1,151 research outputs found

    Sqrt{shat}_{min} resurrected

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    We discuss the use of the variable sqrt{shat}_{min}, which has been proposed in order to measure the hard scale of a multi parton final state event using inclusive quantities only, on a SUSY data sample for a 14 TeV LHC. In its original version, where this variable was proposed on calorimeter level, the direct correlation to the hard scattering scale does not survive when effects from soft physics are taken into account. We here show that when using reconstructed objects instead of calorimeter energy and momenta as input, we manage to actually recover this correlation for the parameter point considered here. We furthermore discuss the effect of including W + jets and t tbar+jets background in our analysis and the use of sqrt{shat}_{min} for the suppression of SM induced background in new physics searches.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures; v2: 1 figure, several subsections and references as well as new author affiliation added. Corresponds to published versio

    Cuidado de enfermagem para enfermeiros docentes na perspectiva da complexidade

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    O cuidado de enfermagem complexo é condição essencial para a compreensão do ser humano como singular e multidimensional. Assim, objetivou-se conhecer o significado do cuidado de enfermagem para enfermeiros docentes, na perspectiva da complexidade. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, realizada com sete enfermeiros docentes deum curso de enfermagem de nível superior da região central do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Os dados foram coletados no mês de novembro de 2011, por meio do grupo focal, a partir de três encontros, sistematizados com temáticas que contemplassem o objetivo deste estudo. Para a análise de dados, foi utilizada a análise textual discursiva. Os resultados evidenciaram o cuidado de enfermagem como construção singular que vai além de um cuidado técnico-prescritivo, pontual e linear. Conclui-se que o cuidado de enfermagem não pode ser concebido como açãoreducionista, mas como construção singular, que envolve interações, reflexões e autoconhecimento

    Interleaved Parton Showers and Tuning Prospects

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    General-purpose Monte Carlo event generators have become important tools in particle physics, allowing the simulation of exclusive hadronic final states. In this article we examine the Pythia 8 generator, in particular focusing on its parton-shower algorithms. Some relevant new additions to the code are introduced, that should allow for a better description of data. We also implement and compare with 2 to 3 real-emission QCD matrix elements, to check how well the shower algorithm fills the phase space away from the soft and collinear regions. A tuning of the generator to Tevatron data is performed for two PDF sets and the impact of first new LHC data is examined

    East and west separation of Rhipicephalus sanguineus mitochondrial lineages in the Mediterranean Basin

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    Background: Rhipicephalus sanguineus belongs to a complex of hard tick species with high veterinary-medical significance. Recently, new phylogenetic units have been discovered within R. sanguineus, which therefore needs taxonomic revision. The present study was initiated to provide new information on the phylogeography of relevant haplotypes from less studied regions of Europe and Africa. With this aim, molecular-phylogenetic analyses of two mitochondrial markers were performed on 50 ticks collected in Hungary, the Balkans, countries along the Mediterranean Sea, Kenya and Ivory Coast. Results: In the "temperate lineage" of R. sanguineus, based on cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (cox1) and 16S rRNA genes, Rhipicephalus sp. I was only found in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Basin (with relatively homogenous haplotypes), whereas Rhipicephalus sp. II occurred in the middle-to-western part of this region (with phylogenetically dichotomous haplotypes). Ticks identified as R. leporis (based on morphology and cox1 gene) were found in Kenya and Ivory Coast. These clustered phylogenetically within R. sanguineus (s.l.) ("tropical lineage"). Conclusions: In the Mediterranean Basin two mitochondrial lineages of R. sanguineus, i. e. Rhipicephalus sp. I and Rhipicephalus sp. II exist, which show different geographical distribution. Therefore, data from this study confirm limited gene flow between Rhipicephalus sp. I and Rhipicephalus sp. II, but more evidence (analyses of nuclear markers, extensive morphological and biological comparison etc.) are necessary to infer if they belong to different species or not. The phylogenetic relationships of eastern and western African ticks, which align with R. leporis, need to be studied further within R. sanguineus (s.l.) ("tropical lineage")

    Clinical experience in T cell deficient patients

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    T cell disorders have been poorly understood until recently. Lack of knowledge of underlying molecular mechanisms together with incomplete data on long term outcome have made it difficult to assess prognosis and give the most effective treatment. Rapid progress in defining molecular defects, improved supportive care and much improved results from hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) now mean that curative treatment is possible for many patients. However, this depends on prompt recognition, accurate diagnosis and careful treatment planning