4,033 research outputs found

    Distributions and Relations: A Hybrid Account

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    There is a deep divide amongst political philosophers of an egalitarian stripe. On the one hand, there are so-called distributive egalitarians, who hold that equality obtains within a political community when each of its members enjoys an equal share of the community’s resources. On the other hand, there are so-called social egalitarians, who instead hold that equality obtains within a political community when each of its members stands in certain relations to other members of the community, such non-domination and lack of oppression, for example. In this paper, we have three aims. Our first aim is to cast doubt on the helpfulness of characterizing the debate in this way. Our second aim is to reconstruct this debate in alternative and more precise terms, so that disagreements between advocates of either side are easier to evaluate. Our third aim is to advance a hybrid account that integrates element from both views

    Star Forming Objects in the Tidal Tails of Compact Groups

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    A search for star forming objects belonging to tidal tails has been carried out in a sample of deep Halpha images of 16 compact groups of galaxies. A total of 36 objects with Halpha luminosity larger than 10^38 erg s-1 have been detected in five groups. The fraction of the total Halpha luminosity of their respective parent galaxies shown by the tidal objects is always below 5% except for the tidal features of HCG95, whose Halpha luminosity amounts to 65% of the total luminosity. Out of this 36 objects, 9 star forming tidal dwarf galaxy candidates have been finally identified on the basis of their projected distances to the nuclei of the parent galaxies and their total Halpha luminosities. Overall, the observed properties of the candidates resemble those previously reported for the so-called tidal dwarf galaxies.Comment: 5 gif figures. Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa

    Quasars Clustering at z approx 3 on Scales less sim 10 h^{-1} Mpc

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    We test the hypothesis whether high redshift QSOs would preferentially appear in small groups or pairs, and if they are associated with massive, young clusters. We carried out a photometric search for \Ly emitters on scales 10h1\lesssim 10 h^{-1} Mpc, in the fields of a sample of 47 z3z\approx3 known QSOs. Wide and narrow band filter color-magnitude diagrams were generated for each of the 6.6×6.66'.6\times6'.6 fields. A total of 13 non resolved objects with a significant color excess were detected as QSO candidates at a redshift similar to that of the target. All the candidates are significantly fainter than the reference QSOs, with only 2 of them within 2 magnitudes of the central object. Follow-up spectroscopic observations have shown that 5, i.e., about 40% of the candidates, are QSOs at the same redshift of the target; 4 are QSOs at different z (two of them probably being a lensed pair at z = 1.47); 2 candidates are unresolved HII galaxies at z\sim0.3; one unclassified and one candidate turned out to be a CCD flaw. These data indicate that at least 10% of the QSOs at z\sim3 do have companions. We have also detected a number of resolved, rather bright \Ly Emitter Candidates. Most probably a large fraction of them might be bright galaxies with [OII] emission, at z\approx 0.3. The fainter population of our candidates corresponds to the current expectations. Thus, there are no strong indication for the existence of an overdensity of \Ly galaxies brighter than m \approx 25 around QSOs at zz\approx 3.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures, tar gzip LaTex file, accepted to appear in Ap

    Extracting Hα\alpha flux from photometric data in the J-PLUS survey

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    We present the main steps that will be taken to extract Hα\alpha emission flux from Javalambre Photometric Local Universe Survey (J-PLUS) photometric data. For galaxies with z0.015z\lesssim0.015, the Hα\alpha+[NII] emission is covered by the J-PLUS narrow-band filter F660F660. We explore three different methods to extract the Hα\alpha + [NII] flux from J-PLUS photometric data: a combination of a broad-band and a narrow-band filter (rr' and F660F660), two broad-band and a narrow-band one (rr', ii' and F660F660), and a SED-fitting based method using 8 photometric points. To test these methodologies, we simulated J-PLUS data from a sample of 7511 SDSS spectra with measured Hα\alpha flux. Based on the same sample, we derive two empirical relations to correct the derived Hα\alpha+[NII] flux from dust extinction and [NII] contamination. We find that the only unbiased method is the SED fitting based one. The combination of two filters underestimates the measurements of the Hα\alpha + [NII] flux by a 28%, while the three filters method by a 9%. We study the error budget of the SED-fitting based method and find that, in addition to the photometric error, our measurements have a systematic uncertainty of a 4.3%. Several sources contribute to this uncertainty: differences between our measurement procedure and the one used to derive the spectroscopic values, the use of simple stellar populations as templates, and the intrinsic errors of the spectra, which were not taken into account. Apart from that, the empirical corrections for dust extinction and [NII] contamination add an extra uncertainty of 14%. Given the J-PLUS photometric system, the best methodology to extract Hα\alpha + [NII] flux is the SED-fitting based one. Using this method, we are able to recover reliable Hα\alpha fluxes for thousands of nearby galaxies in a robust and homogeneous way.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figures. Minor changes to match the published versio

    The WINGS Survey: a progress report

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    A two-band (B and V) wide-field imaging survey of a complete, all-sky X-ray selected sample of 78 clusters in the redshift range z=0.04-0.07 is presented. The aim of this survey is to provide the astronomical community with a complete set of homogeneous, CCD-based surface photometry and morphological data of nearby cluster galaxies located within 1.5 Mpc from the cluster center. The data collection has been completed in seven observing runs at the INT and ESO-2.2m telescopes. For each cluster, photometric data of about 2500 galaxies (down to V~23) and detailed morphological information of about 600 galaxies (down to V~21) are obtained by using specially designed automatic tools. As a natural follow up of the photometric survey, we also illustrate a long term spectroscopic program we are carrying out with the WHT-WYFFOS and AAT-2dF multifiber spectrographs. Star formation rates and histories, as well as metallicity estimates will be derived for about 350 galaxies per cluster from the line indices and equivalent widths measurements, allowing us to explore the link between the spectral properties and the morphological evolution in high- to low-density environments, and across a wide range in cluster X-ray luminosities and optical properties.Comment: 12 pages, 10 eps figures, Proceedings of the SAIt Conference 200

    How Dry Are Red Mergers?

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    The focus of current research in galaxy evolution has increasingly turned to understanding the effect that mergers have on the evolution of systems on the red sequence. For those interactions purported to occur dissipationlessly (so called "dry mergers"), it would appear that the role of gas is minimal. However, if these mergers are not completely dry, then even low levels of gas may be detectable. The purpose of our study is to test whether early type galaxies with HI in or around them, or "wet" ellipticals, would have been selected as dry mergers by the criteria in van Dokkum (2005, AJ, 130, 2647). To that end, we examine a sample of 20 early types from the HI Rogues Gallery with neutral hydrogen in their immediate environs. Of these, the 15 brightest and reddest galaxies match the optical dry merger criteria, but in each case, the presence of HI means that they are not truly dry.Comment: 8 pages plus 1 table and 5 figures; accepted for publication in A

    Geology of Tindfjallajökull volcano, Iceland

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    The geology of Tindfjallajökull volcano, southern Iceland, is presented as a 1:50,000 scale map. Field mapping was carried out with a focus on indicators of past environments. A broad stratocone of interbedded fragmental rocks and lavas was constructed during Tindfjallajökull’s early development. This stratocone has been dissected by glacial erosion and overlain by a variety of mafic to silicic volcanic landforms. Eruption of silicic magma, which probably occurred subglacially, constructed a thick pile of breccia and lava lobes in the summit area. Mafic to intermediate flank eruptions continued through to the end of the last glacial period, producing lavas, hyaloclastite-dominated units and tuyas that preserve evidence of volcano-ice interactions. The Thórsmörk Ignimbrite, a regionally important chronostratigraphic marker, is present on the SE flank of the volcano. The geological mapping of Tindfjallajökull gives insights into the evolution of stratovolcanoes in glaciated regions and the influence of ice in their development

    Structural and dynamical modeling of WINGS clusters. I. The distribution of cluster galaxies of different morphological classes within regular and irregular clusters

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    [Abridged] We use the WINGS database to select a sample of 67 nearby galaxy clusters with at least 30 spectroscopic members each. 53 of these clusters do not show evidence of substructures in phase-space, while 14 do. We estimate the virial radii and circular velocities of the 67 clusters by a variety of proxies (velocity dispersion, X-ray temperature, and richness) and use these estimates to build stack samples from these 53 and 14 clusters ('Reg' and 'Irr' stacks, respectively). We determine the number-density and velocity-dispersion profiles (VDPs) of E, S0, and Sp+Irr (S) galaxies in the Reg and Irr samples, separately, and fit models to these profiles. The number density profiles of E, S0, and S galaxies are adequately described by either a NFW or a cored King model, both for the Reg and Irr samples, with a slight preference for the NFW model. The spatial distribution concentration increases from the S to the S0 and to the E populations, both in the Reg and the Irr stacks, reflecting the well-known morphology-radius relation. Reg clusters have a more concentrated spatial distribution of E and S0 galaxies than Irr clusters, while the spatial distributions of S galaxies in Reg and Irr clusters are similar. We propose a new phenomenological model that provides acceptable fits to the VDP of all our galaxy samples. The VDPs become steeper and with a higher normalization from E to S0 to S galaxies. The S0 VDP is close to that of E galaxies in Reg clusters, and intermediate between those of E and S galaxies in Irr clusters. Our results suggest that S galaxies are a recently accreted cluster population, that take less than 3 Gyr to evolve into S0 galaxies after accretion, and in doing so modify their phase-space distribution, approaching that of cluster ellipticals. While in Reg clusters this evolutionary process is mostly completed, it is still ongoing in Irr clusters.Comment: A&A, in press - 11 pages, 9 figures, 4 table