111 research outputs found

    Investigating antecedents and consequences of corporate communication management

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    This paper analyses the influences of managerial communication, marketing communication and organizational communication on corporate communication. In addition, this paper shows how corporate communication management influences organizational performance. This research also investigates the role of corporate leadership in moderating the relationship between corporate communication and organizational performance. Three categories of antecedents, namely, management communication, marketing communication and organizational communication are gathered from the literature. Direct consequences and indirect consequences through relevant mediators are identified. Future research directions are also offered. The compendium of antecedents and consequences of Corporate Communication Management (CCM) can be used by corporate communication practitioners for their segmentation and target stakeholders

    Imej Islam di media cetak : analisis kandungan akhbar mingguan di Malaysia

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    Komunikasi massa adalah suatu proses di mana organisasi media menghasilkan dan menyalurkan maklumat atau mesej kepada khalayak ramai dan mesej-mesej ini akan dilihat, diguna dan difahami oleh penontonnya, sekaligus ianya mempengaruhi mereka. Oleh yang demikian, media dilihat mempunyai kesan yang kuat dalam mempengaruhi publik. Dalam hal ini media juga dilihat berperanan dalam menonjolkan bentuk imej yang tertentu. Imej Islam sejak akhir-akhir ini menjadi isu utama di seluruh dunia dengan pelaporan dalam pelbagai bentuk sama ada positif, negatif ataupun neutral. Imej negatif seperti keganasan, fundamentalis, radikal dan militan sering di kaitkan dengan Islam. Kajian ini cuba melihat imej yang ditonjolkan oleh akhbar mingguan di Malaysia berkaitan imej Islam. Justeru itu, kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengkaji peranan yang dimainkan oleh media cetak dalam proses membantu membentuk imej Islam. Dua akhbar mingguan berbahasa melayu iaitu Berita Minggu dan Mingguan Malaysia yang memperuntukkan ruangan khusus dalam setiap keluarannya mengenai agama Islam telah dipilih dalam kajian ini. Hasil kajian mendapati wujud perbezaan di antara kedua-dua akhbar ini dalam melaporkan berita-berita Islam. Berita-berita Islam ini dikategorikan kepada empat iaitu tauhid, ibadat, akhlak dan perundangan. Kajian yang dijalankan ini sedikit sebanyak dapat memberi sumbangan kepada usaha mengembangkan dan menonjolkan imej Islam yang positif. Pihak pengendali kedua-dua akhbar ini juga dapat menilai berita-berita Islam yang dilaporkan dan diharapkan kajian ini memberikan input yang berguna dalam usaha mempertingkatkan imej Islam di mata duni

    Determinants and consequences of corporate communication management: review of the current literature and a conceptual model

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    This paper is a literature review which analyses the influences of managerial communication, marketing communication and organizational communication on corporate communication.In addition, this paper shows how corporate communication management influences organizational performance. The paper also investigates the role of corporate leadership in moderating the relationship between corporate communication and organizational performance.An integrative framework and a detailed summary table are provided.Three categories of determinants, namely, management communication, marketing communication and organizational communication are gathered from the literature. Direct consequences and indirect consequences through relevant mediators are identified.Future research directions are also offered.The compendium of determinants and consequences of Corporate Communication Management can be used by corporate communication practitioners to segment and target stakeholders

    News Authorship and News Sources: Impacts on Environmental Coverage in The Nigerian Press

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    This study examines the impacts of news authorship and news sources on environmental coverage in the Nigerian press to shed light on the roles they play in news construction. The study finds that journalists in conjunction with policy makers are the catalyst for environmental information, whereas citizens who are pivotal in creating relevant public opinion on environmental issues are left behind. The study reveals that investigative reporting lacks in environmental coverage because most coverage are events driven which explains why environmental news is reported as straight news and as such journalists rely heavily on official sources rather than subsidiary sources. The study opines that for proper environmental coverage, journalists must choose sources from both main and subsidiary actors and revert to proactive, investigative and interpretive reporting so as to make environmental stories relatable to the intended audiences

    Dimensions of supervisory communication and organizational commitment: a case study of a Malaysian organization

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    This research attempts to test the relationship between supervisory communication and organizational commitment based on a Malaysian organization setting. Further tests were conducted to identify which supervisory communication behavior will be a significant predictor of organizational commitment. Two hundred and thirty one (231) respondents from a large semi-government corporation and its subsidiary in Northern Peninsular Malaysia were involved in this study. It reveals that there is significant positive relationship between superior-subordinate communication and organizational commitment. Further analysis indicates that negative relationship communication and job-relevant communication are significant predictors of organizational commitment


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    Advertising has grown exponentially over the last 10 years. In general, advertising can be defined as the activity of a profession of producing information for promoting the sale of commercial products or services in so many ways, including the World Wide Web. For instance, advertising via the web has received much attention from people all over the world. Web advertising, in particular, has big implications to the global businesses because of wide accessibility strategies throughtout the world. Therefore, this study is carried out to identify the antecedents that influenced consumer’s attitudes towards Tourism in Malaysia web advertising that is widely available. Based on a review of the existing literature in a range of fields, this study proposes a conceptual model of the positive relationships between customer’s atitude with informativeness, entertainment, credibility, economic value, interactivity and materialism. The proposed conceptual model is developed based on the Elaboration Likehood (ELM). Tourism Malaysia strongly rides on its slogan ‘Malaysia Truly Asia” that signifies the ever-changing and growing needs for the future. Furthermore, Tourism Malaysia web advertising also can affect the consumer’s decision-making process and behavior. The researcher expects this research to make several theoretical, managerial and policy contributions. For instance, the tourism promotional board which wants to change the customer’s attitude needs to take into consideration the influence factors such as informativeness, entertainment, credibility, economic value, interactivity and materialism for the web adverstisement

    Expatriate adjustment: Validating multicultural personality trait among self-initiated academic expatriates

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    This study looks at the adjustment of self initiated academic expatriates working at one of the public universities in Malaysia.The main aim of the research is to investigate the relationship between Multicultural Personality Questionnaire (MPQ) and the expatriate’s personal, professional and social adjustment.The MPQ consists of five dimensions - cultural empathy, openmindedness,social initiative, emotional stability and flexibility.One-hundred and one questionnaires were distributed to selfinitiated academic expatriates attached to various departments at the university. Results show that the MPQ predicts all three types of adjustment.Apart from the results, the discussions and limitations of the study are also presented in the paper

    Leader-Member exchange and superior-subordinate communication behavior: A case of a Malaysia organization

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    This paper attempts to test the quality of relationship between superiors and subordinates as indicated in leader-member exchange (LMX) theory on superior communication behavior The results of this study indicate that there are no significance differences between out-group and in-group members. However when in-group members were compared to mid-group members the result reveals significance differences between these two groups

    Preface: Communication, empowerment and governance: The 21st century enigma

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    Communication in the 21st century is transforming rapidly through the globalization of organizations and digital technologies.Communication not only shapes organizational governance and empowerment but also influences our way of thinking.Due to these twin forces, the roles of communication must be explored in the context of organizational governance and its impact on media and society. The economic crisis that hit East Asian countries just before the turn of the 21st century and Europe a decade or so later has proven to be a transformative factor triggering local conflict and change (e.g., leadership transitions and uneven liberalization of global economic policies, among others) and creating new organizing processes forcing disparate countries together in closer interactions.In these closer interactions, pressures for conformity and adherence to institutional norms have become a manifest.But the basic clash between western-based conceptions of liberal economic regionalism and the Asian value of mercantilism has created conflicts making future cooperation more difficult. Situations exemplifying this can be found around the globe in very different contexts, even as it is still somewhat surprising to come across the application of similar methodologies in different scenarios and backgrounds.In addressing events such as the economic crisis that befell the East Asian countries, this conference discusses the crucial concerns (and their potential solutions) related to the emergence,interconnected elements from various communication contexts, organizational government perspectives and empowerment that influence our way of thinking in the context of the basic clash between Western-based conceptions of liberal economic regionalism and the Asian value of mercantilism.The conference provides a broad platform for discourse on the emergence and interconnected issues shaped by the meaning of communication, governance and empowerment as understood in the Asia-Pacific region as well as other parts of the world. The 2014 theme “Communication, Empowerment and Governance: The 21st Century Enigma” is aimed toward advancing scholarships in the field of communication which would benefit communities that are experiencing change.This volume comprises papers that were presented at the 4th International Conference on Communication and Media (i-COME’14) which was held in Langkawi Island, from the 18 to 20 October 2014.Organised by the Communication Department, School of Multimedia Technology and Communication, Universiti Utara Malaysia, this conference was attended by 200 participants from 20 countries, including those from Asia, Europe, Africa and Australia.As guest editors of the conference proceedings, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to the members of the scientific committee, reviewers and contributors to this volume for their goodwill, support and patience in revising their papers.We are also grateful to the committee members of the i-COME’14 who have assisted us in bringing this volume to fruition