of data for this research through one-on-one interviews. Another data was produced through document analysis of old school science Standard 4 syllabus (as it was called) and the new integrated curriculum for Grade 4. In order to interpret data, the researcher utilized the concept quality in which I interrogated the quality of curriculum specialists, foreign consultants and the quality of documents produced by both curriculum specialists and foreign consultants. The results show that one of the main reasons for engaging foreign consultants is the collapse of training for newly employed curriculum specialists while on the other hand, the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) employs less qualified and inexperienced curriculum specialists since the Centre (NCDC) is unable to retain or attract highly qualified curriculum specialists. This resulted in the lack of knowledge of curriculum design and curriculum specialists are accused of taking too long to design a low quality curriculum.Abstract available in the PDF

    The cultural and spiritual factors influencing health-seeking behavior of Indian Hindu people in Laudium

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    The following research was conducted in order to explore the cultural and spiritual factors influencing health seeking behaviours of the Indian Hindu people in Laudium. In order to achieve the broad objectives of the research, the cultural and spiritual factors influencing health seeking behaviour from a health belief perspective are conceptualised and contextualized. Furthermore, the research makes suggestions to improve social work services in healthcare, taking into consideration the factors influencing health-seeking behaviour of the Indian Hindu people in Laudium. The research made use of the qualitative approach, which allowed her to explore, and add information to, the cultural and spiritual factors influencing health-seeking behaviour of Indian Hindu people. In addition, the researcher utilised the case study to explore the cultural and spiritual factors influencing health-seeking behaviour of Indian Hindu people. Through the use of instrumental case study, the researcher was able to develop knowledge through the use of the perceptions of Indian Hindu people. The study population comprised Indian Hindu people from Laudium in Gauteng. Non-probability sampling technique was employed. The datagathering technique that was relevant for the study was that of semistructured interviews. One-to-one interviews were utilised in the study to explore the worlds of the participants in their own perceptions and frames of reference. The interviews were audio recorded and all 10 participants permitted the researcher to record the interviews. To analyse the data, the researcher utilised a thematic analysis following the six-step process as described by Braun, Clarke and Hayfield (2006:77-101) in their guidelines. Ethical considerations were observed throughout the research process. The research came up with three key findings, that is, most participants sought to make use of natural options rather than medical solutions in order to maintain good health, second, people try home remedies for sickness before approaching their healthcare provider. The researcher also established that social worker involvement is a bridge between religion and medical care, and participants were dissatisfied with the level of service delivery by healthcare workers. The conclusion of the study shows that spirituality is well understood in the Indian community, sick people are the ones who seek medical care, and dietary habits are important in reducing healthcare bills.Mini Dissertation (MSW (Health Care))--University of Pretoria, 2021.Social Work and CriminologyMSW (Health Care)Unrestricte

    Empirical analysis of China’s Foreign Exchange Reserves: ARDL approach

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    本研究主要通过协整技术来分析中国长期外汇储备需要以及决定因素,用自回归分布滞后模型(ARDL)来分析1993年到2010年的季度数据。此模型的目的是检验协整性质以及中国外汇储备需要是否稳定。误差修正模型(ECM)用来分析的一个长期关系。并且通过CUSUM以及CUSUMSQ检验来说明中国外汇储备以及决定因素之间的长期的稳定性。结果表明中国外汇储备需求与这些决定因素变量之间存在协整关系,并且CUSUM以及CUSUMSQ检验表明次模型估计具有稳定性。但是机会成本与经常账变量统计不显著尽管估计系数的符号与理论上期望的结果是相符的。This study analyzes the long-run China’s demand for foreign exchange reserves with its determinants using cointegration technique, autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) on quarterly data starting from 1993 to 2010. The plan is to examine the cointegrating property and stability of China’s demand for foreign exchange reserves. Error correction model (ECM) is employed to analyze the long run relatio...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:王亚南经济研究院_数量经济学学号:1522008115373