39 research outputs found

    Exposure to aflatoxin and fumonisin in children at risk for growth impairment in rural Tanzania

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    Growth impairment is a major public health issue for children in Tanzania. The question remains as to whether dietary mycotoxins play a role in compromising children's growth. We examined children's exposures to dietary aflatoxin and fumonisin and potential impacts on growth in 114 children under 36 months of age in Haydom, Tanzania. Plasma samples collected from the children at 24 months of age (N = 60) were analyzed for aflatoxin B₁-lysine (AFB₁-lys) adducts, and urine samples collected between 24 and 36 months of age (N = 94) were analyzed for urinary fumonisin B₁ (UFB₁). Anthropometric, socioeconomic, and nutritional parameters were measured and growth parameter z-scores were calculated for each child. Seventy-two percent of the children had detectable levels of AFB₁-lys, with a mean level of 5.1 (95% CI: 3.5, 6.6) pg/mg albumin; and 80% had detectable levels of UFB₁, with a mean of 1.3 (95% CI: 0.8, 1.8) ng/ml. This cohort had a 75% stunting rate [height-for-age z-scores (HAZ) < −2] for children at 36 months. No associations were found between aflatoxin exposures and growth impairment as measured by stunting, underweight [weight-for-age z-scores (WAZ) < −2], or wasting [weight-for-height z-scores (WHZ) < −2]. However, fumonisin exposure was negatively associated with underweight (with non-detectable samples included, p = 0.0285; non-detectable samples excluded, p = 0.005) in this cohort of children. Relatively low aflatoxin exposure at 24 months was not linked with growth impairment, while fumonisin exposure at 24–36 months based on the UFB₁ biomarkers may contribute to the high growth impairment rate among children of Haydom, Tanzania; which may be associated with their breast feeding and weaning practices

    Community member and policy maker priorities in improving maternal health in rural Tanzania

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    Abstract onlyObjective: To determine community member and policy maker priorities in improving maternal health in rural Tanzania. Methods: The present participatory action research project was conducted in Rorya District, Mara Region, Tanzania, between November 20 and 25, 2015. A convenience sample of four community and one policy maker discussion groups were held to identify factors impacting on maternal health. The inclusion criterion for community members was a recent personal or partner experience with childbirth, or experience as a village leader. The policy maker participants were enrolled from all members of the District Council Health Management Team. Results: There was considerable overlap in priorities expressed by community members and policy makers. The most common priorities were to improve the transportation options for women to get to the health facility, the availability of supplies in the health facilities, and healthcare provider attitudes toward women, and to increase the number of skilled healthcare providers. Policy makers also prioritized improved health education of women, improved access to health facilities, and increased power in decision-making for women. Conclusions: Community members and policy makers have similar priorities for improving maternal health, which involve both social and structural changes