14 research outputs found

    Shopping behaviour and preferences in e-commerce of Turkish and American university students: implications from cross-cultural design

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    With internationalization of commerce and business and with increased use of e-business and c-commerce, it is important to ensure that these systems can be effectively utilized across cultural boundaries. To increase effectiveness, appropriate changes and modifications in the systems may be required. With this in mind, a survey of 300 Turkish university students was undertaken to assess their on-line shopping and behaviour preferences, and these were compared with the results derived from 64 US university students. The results provide guidelines for specific design of features for the Turkish population that may not be necessary for the US population

    Le Grand Livre de la Formation

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    Ouvrage de référence orienté avant tout vers la pratique, Le Grand Livre de la Formation présente l'ensemble des règles et usages de la formation professionnelle : contexte juridique, enjeux, acteurs, construction et suivi des actions. Résultat de débats entre de nombreux spécialistes, conçu en partenariat avec I'ANDRH et le GARF, ce livre exhaustif propose à la fois des pistes de réflexion et des solutions concrètes pour le développement et l'optimisation des actions de formation à mettre en..