64 research outputs found

    A test on Ellenberg indicator values in the Mediterranean evergreen woods (Quercetea ilicis)

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    The consistency and reliability of Ellenberg’s indicator values (Eiv) as ecological descriptors of the Mediterranean evergreen vegetation ascribed to the phytosociological class Quercetea ilicis have been checked on a set of 859 phytosociological relevés × 699 species. Diagnostic species were identified through a Twinspan analysis and their Eiv analyzed and related to the following independent variables: (1) annual mean temperatures, (2) annual rainfall. The results provided interesting insights to disentangle the current syntaxonomical framework at the alliance level demonstrating the usefulness of ecological indicator values to test the efficiency and predictivity of the phytosociological classification

    Raman spectroscopy as a versatile tool for studying the properties of graphene.

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    Raman spectroscopy is an integral part of graphene research. It is used to determine the number and orientation of layers, the quality and types of edge, and the effects of perturbations, such as electric and magnetic fields, strain, doping, disorder and functional groups. This, in turn, provides insight into all sp(2)-bonded carbon allotropes, because graphene is their fundamental building block. Here we review the state of the art, future directions and open questions in Raman spectroscopy of graphene. We describe essential physical processes whose importance has only recently been recognized, such as the various types of resonance at play, and the role of quantum interference. We update all basic concepts and notations, and propose a terminology that is able to describe any result in literature. We finally highlight the potential of Raman spectroscopy for layered materials other than graphene

    Impaired JAK2-induced activation of STAT3 in failing human myocytes.

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    Although angiotensin (Ang)II-induced Janus-activated kinase (JAK)2 phosphorylation was reported to be enhanced in failing human cardiomyocytes, the downstream balance between cardio-protective (signal transducer and activator of transcription-STAT3) and the pro-inflammatory (STAT2 and STAT5) response remains unexplored. Therefore STATs phosphorylation and putative genes overexpression following JAK2 activation were investigated in isolated cardiomyocytes obtained from failing human hearts (n = 16), and from non-failing(NF) hearts of humans (putative donors, n = 6) or adult rats. In NF myocytes Ang II-induced JAK2 activation was followed by STAT3 phosphorylation (186 \ub1 45% at 30 min), with no STAT2 or STAT5 response. The associated B cell lymphoma (Bcl)-xL overexpression (1.05 \ub1 0.39 fold) was abolished by both JAK2 and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK)1/2 inhibitors (AG490, 10 \u3bcM, and PD98059, 30 \u3bcM, respectively), whereas Fas ligand (Fas-L) response (0.91 \ub1 0.21 fold) was inhibited only by p38MAPK antagonism (SB203580, 10 \u3bcM). In failing myocytes Ang II-induced JAK2 activation was followed by STAT2 (237 \ub1 38%) and STAT5 (222 \ub1 31%) phosphorylation, with no STAT3 response. No changes in Bcl-xL expression were observed, and the associated Fas-L gene overexpression (1.14 \ub1 0.27 fold) being abolished by p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) antagonism. The altered JAK2 induced STATs response in human failing cardiomyocytes may be of relevance for the progression of cardiac dysfunction in heart failure

    Fatores interferentes nas ações da equipe da Estratégia Saúde da Família ao portador de transtorno mental

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    Estudo qualitativo com equipes da Estratégia Saúde da Família do município de Maringá - PR que visou conhecer os fatores que interferem nas ações ao portador de transtorno mental. Os dados foram coletados através da metodologia do grupo focal e submetidos à análise de conteúdo. Foram citadas questões pessoais, profissionais e relacionadas à estruturação do serviço, tais como sentimentos negativos, despreparo profissional e priorização de ações curativas. Na rede de saúde mental há os critérios para atendimento, a referência e contra-referência deficiente e a atividade matricial. Na realização das ações encontrou-se o vínculo, a falta de envolvimento da família, a recusa da atuação da equipe e a baixa adesão a terapêutica. Foram detectados poucos fatores que contribuem para as ações enquanto muitos as dificultam, contudo, identificá-los permite que as equipes trabalhem para fortalecer a assistência em saúde mental