12 research outputs found

    Atmospheric trace metal deposition from natural and anthropogenic sources in Western Australia

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    Aerosols from Western Australia supply micronutrient trace elements including Fe into the western shelf of Australia and further afield into the Southern and Indian Oceans. However, regional observations of atmospheric trace metal deposition are limited. Here, we applied a series of leaching experiments followed by total analysis of bulk aerosol samples to a unique time-series of aerosol samples collected in Western Australia to determine atmospheric concentrations and solubilities of Fe and V, Mn, Co, Zn, and Pb. Positive matrix factorisation analysis indicated that mineral dust, biomass burning particulates, sea salt, and industrial emissions were the major types of aerosols. Overall, natural sources dominated Fe deposition. Higher atmospheric concentrations of mineral dust (sixfold) and biomass burning emissions were observed in warmer compared to cooler months. The fraction of labile Fe (0.6–6.0%) was lower than that reported for other regions of Australia. Bushfire emissions are a temporary source of labile Fe and may cause a peak in the delivery of its more easily available forms to the ocean. Increased labile Fe deposition may result in higher ocean productivity in regions where Fe is limiting, and the effect of aerosol deposition on ocean productivity in this region requires further study

    Atmospheric Trace Metal Deposition near the Great Barrier Reef, Australia

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    Aerosols deposited into the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) contain iron (Fe) and other trace metals, which may act as micronutrients or as toxins to this sensitive marine ecosystem. In this paper, we quantified the atmospheric deposition of Fe and investigated aerosol sources in Mission Beach (Queensland) next to the GBR. Leaching experiments were applied to distinguish pools of Fe with regard to its solubility. The labile Fe concentration in aerosols was 2.3–10.6 ng m−3, which is equivalent to 4.9%–11.4% of total Fe and was linked to combustion and biomass burning processes, while total Fe was dominated by crustal sources. A one-day precipitation event provided more soluble iron than the average dry deposition flux, 0.165 and 0.143 μmol m−2 day−1, respectively. Scanning Electron Microscopy indicated that alumina-silicates were the main carriers of total Fe and samples affected by combustion emissions were accompanied by regular round-shaped carbonaceous particulates. Collected aerosols contained significant amounts of Cd, Co, Cu, Mo, Mn, Pb, V, and Zn, which were mostly (47.5%–96.7%) in the labile form. In this study, we provide the first field data on the atmospheric delivery of Fe and other trace metals to the GBR and propose that this is an important delivery mechanism to this region

    Widespread phytoplankton blooms triggered by 2019–2020 Australian wildfires

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    Droughts and climate-change-driven warming are leading to more frequent and intense wildfires1,2,3, arguably contributing to the severe 2019–2020 Australian wildfires4. The environmental and ecological impacts of the fires include loss of habitats and the emission of substantial amounts of atmospheric aerosols5,6,7. Aerosol emissions from wildfires can lead to the atmospheric transport of macronutrients and bio-essential trace metals such as nitrogen and iron, respectively8,9,10. It has been suggested that the oceanic deposition of wildfire aerosols can relieve nutrient limitations and, consequently, enhance marine productivity11,12, but direct observations are lacking. Here we use satellite and autonomous biogeochemical Argo float data to evaluate the effect of 2019–2020 Australian wildfire aerosol deposition on phytoplankton productivity. We find anomalously widespread phytoplankton blooms from December 2019 to March 2020 in the Southern Ocean downwind of Australia. Aerosol samples originating from the Australian wildfires contained a high iron content and atmospheric trajectories show that these aerosols were likely to be transported to the bloom regions, suggesting that the blooms resulted from the fertilization of the iron-limited waters of the Southern Ocean. Climate models project more frequent and severe wildfires in many regions1,2,3. A greater appreciation of the links between wildfires, pyrogenic aerosols13, nutrient cycling and marine photosynthesis could improve our understanding of the contemporary and glacial–interglacial cycling of atmospheric CO2 and the global climate system