3,226 research outputs found

    Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 Resistance and Cross-Decreased Susceptibility to Oseltamivir and Zanamivir Antiviral Drugs

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    Neuraminidase inhibitors (NAIs) oseltamivir and zanamivir are currently the only effective antiviral drugs available worldwide for the management of influenza. The potential development of resistance is continually threatening their use, rationalizing and highlighting the need for a close and sustained evaluation of virus susceptibility. This study aimed to analyze and characterize the phenotypic and genotypic NAIs susceptibility profiles of A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses circulating in Portugal from 2009 to 2010/2011. A total of 144 cases of A(H1N1)pdm09 virus infection from community and hospitalized patients were studied, including three suspected cases of clinical resistance to oseltamivir. Oseltamivir resistance was confirmed for two of the suspected cases. Neuraminidase (NA) H275Y resistant marker was found in viruses from both cases but for one it was only present in 26.2% of virus population, raising questions about the minimal percentage of resistant virus that should be considered relevant. Cross-decreased susceptibility to oseltamivir and zanamivir (2-4 IC50 fold-change) was detected on viruses from two potentially linked community patients from 2009. Both viruses harbored the NA I223V mutation. NA Y155H mutation was found in 18 statistical non-outlier viruses from 2009, having no impact on virus susceptibility. The mutations at NA N369K and V241I may have contributed to the significantly higher baseline IC50 value obtained to oseltamivir for 2010/2011 viruses, compared to viruses from the pandemic period. These results may contribute to a better understanding of the relationship between phenotype and genotype, which is currently challenging, and to the global assessment of A(H1N1)pdm09 virus susceptibility profile and baseline level to NAIs

    Modelos de exercício profissional usados pelos enfermeiros em hospitais portugueses

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    A Systemic Review of Endocardial Left Ventricular Pacing

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    Background: Endocardial left ventricular pacing is an alternative technique used in cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT), when placement of a left ventricular lead is not possible via the coronary sinus or in non-responders to conventional CRT. Objectives: To review the evidence regarding the efficacy and safety of endocardial left ventricular pacing. Methods: Systematic research on Medline (PubMed), ClinicalTrials.gov and Embase with the terms "endocardial left ventricular pacing", "biventricular pacing" or "endocardial left pacing" was performed with the identification of 1038 results. Eleven studies with endocardial left ventricular pacing patients were included, independent of the technique being applied to naïve CRT patients or con non-responders to conventional CRT. The end-point of this analysis was the impact of endocardial left ventricular pacing techniques regarding New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional classification, left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) and QRS width, and the occurrence of complications Mean differences (MD) and confidence interval (CI) was used as a measurement of treatment. Results: A total of 560 patients were included, with different techniques used (trans-atrial septal technique, trans-ventricular septal technique and transapical technique). Significant improvement was registered in NYHA class (MD 0.73, CI 0.48-0.98, p<0.00001, I2 = 87%), LVEF (MD -7.63, CI -9.93 - -5.33, p<0.00001, I2 = 69%) and QRS width (MD 29.25, CI 9.99-48.50, p<0.00001, I2 = 91%). Several complications were reported after the procedure, 11 pocket infections, 22 transient ischemic attacks, 18 ischemic strokes, 41 thromboembolic events, among other complications. The mortality rate during the follow-up was 20.54%. Conclusion: Left ventricular endocardial pacing is a feasible alternative to conventional CRT, with clinical, electrocardiographic and echocardiogrphic improvement. However, first data regarding this procedure was associated with significant complications rates.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mapping Local Cytosolic Enzymatic Activity in Human Esophageal Mucosa with Porous Silicon Nanoneedles

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    Porous silicon nanoneedles can map Cathepsin B activity across normal and tumor human esophageal mucosa. Assembling a peptide‐based Cathepsin B cleavable sensor over a large array of nano­needles allows the discrimination of cancer cells from healthy ones in mixed culture. The same sensor applied to tissue can map Cathepsin B activity with high resolution across the tumor margin area of esophageal adenocarcinoma. [Image: see text

    desafios para a saúde

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    Anemia grave como apresentação de linfoma T Angioimunoblástico : um caso clínico

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    Introdução: O linfoma T Angioimunoblástico é uma entidade rara, que representa 1 a 2% dos linfomas não Hodgkin, com envolvimento sistémico associado a fenómenos auto-imunes.1,2 Caracteriza-se por um comportamento agressivo e clinicamente por uma apresentação súbita de sintomas constitucionais, adenomegálias generalizadas, hepatoesplenomegália, anemia e hipergamaglobulinemia.2 Objetivos: Partilhar apresentação de um caso clínico de Linfoma T Angioimunoblástico e suas particularidades transfusionais. Métodos: Observação, exame objectivo e recolha de história clínica junto da doente. Consulta de registos clínicos no programa Sorian e recolha de dados analíticos relevantes nos programas WebAppolo, ASIS e registos de estudos pré-transfusionais realizados no SSMT. Recolha de dados, telefonicamente, junto do IPST, relativamente aos estudos pré-transfusionais realizados no mesmo. Resultados: Doente do sexo feminino, 72 anos, autónoma, sem antecedentes transfusionais, apresentava em consulta de ambulatório queixas de dor abdominal difusa, com três dias de evolução, sem alterações do trânsito intestinal. Exame objectivo sem alterações relevantes. Analiticamente apresentava Hb 11.1 g/dL. Realizou TC abdominal que mostrou “expressão quística parapiélica bilateral, adenomegálias ileo-pélvicas, pequenas adenopatias periaórticas e densificação retroperitoneal”. Duas semanas mais tarde inicia quadro de cansaço para pequenos esforços, associado a anorexia, perda de peso e palidez cutânea, pelo que recorre ao Serviço de Urgência. Apresentava-se hemodinamicamente estável, pálida, com sudorese, apirética, polipneica. Sat O2-97% com 2L/min de O2. Ligeira dor à palpação abdominal nos quadrantes inferiores, sem defesa. Analiticamente: Hb 3.1 g/dL normocitica/normocrómica. Não reunia critérios de anemia hemolítica. Foram requisitadas duas Unidades (U) de Concentrado Eritrocitário (CE). No estudo pré-transfusional, método em gel, encontrou-se: PAI positiva – Poliaglutinação (3+) tanto em meio de LISS/Coombs como enzimático. TAD positivo (Poliespecífico 4+; Monoespecíficos - IgG 4+; IgM 3+; C3c 3+; C3d 4+; Título de IgG 1:100); Provas de compatibilidade (PC), com várias unidades de CE, positivas (de pelo menos 2+) . Foi decidido protelar a transfusão por estabilidade hemodinâmica da doente. No dia seguinte por valor de Hb 2.6g/dL e agravamento do estado clínico, realizou, após administração de Hidrocortisona 200 mg e Clemastina 2mg, transfusão de 1 U de CE compatibilizada no IPST (PC positiva 1+, método em tubo). A transfusão decorreu sem intercorrências, no controlo pós-transfusional (CPT) - Hb 4.0g/dL, com melhoria franca da sintomatologia. Inicia corticoterapia (Prednisolona 1 mg/Kg/dia). Foi de novo transfundida dois dias mais tarde, Hb 3,7 g/dL, tendo sido enviada Unidade do (1U CE - IPST - PC negativa) . Não se registaram intercorrências, CPT - Hb 5.4g/dL. Após 8 dias de Internamento, e a realização de diversos MCDTs foi diagnosticado um Linfoma T Angioimunoblástico. Conclusão: O Linfoma T Angioimunoblástico pode apresentar-se com um quadro clínico inicial de anemia grave, de instalação rápida, que pelas suas características imunologicas, pode obrigar ao adiamento da transfusão. REFERÊNCIAS BIBLIOGRÁFICAS 1- Zão, I., Dias, M., Castro, M., Coutinho, R., Cabral, R., Regadas, L., Casais, C., Xavier, L., Gonçalves, C., Mota, A., Pinho, L., Coutinho, J., . Manifestações auto-imunes do linfoma T angioimunoblástico . , 2017, Reunião Anual SPH, PO47 2- Xu, B., Liu. P., No Survival Improvement for Patients with Angioimmunoblastic T-Cell Lymphoma over the Past Two Decades: A Population-Based Study of 1207 Cases, 2014, PLOS ONE, Volume 9, Issue 3; e92585info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Correlation of Helicobacter pylori genotypes with gastric histopathology in the central region of a South-European country

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    BACKGROUND: Outcome of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection results from interaction of multiple variables including host, environmental and bacterial-associated virulence factors. AIM: This study aimed to investigate the correlation of cagA, cagE, vacA, iceA and babA2 genotypes with gastric histopathology and disease phenotype in the central region of a South-European country. METHODS: This prospective study involved 148 infected patients (110 female; mean age 43.5 ± 13.4 years) submitted to endoscopy with corpus and antrum biopsies. H. pylori was cultured and DNA extracted from the isolates. Genotypes were determined by PCR. Histopathological features were graded according to the updated Sydney system and OLGA/OLGIM classification. Only patients with single H. pylori genotypes and complete histopathological results were included. RESULTS: Antrum samples presented higher degrees of atrophy, intestinal metaplasia, chronic inflammation and neutrophil activity. Genotype distribution was as follows: cagA-31.8 %; cagE-45.9 %; vacA s1a-24.3 %; vacA s1b-19.6 %; vacA s1c-0.7 %; vacA s2-55.4 %; vacA m1-20.9 %; vacA m2-79.1 %; vacA s1m1-18.9 %; vacA s1m2-25.7 %; vacA s2m1-2 %; vacA s2m2-53.4 %; iceA1-33.8 %; iceA2-66.2 %; babA2-12.2 %. CagA genotype was significantly associated with higher degrees of intestinal metaplasia, neutrophil activity, chronic inflammation and OLGIM stages. BabA2 was linked with higher H. pylori density. Strains with vacA s1m1 or vacA s1m1 + cagA positive genotypes had a significant association with peptic ulcer and vacA s2m2 with iron-deficient anemia. CONCLUSIONS: cagA, vacA s1m1 and babA2 genotypes are relatively rare in the central region of Portugal. cagA-positive strains are correlated with more severe histopathological modifications. This gene is commonly associated with vacA s1m1, and such isolates are frequently found in patients with peptic ulcer.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Usefulness of information and communication technologies : portuguese nurses' look

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    Objective: to identify nurses’ perception on the usefulness of information and communication technologies in their professional practice, as well as in communication among the multidisciplinary team. Method: this is a quantitative, descriptive study, of exploratory character, carried through with 3.451 nurses from 36 hospital institutions of Portugal. A questionnaire was used as a data collection instrument. In data analysis, using SPSS® resorted to descriptive statistics. Results: of the nine technologies under study, we found that regarding their usefulness in professional practice, nurses qualified as useful or very useful: Intranet (84.3%), email (79.5%), SClínico® (74.8%), Nursing Practice Support System (70.9%), Physician Support System (63.2%), newsletter (62.9), ALERT® (59.4%), Health Data Platform (42.8%) and SONHO® (31.8). Regarding its usefulness in communication among the multidisciplinary team, nurses qualified as useful or very useful: email (75.2%), Intranet (74.2%), SClínico (72.5%), Nursing Practice Support System (67.1%), Physician Support System (63.6%), ALERT® (58.9%), newsletter (57.2), Health Data Platform (40.1%) and SONHO® (29.4%). Conclusion: despite the usefulness of technologies presenting relevant percentages, it is pertinent to analyze why nurses’ perceived usefulness is superior to Intranet and email when compared with specific technologies of care data used in the hospital context.Objetivo: identificar a percepção dos enfermeiros sobre a utilidade das tecnologias de informação e comunicação na sua prática profissional, bem como na comunicação entre a equipe multidisciplinar. Método: estudo quantitativo, descritivo, de caráter exploratório, realizado com 3.451 enfermeiros, de 36 instituições hospitalares de Portugal Continental. Como instrumento de coleta de dados foi utilizado um questionário. Na análise dos dados, utilizando o SPSS®, recorreu-se à estatística descritiva. Resultados: das nove tecnologias em estudo constata-se que relativamente à sua utilidade na prática profissional, os enfermeiros qualificaram como útil ou muito útil a Intranet (84,3%), o Correio Eletrônico (79,5%), o SClínico® (74,8), o Sistema de Apoio à Prática de Enfermagem (70,9%), o Sistema de Apoio ao Médico (63,2%), o Boletim informativo (62,9), o ALERT® (59,4%), a Plataforma de Dados da Saúde (42,8%) e o SONHO® (31,8). No que se refere à sua utilidade no âmbito da comunicação entre a equipe multidisciplinar, os enfermeiros qualificaram como útil ou muito útil o Correio Eletrônico (75,2%), a Intranet (74,2%), o SClínico (72,5%), o Sistema de Apoio à Prática de Enfermagem (67,1%), o Sistema de Apoio ao Médico (63,6%), o ALERT® (58,9%), o Boletim informativo (57,2), a Plataforma de Dados da Saúde (40,1%) e o SONHO® (29,4%). Conclusão: apesar da utilidade das tecnologias apresentar percentuais relevantes, torna-se pertinente analisar o motivo pelo qual a percepção de utilidade dos enfermeiros é superior para a Intranet e para o Correio Eletrônico quando comparados com as tecnologias específicas de dados assistenciais utilizadas no contexto hospitalar.Objetivo: identificar la percepción de los enfermeros sobre la utilidad de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en su práctica profesional, así como en la comunicación entre el equipo multidisciplinario. Método: estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo, exploratorio, realizado con 3.451 enfermeros, de 36 instituciones hospitalarias de Portugal. Como instrumento de recolección de datos se utilizó un cuestionario. En el análisis de datos, usando el SPSS®, fue utilizado estadística descriptiva. Resultados: de las nueve tecnologías estudiadas, encontramos que en relación a su utilidad en la práctica profesional, los enfermeros describieron la Intranet (84,3%), el correo electrónico (79,5%), el SClínico® (74,8%), el Sistema de Apoyo a la Práctica de Enfermería (70,9%), el Sistema de Apoyo al Médico (63,2%), el boletín informativo (62,9), el ALERT® (59,4%), el Plataforma de Datos de Salud (42,8%) y el SONHO® (31,8). En cuanto a su utilidad en el contexto de comunicación entre el equipo multidisciplinar, los enfermeros calificaron el correo electrónico (75,2%), la Intranet (74,2%), el SClínico® (72,5%), el Sistema de Apoyo a la Práctica de Enfermería (67,1%), el Sistema de Apoyo al Médico (63,6%), el ALERT® (58,9%), el boletín informativo (57,2%), la Plataforma de Datos de Salud (40,1%) y el SONHO® (29,4%). Conclusión: a pesar de la utilidad de las tecnologías para presentar porcentajes relevantes, es pertinente analizar la razón por la cual la percepción de utilidad de las enfermeras es superior para la Intranet y para el Correo Electrónico cuando se compara con las tecnologías específicas de datos asistenciales utilizadas en el contexto hospitalario.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Seguimento a Longo Prazo da Ablação de Arritmias Ventriculares com Origem na Câmara de Saída Ventricular Baseada em Mapeamento Não Contacto por Balão Multi-Elétrodos

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    Introduction: The outflow tract (OT) regions of the ventricles are a common location of origin for idiopathic ventricular arrhythmias (VA). Non-contact mapping (NCM) with a multi-electrode balloon catheter Ensite-Array enables three-dimensional reconstruction of the geometry of the cardiac chambers and accurate mapping of the propagation map, based on a single beat analysis, facilitating the ablation and contributing procedure success. Objective: Assessment of the feasibility and long-term outcomes following NCM-guided OT VA ablation. Methods: Single center retrospective analysis of patients admitted for symptomatic OT VA ablation. Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients, procedure data and long-term outcomes were assessed. Results: Fifty-eight patients (79.3% female, age 43.9±17.6 years) were considered, 89.7% without structural heart disease. In 85.7% of the cases left ventricle ejection fraction (LVEF) was preserved (LVEF≥50%), 8.6% had mild systolic dysfunction (LVEF 40%-49%) and 5.7% had moderate systolic dysfunction (LVEF 30%-39%). Twenty-four-hour Holter recording documented sustained VA episodes in 12.1% of the patients, non-sustained VA in 31.0%, and >10 000 premature ventricular complex (PVC)/24 h in 56.9%, with an ECG suggesting right ventricular OT origin in 84.5%. There was total elimination of PVC in 87.9% cases and a significant reduction in 3.4%. During a mean follow-up of 5.5 years, 87.9% patients remained asymptomatic without medication, 12.1% underwent re-ablation due to symptomatic PVC recurrence, and two cases underwent a third successful intervention. Conclusion: Non-contact mapping-guided multi-electrode balloon catheter VA ablation is a highly effective and safe procedure, with a low rate of long-term recurrence.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio