3,719 research outputs found

    Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis

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    Os autores apresentam um caso de esteatohepatite não alcoólica numa mulher obesa, não diabética, que evoluiu para cirrose hepática. A propósito desta entidade revêem a literatura discutindo a sua história natural e os principais processos patológicos a ela associados. Destacam a importância da obesidade no desenvolvimento da esteatohepatite e da vantagem, em casos seleccionados, da execução de biópsia hepática, como técnica de diagnóstico fundamental

    Investigacion en enfermeria: Brasil y Portugal en la construccion de la identidad profesional

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    Objective: to investigate the construction of professional identity in Brazilian and Portuguese nursing research, according to the perception of their researchers, adopting Gaston Bachelard as a theoretical framework. Method: descriptive and exploratory research, with a qualitative approach, undertaken in Brazil and Portugal. Semistructured interviews were held with 17 nurse researchers from both countries, with experience in scientific research and doctorates and/or post-doctorates. Analysis of the data was undertaken in the following order: exploratory phase, selection of the units of meaning and process of codification of the units of analysis, with the respective construction of aprioristic categories. Results: two categories emerged for discussion: object and lines of research in nursing; and the political attitude of the researchers. Conclusion: the weak points in the construction of the professional identity need to be broken with, based on the undertaking of experimental investigations, with immediate responses for the health services and which meet the social requirements. Professional satisfaction is the best advertisement for the profession. Through professional qualification in nursing it will be possible to occupy better positions and undertake the role of leadership and the political attitude with greater apprpriateness.Objetivo: compreender a construção da identidade profissional na pesquisa em enfermagem de Brasil e de Portugal segundo a percepção de seus pesquisadores, adotando-se Gaston Bachelard como referencial teórico. Método: pesquisa descritiva, exploratória, de abordagem qualitativa, realizada no Brasil e Portugal. Adotou-se entrevista semiestruturada com 17 enfermeiros pesquisadores de ambos os países, com experiência em pesquisa científica e título de doutorado e/ou pós-doutorado. A análise dos dados obedeceu a seguinte ordem: fase exploratória, seleção das unidades de significado e processo de codificação das unidades de análise com a respectiva construção de categorias não-apriorísticas. Resultados: emergiram duas categorias para discussão: Objeto e linhas de pesquisa em enfermagem; e, Atitude política dos pesquisadores. Conclusão: as fragilidades na construção da identidade profissional precisam ser rompidas a partir do desenvolvimento de investigações experimentais, com respostas imediatas aos serviços de saúde e que atendam às demandas sociais. Profissional satisfeito é o maior marketing da profissão. Por meio da qualificação profissional na enfermagem será possível ocupar melhores cargos e desenvolver com maior propriedade o papel de liderança e a atitude política.percepción de sus investigadores, adoptándose Gaston Bachelard como referencial teórico. Método: investigación descriptiva, exploratoria, de abordaje cualitativo, realizado en Brasil y Portugal. Se adoptó entrevista semiestructurada con 17 enfermeros investigadores de ambos países, con experiencia en investigación científica y titulo de doctorado y/o post-doctorado. El análisis de los datos obedeció el siguiente orden: fase exploratoria, selección de las unidades de significado y proceso de codificación de las unidades de análisis con la respectiva construcción de categorías no apriorísticas. Resultados: emergieron dos categorías para discusión: Objeto y líneas de investigación en enfermería y; actitud política de los investigadores. Conclusión: las fragilidades en la construcción de la identidad profesional precisan ser rotas a partir del desarrollar de investigaciones experimentales, con respuestas inmediatas a los servicios de salud y que atiendan a las demandas sociales. Profesional satisfecho es el mayor marketing de la profesión Por medio de la calificación profesional en enfermería será posible ocupar mejores cargos y desarrollar con mayor propiedad el papel de liderazgo y la actitud política.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Bayesian Prompt Learning for Image-Language Model Generalization

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    Foundational image-language models have generated considerable interest due to their efficient adaptation to downstream tasks by prompt learning. Prompt learning treats part of the language model input as trainable while freezing the rest, and optimizes an Empirical Risk Minimization objective. However, Empirical Risk Minimization is known to suffer from distributional shifts which hurt generalizability to prompts unseen during training. By leveraging the regularization ability of Bayesian methods, we frame prompt learning from the Bayesian perspective and formulate it as a variational inference problem. Our approach regularizes the prompt space, reduces overfitting to the seen prompts and improves the prompt generalization on unseen prompts. Our framework is implemented by modeling the input prompt space in a probabilistic manner, as an a priori distribution which makes our proposal compatible with prompt learning approaches that are unconditional or conditional on the image. We demonstrate empirically on 15 benchmarks that Bayesian prompt learning provides an appropriate coverage of the prompt space, prevents learning spurious features, and exploits transferable invariant features. This results in better generalization of unseen prompts, even across different datasets and domains. Code available at: https://github.com/saic-fi/Bayesian-Prompt-Learnin

    Prenormative verification and validation of a protocol for measuring magnetite-maghemite ratios in magnetic nanoparticles

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    An important step in establishing any new metrological method is a prenormative interlaboratory study, designed to verify and validate the method against its stated aims. Here, the 57Fe Mössbauer spectrometric 'centre of gravity' (COG) method was tested as a means of quantifying the magnetite/maghemite (Fe3O4/γ-Fe2O3) composition ratio in biphasic magnetic nanoparticles. The study involved seven laboratories across Europe and North and South America, and six samples—a verification set of three microcrystalline mixtures of known composition, and a validation set of three nanoparticle samples of unknown composition. The spectra were analysed by each participant using in-house fitting packages, and ex post facto by a single operator using an independent package. Repeatability analysis was performed using Mandel's h statistic and modified Youden plots. It is shown that almost all (83/84) of the Mandel h statistic values fall within the 0.5% significance level, with the one exception being borderline. Youden-based pairwise analysis indicates the dominance of random uncertainties; and in almost all cases the data analysis phase is only a minor contributor to the overall measurement uncertainty. It is concluded that the COG method is a robust and promising candidate for its intended purpose

    Measuring Invisible Particle Masses Using a Single Short Decay Chain

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    We consider the mass measurement at hadron colliders for a decay chain of two steps, which ends with a missing particle. Such a topology appears as a subprocess of signal events of many new physics models which contain a dark matter candidate. From the two visible particles coming from the decay chain, only one invariant mass combination can be formed and hence it is na\"ively expected that the masses of the three invisible particles in the decay chain cannot be determined from a single end point of the invariant mass distribution. We show that the event distribution in the log(E1T/E2T)\log(E_{1T}/E_{2T}) vs. invariant mass-squared plane, where E1TE_{1T}, E2TE_{2T} are the transverse energies of the two visible particles, contains the information of all three invisible particle masses and allows them to be extracted individually. The experimental smearing and combinatorial issues pose challenges to the mass measurements. However, in many cases the three invisible particle masses in the decay chain can be determined with reasonable accuracies.Comment: 45 pages, 32 figure

    Obesity and treatment meanings in bariatric surgery candidates: a qualitative study

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    Background This study used a qualitative approach to comprehend how the morbid obese conceptualize and deal with obesity and obesity treatment, with the particular aim of exploring the expectations and beliefs about the exigencies and the impact of bariatric surgery. Methods The study population included 30 morbid obese patients (20 women and 10 men) with a mean age of 39.17 years (SD = 8.81) and a mean body mass index of 47.5 (SD = 8.2) interviewed individually before surgery using open-ended questions. The interviews were audiotaped, transcribed, and then coded according to grounded analysis methodology. Results Three main thematic areas emerged from the data: obesity, eating behavior, and treatment. Obesity is described as a stable and hereditary trait. Although participants recognize that personal eating behavior exacerbates this condition, patients see their eating behavior as difficult to change and control. Food seems to be an ever-present dimension and a coping strategy, and to follow an adequate diet plan is described as a huge sacrifice. Bariatric surgery emerges as the only treatment for obesity, and participants highlight this moment as the beginning of a new life where health professionals have the main role. Bariatric surgery candidates see their eating behavior as out of their control, and to commit to its demands is seen as a big sacrifice. For these patients, surgery is understood as a miracle moment that will change their lives without requiring an active role or their participation. Conclusion According to these results, it is necessary to validate them with qualitative and quantitative studies; it is necessary to promote a new awareness of the weight loss process and to empower patients before and after bariatric surgery.Bolsa de doutoramento SFRH/BD/37069/2007 da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Interplay between liver and blood stages of Plasmodium infection dictates malaria severity via γδ T cells and IL-17-promoted stress erythropoiesis

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    © 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).Plasmodium replicates within the liver prior to reaching the bloodstream and infecting red blood cells. Because clinical manifestations of malaria only arise during the blood stage of infection, a perception exists that liver infection does not impact disease pathology. By developing a murine model where the liver and blood stages of infection are uncoupled, we showed that the integration of signals from both stages dictated mortality outcomes. This dichotomy relied on liver stage-dependent activation of Vγ4+ γδ T cells. Subsequent blood stage parasite loads dictated their cytokine profiles, where low parasite loads preferentially expanded IL-17-producing γδ T cells. IL-17 drove extra-medullary erythropoiesis and concomitant reticulocytosis, which protected mice from lethal experimental cerebral malaria (ECM). Adoptive transfer of erythroid precursors could rescue mice from ECM. Modeling of γδ T cell dynamics suggests that this protective mechanism may be key for the establishment of naturally acquired malaria immunity among frequently exposed individuals.We would like to acknowledge Freddy Frischknecht (Integrative Parasitology Center for Infectious Diseases, Heidelberg) for providing the Plasmodium berghei lisp2− parasite line, Immo Prinz (Hannover Medical School, Hannover) for providing genetically modified mouse lines, Ana Parreira (iMM-JLA, Portugal) and Geoff McFadden’s lab (School of BioSciences, University of Melbourne, Australia) for mosquito rearing and infection with Plasmodium parasites, Helena Pinheiro (iMM-JLA, Portugal) for assistance with graphical design, Inês Bento and Miguel Prudêncio for critically reviewing this manuscript, and the Flow Cytometry and Rodent Facilities teams (iMM-JLA, Portugal) for their assistance. Work at iMM-JLA was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia. Portugal (PTDC/MED-IMU/28664/2017) and the “La caixa” Banking Foundation, Spain (HR17-00264-PoEMM) grants attributed to Â.F.C. and M.M.M., respectively. Work at the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, The University of Melbourne, Australia, was funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia (1113293, 1154457) and the Australian Research Council, Australia (CE140100011). Â.F.C., S.M., J.L.G., M.I.M., R.M.R., and K.S. were supported by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal (DL57/2016/CP1451/CT0004, DL57/2016/CP1451/CT0010, PD/BD/139053/2018, PD/BD/135454/2017, PTDC/MAT-APL/31602/2017, and CEECIND/00697/2018, respectively), P.L. was supported by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tenológico, Brazil (SN/CGEFO/CNPQ 201801/2015-9), and A.T.T. was supported in part by Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Fellowship (FG-2020-12949).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Fauna used in popular medicine in Northeast Brazil

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Animal-based remedies constitute an integral part of Brazilian Traditional Medicine. Due to its long history, zootherapy has in fact become an integral part of folk medicine both in rural and urban areas of the country. In this paper we summarize current knowledge on zootherapeutic practices in Northeast of Brazil, based on information compiled from ethnobiological scientific literature.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In order to examine the diversity of animals used in traditional medicine in Northeast of Brazil, all available references or reports of folk remedies based on animals sources were examined. 34 sources were analyzed. Only taxa that could be identified to species level were included in assessment of medicinal animal species. Scientific names provided in publications were updated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The review revealed that at least 250 animal species (178 vertebrates and 72 invertebrates) are used for medicinal purposes in Northeast of Brazil. The inventoried species comprise 10 taxonomic categories and belong to 141 Families. The groups with the greatest number of species were fishes (n = 58), mammals (n = 47) and reptiles (n = 37). The zootherapeutical products are used for the treatment of different illnesses. The most widely treated condition were asthma, rheumatism and sore throat, conditions, which had a wide variety of animals to treat them with. Many animals were used for the treatment of multiple ailments. Beyond the use for treating human diseases, zootherapeutical resources are also used in ethnoveterinary medicine</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The number of medicinal species catalogued was quite expressive and demonstrate the importance of zootherapy as alternative therapeutic in Northeast of Brazil. Although widely diffused throughout Brazil, zootherapeutic practices remain virtually unstudied. There is an urgent need to examine the ecological, cultural, social, and public health implications associated with fauna usage, including a full inventory of the animal species used for medicinal purposes and the socio-cultural context associated with their consumption.</p