19 research outputs found

    Feeding ecology, daily activity budget and primatourism of schlegel’s banded langur (presbytis neglectus) (schlegel,1876) in Kota Tinggi Johor

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    Schlegel’s banded langur, Presbytis neglectus, is an endemic leaf-eating monkey distributed in Johor but faced lacked of concern on its conservation aspect. It has the potential to be a primate-based tourism product called PrimaTourism (read: primate tourism) which is able to offer a sustainable approach in balancing the importance of conservation and local economic development. Yet, the data for feeding ecology and daily activity budget for P. neglectus for development of PrimaTourism are non-existent. Thus, this study aimed to document record on feeding ecology and daily activity budget of P. neglectus in Kg. Johor Lama, Kota Tinggi, subsequently transforming the data to PrimaTourism product. Scan sampling method was employed from February 2018 to February 2019 for 15 days per month during daytime from 0700 h to 1900 h. Identification of plants consumed by P. neglectus was made using dichotomous key, local name and based on published record. 29 species of plants were recorded from 18 families with leaves constitute the majority of diet (54%), followed by fruits (33%), seed (10%), and flower (3%). The Schlegel’s banded langur spent most of its time resting (43%), moving (26%), feeding (26%), socialising (4%) and doing others activities (1%). Long resting time was related to fermentation process in the gut as its major food preferences are leaves and also related to low diversity of plants consumed by P. neglectus in the area. ‘Wild Primate Peek™’ module and primate trail feature were successfully developed based on behaviour and ecology data of P. neglectus and the feedback from qualitative and quantitative survey. The potential of P. neglectus as PrimaTourism product was aligned with seven criteria of organism-based tourism proved the viability of the product. As a conclusion, based on the ecology study, feedbacks from local guides and visitors proved that both, P. neglectus and PrimaTourism are viable in Kg. Johor Lama

    Agonistic behavior of captive saltwater crocodile, crocodylus porosus in Kota Tinggi, Johor

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    Agonistic behavior in Crocodylus porosus is well known in the wild, but the available data regarding this behavior among the captive individuals especially in a farm setting is rather limited. Studying the aggressive behavior of C. porosus in captivity is important because the data obtained may contribute for conservation and the safety for handlers and visitors. Thus, this study focuses on C. porosus in captivity to describe systematically the agonistic behaviour of C. porosus in relation to feeding time, daytime or night and density per pool. This study was carried out for 35 days in two different ponds. The data was analysed using Pearson’s chi-square analysis to see the relationship between categorical factors. The study shows that C. porosus was more aggressive during daylight, feeding time and non-feeding time in breeding enclosure (Pond C, stock density =0.0369 crocodiles/m2) as compared to non-breeding pond (Pond B, stock density =0.3317 crocodiles/m2) where it is only aggressive during the nighttime. Pond C shows the higher domination in the value of aggression in feeding and non-feeding time where it is related to its function as breeding ground. Chi-square analysis shows that there is no significant difference between ponds (p=0.47, χ2= 2.541, df= 3), thus, there is no relationship between categorical factors. The aggressive behaviour of C. porosus is important for the farm management to evaluate the risk in future for the translocation process and conservation of C. porosus generally

    Agonistic Behavior of Captive Saltwater Crocodile, Crocodylus Porosus in Kota Tinggi, Johor

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    Agonistic behavior in Crocodylus porosus is well known in the wild, but the available data regarding this behavior among the captive individuals especially in a farm setting is rather limited. Studying the aggressive behavior of C. porosus in captivity is important because the data obtained may contribute for conservation and the safety for handlers and visitors. Thus, this study focuses on C. porosus in captivity to describe systematically the agonistic behaviour of C. porosus in relation to feeding time, daytime or night and density per pool. This study was carried out for 35 days in two different ponds. The data was analysed using Pearson’s chi-square analysis to see the relationship between categorical factors. The study shows that C. porosus was more aggressive during daylight, feeding time and non-feeding time in breeding enclosure (Pond C, stock density =0.0369 crocodiles/m2) as compared to non-breeding pond (Pond B, stock density =0.3317 crocodiles/m2) where it is only aggressive during the nighttime. Pond C shows the higher domination in the value of aggression in feeding and non-feeding time where it is related to its function as breeding ground. Chi-square analysis shows that there is no significant difference between ponds (p=0.47, χ2= 2.541, df= 3), thus, there is no relationship between categorical factors. The aggressive behaviour of C. porosus is important for the farm management to evaluate the risk in future for the translocation process and conservation of C. porosus generally.&nbsp


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    Protected regions, such as Malaysia's Panti Forest Reserve (PFR), play a vital role in preserving freshwater biodiversity. However, the absence of baseline data on stream macroinvertebrates and sediment nutrient contents presents a significant challenge. This study, conducted from August 21-24, 2022, as part of the Panti Expedition organized by the Johor State Forestry Department, aimed to investigate the current nutrient flows and stream macroinvertebrates in PFR, providing preliminary assessments. Utilizing kick and grab sampling techniques, we collected stream macroinvertebrates and benthic sediments along the entire upstream-to-downstream gradient of Pelepah Kiri and Gunung Muntahak. Our findings revealed a diverse assemblage of 385 macroinvertebrates from 28 distinct families, with notable abundance observed in Baetidae (14.0%), Simuliidae (10.6%), and Hydropsychidae (10.6%). The analysis of overall taxonomic composition indicated a Jaccard index similarity of 0.64, suggesting overlapping communities between the two sites. Predators were significantly more abundant in Pelepah Kiri, while collectors were more abundant in Gunung Muntahak. The expedition trails exhibited varying levels of moisture content (ranging from 17.2% to 31.3%), total organic carbon content (≤ 0.4%), and total nitrogen levels (ranging from 1,330 mg/kg to 3,180 mg/kg), while phosphorus loading remained undetectable due to low concentration levels. Nutrient analyses indicated no significant impact of total nitrogen on macroinvertebrate family richness, abundance, and diversity. The study's biological metrics demonstrated good stream quality, with taxa richness ranging from 21 to 20 and EPT taxa richness ranging from 6 to 10. These results highlight the diverse freshwater macroinvertebrate communities in PFR, suggesting the maintenance of favorable water quality for biodiversity preservation. Overall, this study provides critical baseline data for future conservation management strategies in PFR, contributing to our understanding of the intricate connections between nutrient dynamics and stream macroinvertebrates in protected area

    Feeding Regime and Management of Captive Saltwater Crocodile, Crocodylus Porosus in Kota Tinggi, Johor

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    Crocodylus porosus is the largest species of crocodile and can be found in estuarine and riverine area in Malaysia. Crocodile in captivity can be found in Malaysia for various purposes such as tourism, conservation and leather industry. However, the management practice in established crocodile farm varies across park for example in terms of feeding regime. Thus, this study focusses on the feeding regime of C. porosus in captivity and evaluation of management of crocodile of Teluk Sengat Crocodile Farm. This study was carried out for 35 days in two different ponds of Teluk Sengat Crocodile Farm, Kota Tinggi, Johor. The results show majority of the food given to crocodile were chicken (64%), followed by fish (28%) and prawn (8%). Prawn was only given to juvenile crocodile every day, while fish and whole chicken were given to adult crocodile once a week. The feeding frequency are adequate for the juvenile crocodile however, the feeding quantity for adult pond are worrying. Future research should be conducted on other captive population of C. porosus in other areas in Malaysia as well to better understand the overall management practices in Malaysia

    DNA Barcoding of Commercial Fish Sold in Muar Fish Market, Johor

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    Due to the high demand in the fisheries market, species identification is vital for commercial fish to avoid mislabeling and fraud in marketplaces. The increasingly threatening human activities like overfishing, blast fishing, poison fishing, and trawling have become the major threats to fish and caused an urgent need for documentation of both marine and freshwater fishes. Commercial fish products sometimes are sold by their parts, such as fins which further create confusion for identification purposes. Morphological identification also requires highly skilled ichthyologists to avoid misidentification. Thus, identification through DNA barcoding can be utilized as it holds the potential for accurate and rapid identification. Here we identified the commercial marine fish species sold in Muar Fish Market, Johor, using the Cytochrome Oxidase subunit I (COI) gene of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). A 700 base-pair sequence of the COI region was targeted by amplifying extracted DNA from 28 fin samples collected from the fish market. From 28 samples, we successfully sequenced 16 samples, and by using phylogenetic analysis, (Neighbor-Joining (NJ), Maximum Parsimony (MP) and Bayesian Inference (BI)) we successfully identified the samples belonging to nine families (Scombridae, Platycephalidae, Carangidae, Ariidae, Polynemidae, Coryphaenidae, Sphyraenidae, Muraenesocidae, Engraiulidae), 12 genera and 16 species. This study reports the first documentation of commercial fish sold in Muar through the DNA barcoding technique. This technique should be expanded further to identify any species with important conservation implications, such as endangered species, for improved management of fisheries in Malaysia

    Low diversity of fruit bats in the East Coast islands of Terengganu, Malaysia

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    Fruit bats are important pollinators for plants and play important ecological functions and services in the tropical rain forest. Fruit bats are considered more important for the ecological rehabilitation and health of the plant community on islands as other pollinators may not be able to fly across open sea and reach the island. This study was conducted to determine the diversity of fruit bats in three contrasting Terengganu offshore islands, namely, Pulau Perhentian, Pulau Bidong, and Pulau Redang. A total of 40 individuals of four species were captured using 10 mist nets during the 180 mist-net night sampling period from June 27, 2019 until February 29, 2020. Pulau Bidong had the highest number of bats captured (22), followed by Pulau Redang (18) and Pulau Perhentian (0). The most frequently captured species was Cynopterus brachyotis in both islands. No yield in Pulau Perhentian may be caused by tourism activity, seasonal movement following flowering and fruiting trees, or inadequate sampling effort in multiple sites. The data can be further used to determine factors in assessing threats and for future conservation by the management authorities

    Preliminary Ethnoichthyological Assessment: Fish Consumption Patterns among Orang Asli Semelai (Aborigines: Proto-Malay) in Tasek Bera, Pahang

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    Ethnoichthyology, as a field of study, examines the indigenous knowledge held by ethnic groups concerning different fish species. Despite its significance in understanding traditional fishing practices and cultural connections to aquatic resources, data on fish species consumption among the Orang Asli Semelai community remain limited. Therefore, this ethnoichthyological preliminary study aims to address this research gap by documenting the fish species utilized by the Orang Asli Semelai in the Tasek Bera region of Pahang, Malaysia. To achieve this objective, a comprehensive survey and interview session were conducted with a small sample size of four randomly chosen respondents. The study identified 15 fish species solely consumed as food by the community. The most commonly consumed fish species were the Climbing Perch (Anabas testudineus) and Snakehead Murrel (Channa striata). Additionally, the study revealed the presence of the Critically Endangered Jullien's Golden Carp (Probarbus jullieni) among the consumed species, indicating the urgent need for conservation efforts. The findings underscore the significance of integrating sustainable fishing practices and conservation efforts to protect the unique ecosystem of Tasek Bera and preserve the cultural heritage of the Orang Asli Semelai community. Further comprehensive studies and collaborative approaches are vital to safeguarding the region's aquatic biodiversity and ensuring the community's food security sustainably

    Data on first record of brown morph banded langur (presbytis femoralis), leucistic dusky leaf monkey ( trachypithecus obscurus ) in Malaysia and review of morph diversity in langur (colobinae)

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    Morphism refer to polymorphic species, in which multiple colour variants coexist within a population. Morphism in pri- mates is common and langurs also exhibit certain character- istics of morphism, such as conspicuous natal coats. Banded langurs ( Presbytis femoralis ) and dusky leaf monkey ( Trachyp- ithecus obscurus ) exhibits the same characteristics of conspic- uous natal coats, but these coats are only limited to infants and changed when they reached adulthood. This article re- ports the first discovery of rare brown morph of two adult male banded langurs and one leucistic adult female dusky leaf monkey in Malaysia. We also conducted a systematic literature search to review the diversity of morphism in leaf monkey globally

    Preliminary Assessment on Primate Diversity and Potential of PrimaTourism Among Local People and Orang Asli Jakun (Aborigines: Proto-Malay) in Tasik Chini Biosphere Reserve, Pahang, Malaysia

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    PrimaTourism is a well-known aspect of nature tourism that provides valuable benefits for the primate species conservation. Malaysia, with its rich diversity of more than 25 primate species inhabited in the country, holds significant potential for enhancing primate-based tourism. However, the information on primate species in potential tourism spots like Tasik Chini remains limited, with only a few data on their behaviour and ecology. Additionally, the lack of comprehensive information on the primate species poses challenges in identifying potential PrimaTourism product. Thus, this study aimed to assess primate diversity and explore the perception of PrimaTourism among local people in Tasik Chini. A survey and interview session were conducted over five days in two villages around Tasik Chini (Kampung Gumum and Felda Chini), involving a total of 32 respondents. Most respondents reported the presence of two common primate species in their area: the long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) and the pig-tailed macaque (Macaca nemestrina). The result suggested a significant majority (81%) of respondents expressed support for the dusky leaf monkey (Trachypithecus obscurus) as an ideal primate species for PrimaTourism in Tasik Chini, citing its attractive coloration and favoring the development of primate-based tourism. Overall, these findings can serve as essential baseline data for implementing primate tourism in the area, engaging the local community to attract tourists to Tasik Chini effectively and eventually serve as a conservation tool for the primate species.