6 research outputs found

    A comprehensive review on Bhallataka from classical texts of Ayurveda

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    Bhallataka (Semecarpus anacardium Linn.), is one of the important medicinal plant used in Ayurveda. Classical texts of Ayurveda cited its therapeutic efficacy in numerous disease conditions as a single drug and as an ingredient of compound formulations. The present review provides a single hand information collected from classical Ayurvedic literatures on the drug “Bhallataka”, being compiled from 13 Nighantus (lexicons), 16 Samhita/Chikitsa granthas (compendia of Ayurveda) and Rasa granthas (Compendia related to Rasashastra). It is observed that, more than 80 synonyms were coined for describing the morphological and pharmacological characters of Bhallataka. Different parts of Bhallataka are attributed with different pharmacological properties and actions. There is some difference of opinion regarding the properties and actions in the later nighantus. It is also used as an ingredient of different compound formulations which were used in 23 different dosage forms, where Taila (Oil), Ghrita (Ghee), Churna (Powder), Vati (Tablet) and Kashaya (Decoction) are found to be maximum number. Majority of formulations containing Bhallataka are indicated in Arsha (Haemorrhoids), Kushtha (Skin diseases), Gulma (Lump), Grahani (derangement of agni situated in grahani), Prameha (Polyuria) and Vataroga (Diseases of vata origin). Since the drug is mentioned under semipoisonous group of drugs, judicious use of Bhallataka, after proper processing is advocated. Specific collection and storage practices, antidotes and dietary habits to be followed during Bhallataka administration to prevent possible adverse effects are also documented in classical texts of Ayurveda


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    Bajra, also known as pearl millet, African millet or spiked millet, originated in Northern-Central Sahel of West Africa, was introduced 2500 years ago into Indian subcontinent. However, it is mentioned in Ayurvedic texts from 14th Century AD onwards as Nali under Truna dhanya or Kudhanya vargas. It is considered as a major source of Gluten free diet and is used in the management of Coeliac disease and other gluten allergy conditions worldwide. Indians are also including millet into their day to day diet in accordance with the global trend.  However the conditions of Gluten allergy and Coeliac disease are not common in Southern India. Hence, the necessity of Gluten free diet in South Indian Population is under question. It is hypothesized that excessive millet usage could be a reason behind thyroid dysfunction and goitre. Regular millet only diet may also lead to a nutrition deprived state in people who are not gluten sensitive. Ayurveda also emphasizes on avoidance of regular use of Kudhanyas. This review comprises different aspects of dietary inclusion of Bajra. The properties and usability of Bajra as a gluten free diet, utility of Bajra in populations which are not gluten allergic and the effects of Bajra on health and disease form the core of this review.

    Physicochemical, preliminary phytochemical and powder microscopical studies of “M-Swadishta virechana churna†–An Ayurvedic poly herbal formulation

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    Ayurvedic formulation M-Swadista virechana churna is known to be an effective laxative in diseases like Arsha (heamorrhoids), Amasangraha (accumulation of Ama-undigested toxic substance) and Vibandha (constipation). Literature reviews revealed that there are no reports available on the physicochemical standardization & Powder microscopy of   “M-Swadishta virechana churna. Hence, analytical studies have been taken up to derive the Pharmacopoeial standards for quality control. The ayurvedic compound formulation, M-Swadishta virechana churna contains Swarnapatri (Cassia angustifolia), Madhuka (Glycerrhiza glabra) and Ikshu Sarkara (cane sugar- Saccharam officinarum). The present communication deals with the physico chemical, preliminary phyto chemical and chromatographic with powder microscopical studies gave valuable parameters for laying down Pharmacopoeial standards of the compound formulation