81 research outputs found

    Metallic brackets bonded with resin-reinforced glass lonomer cements under different enamel conditions

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    Objective: To assess the shear bond strength of metallic orthodontic brackets bonded with either Fuji Ortho or Ortho Glass LC resin-reinforced glass ionomer cements to enamel surfaces under different conditions, namely, enamel without etching, enamel conditioned with 37% phosphoric acid and enamel conditioned with Transbond Plus Self Etching Primer (TPSEP). Materials and Methods: One hundred and five bovine inferior incisors were divided into seven groups (n = 15). In group 1 (control) Transbond XT was used according to the manufacturer's recommendations. In groups 2, 3, and 4 all using Fuji Ortho LC, the brackets were bonded, respectively, to enamel nonetched, enamel etched with 37% phosphoric acid, and enamel etched with TPSEP. In groups 5, 6, and 7, the bonding was performed using Ortho Glass LC under the same enamel conditions observed in the other experimental groups. After 24 hours, shear bond strength tests were performed for all samples at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min. Results: The results (MPa) showed no statistically significant difference between groups 1, 3, and 4 (P >.05). However, such groups were statistically superior to the others (P .05). Group 5 showed the lowest shear strength value, which was also statistically inferior to the other groups (P <.05). Conclusions: Regardless of the enamel treatment, Fuji Ortho LC yielded shear strength values superior to those from Ortho Glass LC.76470070

    Opening and closure forces of sliding mechanisms of different self-ligating brackets

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    Self-ligating brackets engage the wire by means of a slide mechanism. Forces that have to be applied to open and close the sliding mechanism of brackets are still unknown. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to measure and compare the opening and closure forces of different self-ligating brackets. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Three different stainless steel self-ligating brackets (Carriere LX, Ortho Organizers; F1000, Leone; Damon Q, Ormco) were tested. For each different bracket, 20 maxillary right central incisors and 20 mandibular right central incisors were used. Opening and closure forces were measured using an Instron Universal Testing Machine. Statistical analysis was performed and ANOVA and Tukey tests were carried out. RESULTS: Opening forces were registered between 1.1 N and 5.6 N, whereas closure forces were recorded between 1.57 N and 4.87 N. Significant differences were detected among the different brackets and between the two prescriptions tested. CONCLUSION: The knowledge of different opening and closure forces of self-ligating brackets can help the orthodontist in the clinical management of these devices